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How to use the GALEX SkyNode *

How to use the GALEX SkyNode *. A quick tutorial by the MAST/GALEX Team at STScI. *SkyNode was developed and is maintained by JHU staff. 1.1. What is SkyNode?. SkyNode is the interface to a prototype of a “federated” database application called SkyQuery .

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How to use the GALEX SkyNode *

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  1. How to use the GALEX SkyNode* A quick tutorial by the MAST/GALEX Team at STScI *SkyNode was developed and is maintained by JHU staff 1.1

  2. What is SkyNode? • SkyNode is the interface to a prototype of a “federated” database application called SkyQuery. • At the heart of SkyQuery is spatial matching, which means we want to find the same objects listed in different catalogs. • Astronomical archives double every year. Increasingly, data are stored in on-line archives. Instrumental surveys covering a large fraction of the sky are a major part of this revolution. SkyQuery relies on surveys stored at different geographic locations.

  3. SkyQuery: Interface • The SkyQuery interface window is divided in 2 parts: • The list of SkyNodes can be queried by marking checkboxes • A SQL-like text box is used to submit queries

  4. SkyQuery: consult a SkyNode’sparameters. Step 1 The contents of each SkyNode can be browsed. • Select a survey and its list of tables or functions. Click Search. • From the entries returned, enter any column/function of interest in Argument. Click Search.

  5. SkyQuery: consult a SkyNode’sparameters. Step 2 • To build a query, we need to know what keywords to use in table e.g. PhotoPrimary, so select Columns(TableName). • Now run Steps 1 and 2 for another SkyNode(s). Columns from PhotoPrimary Now we are ready to run the query…

  6. Run an ADQL (SQL-like) query • Running a query is simple. Write it in the SQL-like query box or … • Click and customize any of 4 sample queries, #1, #2 … • See also “tutorial” http://www.skyquery.net/ tutorial.html • To submit query, click Submit. Cross correlation results appear! (ra,dec,radius)

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