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Ancient Greek Art

Ancient Greek Art. Greek art. Considered the classic art Three types of artforms dominated this time period: Sculpture, temples/architecture and painted vessels Sculptures idealized Greek values of strength and youth Temples/Architecture celebrated the gods

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Ancient Greek Art

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  1. Ancient Greek Art

  2. Greek art • Considered the classic art • Three types of artforms dominated this time period: Sculpture, temples/architecture and painted vessels • Sculptures idealized Greek values of strength and youth • Temples/Architecture celebrated the gods • Painted vases depicted athletic competitions and battles

  3. Sculpture • 3 time periods in Greek sculpture • Archaic, Classical and Hellenistic • Greeks had a large supply of marble for sculptures

  4. Archaic • 600 to 480 BC • “Stiff and ridged” appearance • Influenced by Egyptian sculpture

  5. Classical • Sculptures were more “realistic” • Portrayed the human body with draped cloth and robes • Sculptures had a sense of movement • Idealistic concept of human figure…almost formulaic in approach to creating the “ideal human figure”

  6. Hellenistic • Approx. 300 BC • Sculptures sought to portray strength, youth and courage • Greek gods were portrayed in the same manner as the humans…same size, not larger • Greek stories of the gods possessed human characteristics,

  7. Vase Paintings • Paintings done in black on red or red on black…. • Process of scratching into surface of paint to reveal under color

  8. Temples & Architecture • 3 major forms of architecture: Doric, Ionic and Corinthian • Identified via columns • Doric: ring under square platform, square/rectangular structure of building • Ionic: two scrolls on either side, square/rectangular structure of building square/rectangular structure of building • Corinthian: elaborate detailing on upper column, round structure of building

  9. Resources • http://www.historylink101.com/lessons/art_history_lessons/greek_art.htm • http://www.google.com/images?rlz=1T4ADSA_enUS375US377&q=greek+vase+painting&um=1&ie=UTF-8&source=univ&ved=0CCcQsAQwAA&imgtype=i_similar&sa=X&ei=aViOTN-QDYH_8Abt16GlCg&ct=img-sim-l&oi=image_sil&resnum=4&tbnid=7f0wwUtNnRcKZM: • http://static.howstuffworks.com/gif/parthenon-and-the-acropolis-landmark-1.jpg

  10. critique • Describe the art: shapes? Lines? Any negative space? Subject? Color? Material? • Analyze: How did the artist use the info above? • Interpret: what is the artwork about and what function does it serve? • Judgement: how successful is it?

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