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Safety Down Day October 2010

Safety Down Day October 2010. Thank you for your participation!. ORM. In flying, I have learned that carelessness and overconfidence are usually far more dangerous than deliberately accepted risks.— Wilbur Wright in a letter to his father, September 1900. ORM.

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Safety Down Day October 2010

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  1. Safety Down DayOctober 2010 Thank you for your participation!

  2. ORM In flying, I have learned that carelessness and overconfidence are usually far more dangerous than deliberately accepted risks.— Wilbur Wright in a letter to his father, September 1900

  3. ORM http://flash.aopa.org/asf/flightrisk/learn-about-flight-risk.cfm

  4. Operational Risk Management

  5. The 5M Concept Man, Media, Machine, Management, Mission

  6. The 5M Concept – Man (1) I’M SAFE Illness Medication Stress Alcohol Fatigue Emotion All of the above can degrade performance and should be considered a risk.

  7. The 5M Concept – Media (2) Media is the environment in which anyone is conducting an activity. Snow Storm Runway Dust Storm Mountain Areas

  8. The 5M Concept – Machine (3) This is an example of the proper user interface with a computer. It minimizes the effects of muscle fatigue, carpel tunnel, and straining of the eyes, among other things. You can use ORM each day at a computer to prevent such injuries. When dealing with a machine, knowing its maintenance history (logbook, check recent issues), performance (max weight), parts, upkeep, repair, et cetera is all important. The preflight inspection is therefore significant in order to check and review the design, maintenance, logistics, and tech data of the particular aircraft you are about to takeoff in.

  9. The 5M Concept – Management (4) Management is always YOU! After all the regs, policies, analyses, and gathered opinions, YOU are the one who makes the final decision if the activity you are about to partake in is risky. Does the benefit(s) outweigh the risk(s)? YOU have the final say: Go/No-Go

  10. The 5M Concept – Mission (5) Traffic Reports EPA Watches Counter Drug Ops Search and Rescues

  11. Operational Risk Management Now that we’ve reviewed what contributes to ORM, where does the Civil Air Patrol stand with ORM and how do we conduct an actual ORM assessment for a situation?

  12. “Create a Civil Air Patrol in which all personnel manage risk such that all operations are successfully completed at the least possible cost.” CAP ORM Vision

  13. “Enhance mission effectiveness at all levels while minimizing risk.” CAP ORM Mission

  14. Accept no unnecessary risks. Make risk decisions at the appropriate level. Accept risks when benefits outweigh costs. Integrate ORM into doctrine and planning at all levels. ORM Principles

  15. What are the three main reasons that “unnecessary risks” are sometimes taken? How can the taking of unnecessary risks be minimized? Corollary is “Accept Necessary Risk”. Accept no unnecessary risk Flying is tough, it's even tougher if you do something stupid. Don't do nuthin dumb! ~ Ralph Royce (US WWII Army Air Forces General)

  16. #1 - Not aware of the risk. #2 - An incorrect assessment of cost versus benefit. #3 - Interpreting “bold risk taking” to mean gambling. Three reasons for taking unnecessary risks Don’t be a show-off. Never be too proud to turn back.. There are old pilots and bold pilots, but no old, bold pilots. - E. Hamilton Lee

  17. Improve hazard detection procedures and awareness of risks. Improve risk decision making skills at all levels of the organization. Train personnel at all levels regarding the risk management “credo” not “Mission accomplishment at any cost”, but “Mission accomplishment at the least cost.” Procedures for minimizing the taking of unnecessary risk There is no reason to fly through a thunderstorm in peacetime. ~ Sign over squadron ops desk at Davis-Monthan AFB, AZ, 1970.

  18. The ORM 6 - Step Process 1. Identify the Hazards 6. Supervise and Review 2. Assess the Risks 5. Risk Control Implementation 3. Analyze Risk Control Measures 4. Make Control Decisions

  19. Operational Risk AssessmentORM Simplest Example 1. Identify the Hazards: Limited visibility due to the fog and a hill. You are unfamiliar with this road and have no idea what is on the other side. 2. Assess the Risks: Due to the fog and hill obstructing your vision you will have difficulty seeing traffic or obstructions on the road. 3. Analyze Risk Control Measures: You have no control over the weather but you can control your speed. 4. Make Control Decisions: Slow down. This is the only option available to you. 5. Implement Risk Controls: Slow down to a safe speed. 6. Supervise and Review: Assess whether or not your new speed is slow enough for the conditions and adjust as needed.

  20. HAZARD VERSUS RISK A description of a condition that can impair mission accomplishment. No indication of its mission significance. HAZARD A hazard for which we have estimated the severity, probability, and scope with which it can impact our mission. RISK

  21. What impact on mission? What impact on people? What impact on things (material, facilities, environment)? SEVERITY

  22. SEVERITY CATEGORIES • CATASTROPHIC - Complete mission failure, death, or loss of system • CRITICAL - Major mission degradation, severe injury, occupational illness, or • major system damage • MODERATE - Minor mission degradation, injury, minor occupational illness, • or minor system damage • NEGLIGIBLE - Less than minor mission degradation, injury, occupational • illness or minor system damage

  23. Use the cumulative probability of all causation factors. Express in descriptive or quantitative terms. Use experience data when possible. Acknowledge uncertainty. PROBABILITY

  24. Frequent Likely Occasional Seldom Unlikely PROBABILITY CATEGORIES

  25. Probability Frequent Likely Occasional Seldom Unlikely A B C D E S Extremely I Catastrophic E V II High Critical High High E R III Moderate Medium I T Low IV Negligible Y Risk Levels The Risk Assessment Index

  26. Risk Assessment (detailed)

  27. Operational Risk ManagementConclusion Realize the rock is there, Analyze if the rock will cause harm, Mitigate the harm. Don’t get caught under a boulder! But a pebble won’t hurt. (if not dropped from a large distance, that is…)

  28. Some Delaware Wing Mishap Reports • Weather damage to aircraft: snow and ice caused aircraft tail to hit ground. • Mitigation: Sand bag on nose during icing and heavy snow conditions • Cadet Laceration: due to fall over pipe sticking out of the ground • Mitigation: stay on lighted path; require a flashlight in night conditions while off a path; be sure grounds are safe • Fire during engine start: minimal damage due to situational awareness and quick action of crew • Mitigation: sustain the least damage by being aware and anticipating what to do in the event of a fire • Cadet Sprained Ankle: due to fall in hole in ground • Mitigation: Walk around inspection of grounds before activity

  29. How can the following be mitigated?

  30. How can the following be mitigated?

  31. How can the following be mitigated?

  32. How can the following be mitigated?

  33. How can the following be mitigated?

  34. How can the following be mitigated?

  35. How can the following be mitigated?

  36. How can the following be mitigated?

  37. Additional Information AOPA Aviation Security: http://www.aopa.org/whatsnew/la-security.html Additional information available at the ORM University through the Civil Air Patrol Website: http://creports.capnhq.gov/ormu/ Canadian Safety Management System (SMS) Transport Canada website GAIN products (including risk assessment, airline flight ops, etc.) and proceedings available – www.gainweb.org – report on Safety Management Systems on the cd and website Aviation Conference Education (ACE) – courses http://www.skygod.com/quotes/piloting.html

  38. Additional Information (con’t) FAA – introductory System Safety Course (OKC; 3-day course) http://rgl.faa.gov/regulatory_and_guidance_library/rgadvisorycircular.nsf/0/6485143d5ec81aae8625719b0055c9e5/$FILE/AC%20120-92.pdf FAA Office of System Safety (www.faa.gov) - advice on system safety issues System Safety Handbook – FAA http://www.faa.gov/library/manuals/aviation/risk_management/ss_handbook/ Appendix to FAA order 8040.4 for FAA contact points for specific areas of expertise SAE – www.sae.org – ARP4761 – guidance for airlines and other organizations – courses/conferences

  39. Thank you for your attention and as always, Be Safe!

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