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The Inquiry Page

The Inquiry Page inquiry.uiuc.edu Support Inquiry Teaching & Learning class Illinois Board of Higher Education, Chickscope Professional Development Committee on Institutional Cooperation NCSA staff, students at Purdue and UIUC UI Research Board Inquiry partners History Course website

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The Inquiry Page

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  1. The Inquiry Page inquiry.uiuc.edu

  2. Support • Inquiry Teaching & Learning class • Illinois Board of Higher Education, Chickscope Professional Development • Committee on Institutional Cooperation • NCSA staff, students at Purdue and UIUC • UI Research Board • Inquiry partners

  3. History • Course website • Project website • Ease of use issues • Increasing support for collaboration • Shift to community focus

  4. What is Inquiry? • Creating opportunities to engage students in active learning based on their own questions. • A learner centered and learner driven process. • A cycle where each question leads to an exploration which will then lead to more questions to investigate. • The process of asking, investigating, creating, discussing, and reflecting, and then asking again.

  5. What is the Inquiry Page? • Partner project • Resource for inquiry teaching philosophy • Collaborative teaching & learning community • Lesson planning support and idea site

  6. Inquiry involves students as active learners. They may hatch chickens, run a business, or investigate evolution. How does Inquiry work?

  7. The Inquiry Page … is designed to foster inquiry-based learning. Participants include community members, P-12 teachers, museum educators, librarians, university students and faculty, scientists, and others engaged in a variety of lifelong and informal learning activities. The development of the site has been design-through-use: The processes of creating, using, and critiquing the site and the resources within it should exemplify the open-ended aspects of inquiry and social participation that the site itself is encouraging.

  8. A collaboratory, where users • find resources to support inquiry-based learning • share, discuss and build upon each others' work • use tools offered by Inquiry partners • explore new ways to assess inquiry-based learning • dialogue with others about new approaches to teaching, learning, and community problem-solving • participate in the institutions that affect their lives

  9. Elements • Quote of the Day: Writings on inquiry • Collaborative technologies • Inquiry in Action: What inquiry looks like • Evaluation/Assessment resources • Collaborative bibliography • Inquiry Units: Searchable database of Units • Inquiry Partners: projects, courses, libraries, museums, schools, community groups, …

  10. Types of Inquiry Units • Lesson plan • Syllabus • Student work product • Locus for collaborative investigation • Policy discussion thread • Community action plan • Multimedia digital library document • Pathfinder or bibliography

  11. Curriculum units • Graduate course:What are the processes and consequences of electronic publication? • Reflection on teaching:What directions do children's interests take in story reading as inquiry? • Activities to connect science and language: What does hatching chicks have to do with language arts?? • Workshop on poetry writing: Poetry as play

  12. Library resources • Multilingual needs:What library and information services are provided for librarians serving the Latino community? How can we present these in the form of a website to librarians and other information professionals? • Policy statement on a collection: What sort of selection policy would be appropriate for developing a 'zine collection?

  13. Independent inquiry • How can a former language arts teacher utilize his or her experience in a library science career? • How can one create an evaluation scheme for web sites focusing on books for junior high students? • How can one create a pathfinder to aid students in literary reports?

  14. Community action • Create Your Personal SisterNet Spiritual Health Plan

  15. Next steps • Partners: National Science Digital Library, STC Water, Living on the Prairie, East St. Louis, Sisternet, Chicago Lab School, visualization of web • Search: VisIT, VIBE • Use in courses • Collaboratory enhancements • Business & Technical Writing program • Bibliography tool

  16. Participation • inquiry.uiuc.edu • Weekly meeting: Tuesday, 5:00-6:00 pm at 131 LIS, 501 E. Daniel • Events: www.inquiry.uiuc.edu/bin/events.cgi • Listservs: all, developers, DIME, research, technical, assessment, … • Participatory design

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