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NASS Mail Lists

NASS Mail Lists. Roger Beinhart International Programs Office August 24, 2006. Definitions. sampling frame: a means by which a target population may be sampled a list of all sampling units & a set of rules for identifying population units. Definitions. target population

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NASS Mail Lists

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  1. NASS Mail Lists Roger Beinhart International Programs Office August 24, 2006

  2. Definitions sampling frame: • a means by which a target populationmay be sampled • a list of all sampling units &a set of rules for identifyingpopulation units

  3. Definitions target population all the items (people, farms, animals, businesses, etc.)about which information is needed sampling units well-defined units that allow access to the target population population units individual elements of the target population

  4. NASS Sampling Frames List frame: • farmers • agri-businesses • fields/orchards Area frame: • segments of land

  5. NASS List Frame What is it? data to identify, locate & contactfarmers & agri-businesses name address telephone number state, district & county Social Security Number Employer Identification Number data about the farm/business total area individual crop area grain storage capacity peak livestock inventories peak number of hired workers . . .

  6. List development: Sources • previous census list • NASS list frame • lists from other Federal & state agencies • lists from trade associations & similar organizations Record linkageidentify & remove duplication

  7. NASS List Frame How is it constructed? sources for new names & data growers organizations farm program lists state & local tax records state & local license records lists from other federal, state & local agencies newspaper & magazine articles sources for updating names & data on-going NASS surveys Census of Agriculture

  8. NASS List Frame How is it used?

  9. NASS List Frame 1997

  10. NASS List Frame 1997

  11. NASS List Frame 1999

  12. NASS List Frame 1999

  13. NASS List Frame

  14. Coverage evaluation: • Why evaluate coverage? • difficult to build a complete list • reporting errors

  15. NASS List Frame Strengths: • can use inexpensive data collection methods (mail, telephone) • can target specific or rare commodities • can reduce variability due to sampling • cost efficient

  16. NASS List Frame Weaknesses: • does not cover entire population • goes out-of-date quickly • increased non-sampling errors due todata collection methods • requires on-going maintenance build update remove duplication remove out-of-scope records

  17. Coverage evaluation: • NASS area frame • screen for farms in area segments • obtain farm data for selected items • determine if area farms on census list • for area farms not on census list, expand data  undercount • for area farms on census list, compare farm status then… • expand data for false non-farms undercount • expand data for false farms & duplication overcount

  18. Outreach efforts to improve list frame: • Special efforts to better reach minority farms • Small farms always a challenge to identify • Have to determine value of lists provided

  19. CBO/Contact Call Sheet My name is ____________________ and I am calling from the _____________ office of the National Agricultural Statistics Service of USDA. We are conducting an outreach effort to improve the representation of minority and limited resource farmers in the upcoming 2007 Census of Agriculture. We would like to verify the name, address and contact information for you/your organization so that we can send you information concerning our outreach efforts. Please verify the following information: Name and Address Info (Label) CBO _____________________________________________________ Contact Person ____________________________________________ Address___________________________________________________ City, State, Zip _____________________________________________ Phone Number ____________________________________________ e-mail ___________________________________________________ Corrected Name and Address Info CBO _____________________________________________________ Contact Person_____________________________________________ Address___________________________________________________ City, State, Zip _____________________________________________ Phone Number ____________________________________________ e-mail ___________________________________________________ Thank you very much for your cooperation. You will receive an outreach package in the near future.

  20. Dear Contact Person: The U.S. Department of Agriculture is committed to providing quality programs and services to all farmers. As part of this commitment, USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) is striving to make sure that minority and limited-resource farmers and ranchers are counted in the 2007 Census of Agriculture. To do this, we need your help. The data that NASS collects through the Census of Agriculture are used by policy makers, farm organizations, researchers, agribusinesses, and others who make decisions that affect the lives and livelihoods of our Nation’s farmers and ranchers. Each agricultural operation, regardless of its size, is an important part of the picture. All data provided to NASS by your organization or constituents are kept confidential by law according to Title 7, U.S. Code and will not be disclosed to any other government or private entity. As we prepare for the 2007 census, we want to work with you and your organization to reach out to producers who might not otherwise be counted. Our first step is to ensure that these producers are included on the mailing list to receive a census questionnaire. Then, we want to help these individuals understand the importance of the census and their participation in it. Finally, we want to maximize response to the census and would be interested in your suggestions of employees or clients who may be interested in being hired to collect data for NASS. I would welcome the chance to discuss these efforts in person at your earliest convenience. I will follow up with you by phone in the next week to schedule a meeting. Meanwhile, I thank you for your consideration and assistance. Sincerely, NAME Director, STATE Field Office USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service

  21. Dear Contact Person: USDA is re-committing itself to providing programs and services to all farmers. Agencies within the Department are collaborating to ensure that progress is made in attaining this goal. To assist in this mission, the National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) is conducting an outreach effort to improve the quality of data provided by the Census of Agriculture on minority farmers and ranchers. Good data will provide the foundation for solid funding requests by Community Based Organizations (CBOs) and other service providers and for effective policy decisions at the Federal level. High quality census data require the inclusion of all minority farmers and ranchers on the census list and a completed census questionnaire from all farmers and ranchers. To help prepare for a successful 2007 Census of Agriculture, we must have your assistance. First, NASS needs your organization to help make sure that farmers in your group and community are on the census mail list and receive a census questionnaire. You can help in at least four ways. 1) Provide a list of your clients or constituents to our State Field Office. 2) Provide lists of participants at your meetings. 3) Distribute NASS developed list building brochures (see examples enclosed) to producers in your area. 4) Promote the NASS ‘Sign Up’ website ( www.nass.usda.gov/counts ) in your CBO newsletters and other communication to your clients. You can also help promote the census. Promotion can be done in a variety of ways, including the following. 1) Include articles or ads written by you or by NASS in your organization's newsletter or other communications to your clients. 2) Invite NASS to make a presentation to your constituency at a conference. 3) Distribute NASS promotional materials to your constituency and within your community.

  22. A successful 2007 census requires that all farmers and ranchers complete the census questionnaire. You can assist NASS data collection efforts to obtain a high response in the following ways. 1) Encourage your clients to complete their census questionnaire during January - March 2008. 2) Organize a census data collection meeting(s) where NASS staff are available to assist CBO clients in completing their census reports. 3) Identify CBO employees or clients who may be interested in being hired as enumerators to collect data for NASS. If you can provide help in any of these capacities, please complete the enclosed Response Form and return it to our State office by {suggested response date}. This office will contact you and provide further instruction. Any data provided to NASS by your organization or constituents are kept confidential by law according to Title 7, U.S. Code and will not be disclosed to any other government or private entity. Remember that census data effect the formation of and access to government programs and will also impact future outreach efforts. Also enclosed are order forms for materials that may be of use to your group. Data products, sign up and promotional materials can be obtained with these forms. Examples of these materials are included in this mailing. Please return these order forms with the response form. If you have any questions, please contact ___________________. Sincerely, State Director

  23. Order Form for Partnership Activities Quick Facts brochures TypeTotal General ___________ Women ___________ Asian ___________ Black or African American ___________ Hispanic ___________ American Indian ___________ or Alaska Native List Building brochures for census participation TypeTotal Farmers and Ranchers ___________ You Should Be Counted If... ___________ Women ___________ Asian ___________ Black or African American ___________ Hispanic ___________ Hispanic (in Spanish) ___________ American Indian ___________ or Alaska Native Contact Person / Organization: _____________________________________________

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