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Introduction, approaches & methodology

Introduction, approaches & methodology. Isnani A. S. Suryono Workshop on Scientific Paper Writing Surabaya, 23-26 Oktober 2008 DP2M-DIKTI_PETRA. Structure of a scientific paper. Basic structure  IMRAD : I ntroduction (what question was asked?) M ethodology (How was it studied?)

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Introduction, approaches & methodology

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  1. Introduction, approaches & methodology Isnani A. S. Suryono Workshop on Scientific Paper Writing Surabaya, 23-26 Oktober 2008 DP2M-DIKTI_PETRA

  2. Structure of a scientific paper Basic structure IMRAD: • Introduction (what question was asked?) • Methodology (How was it studied?) • Results (What was found?) • And • Discussion (What do the findings mean?)

  3. Introduction Heart of the paper! • Whole idea on why we do a research (Back ground) • What do we expect?  • Hypothesis & / objective of study should be summarized & written in concrete sentences, usually at the last paragraph.. • Concise, Clear, Logic & Systematic, Interesting!

  4. Introduction: Consisting of 2 paragraphs (usually not longer than 1 page): • Main reasons for doing the research (questions that need to be answered), explain it in a logical sequence, relevant with selected literature. • A summary on how we plan to do it (research design) and research hypothesis, objectives, what we expect the outcome will be.

  5. Approaches (?) Analytic approaches: • Qualitative • Quantitative

  6. Methodology Several forms: • Materials & Methods • Some journals separated Materials from Methods Now most journals include materials/subject of research under the caption: methodology / methods

  7. Methods • Important part of the manuscript, since is the most common cause of rejection. • Main purposes: to describe, sometimes to defend the experimental design, provide details sufficient enough for others to repeat the study, • Should be clear, detailed, but concise. • Standard methods  appropriate reference.

  8. Modification of standard Methods • Whenever “modifications” of published methods are used, authors should : • Give complete details of any new methods used. • Give the precision of the measurements undertaken. • Use statistical analysis sensibly. • Help of a statistician needed at the planning stage of study, to improve the design & analysis.

  9. References • Hall GH. Structure of a scientific paper. In: Hall GH, ed. How to write a paper. London: BMJ, 1994: p. 1-3. • Smith R. Introduction. In: Hall GH, ed. How to write a paper. London: BMJ, 1994: p. 6-13 • Drummond G B. Methods. In: Hall GH, ed. How to write a paper. London: BMJ, 1994: p.15-8 • Sastroasmoro S. Penulisan makalah ilmiah untuk jurnal: Sistematika dan Format Umum. Pada Workshop on medical report writing. The Second annual Jakarta International Epidemiology Course for Clinicians. FKUI & UICC. Jakarta: 25 Nov-6 Des. 1996 • Tjokronegoro A. Sistematika dan cara membuat bagian-bagian makalah ilmiah, terutama penelitian. Pada loka-karya Teknik Penulisan Artikel Ilmiah. Badan LitBangKes. Jakarta: 6-10 Des. 1999. h. 21-23

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