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National Assessment Concepts Not Covered In Georgia Performance Standards

National Assessment Concepts Not Covered In Georgia Performance Standards 2011 GACTE Summer Conference. Bruce Getz Broadcast Video Production Teacher Shaw High School – Columbus, GA bruce.getz@gmail.com shawbvp.wikispaces.com. Outline. National Assessment Overview

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National Assessment Concepts Not Covered In Georgia Performance Standards

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  1. National Assessment Concepts Not Covered In Georgia Performance Standards 2011 GACTE Summer Conference Bruce Getz Broadcast Video Production Teacher Shaw High School – Columbus, GA bruce.getz@gmail.com shawbvp.wikispaces.com

  2. Outline • National Assessment Overview • GPS vs. National Assessment • Nerdy Talk • Strategies • New Strategies – Think, Pair, Share • Resources • Questions

  3. National Assessment Overview Georgia Department of Education End-of-Pathway Assessment (Perkins IV Core Indicator 2S1) “Georgia…has worked in recent years to establish a measurement mechanism to ascertain the level of technical skill attainment on behalf of its career pathway completers. Georgia’s measurement process has been derived in direct response to the Perkins IV Legislation…which mandates states to implement a valid and reliable assessment model linked directly to industry validated standards.” http://www.doe.k12.ga.us/ci_cta.aspx?PageReq=CICTAAssessments

  4. National Assessment Overview The assessment tool for Broadcast Video Production Pathway Completers is the Television Video Production component of the SkillsUSAWork Force Ready System.

  5. National Assessment Overview • Students take the Television Video Production assessment online • Individual tests consist of 50 questions from a pool of 200 questions • Many questions utilize interactive multimedia • Designed by a Technical Advisory Committee consisting of Teachers, Federal Policy Makers, Industry Representatives and more. http://www.workforcereadysystem.org/committee.shtml

  6. National Assessment Overview Assessment Pricing SkillsUSA Members: (Registered students / professionals who have paid the current school year membership dues.) $10 per assessment for the total number of SkillsUSA members in your school. $20 per assessment once your school has exceeded the membership price allotment. Non-SkillsUSA Members: (School or organization that has not paid SkillsUSAmembership dues.)   $20 per assessment. http://www.workforcereadysystem.org/pricing.shtml

  7. GPS vs. National Assessment • While many concepts covered in the Workforce Readiness assessment cannot be found directly in our Georgia Performance Standards, most of the concepts can be derived from them. • By using the assessment as a learning opportunity for ourselves and our students we are able to enhance a standard by fostering a higher level of knowledge surrounding each GPS.

  8. Time for Action! The cut score for the assessment is 65% Shaw High School’s average: 52.05% Georgia state average: 52.47% National average: 54.82%

  9. GPS vs. National Assessment Many national assessment questions deal with photography (not videography) concepts. Teaching students more in depth concepts creates opportunities for those students to not only meet, but exceed a GPS such as:ACCT-BVP2-2. Students will exhibit proper use of field equipment and its functions. By learning how and why the camera works students are better able to produce more creative and technically advanced projects.

  10. Today’s concepts fall into the following categories: TV Engineering Color Temperature & White Balance Photography & Lenses

  11. TV Engineering

  12. What is this?

  13. What is this? Vectorscope

  14. What does it do? What is this? Vectorscope

  15. What does it do? What is this? Vectorscope Vectorscopes are used to measure chrominance (color information) in a video signal.

  16. What is this?

  17. What is this? Waveform Monitor

  18. What does it do? What is this? Waveform Monitor

  19. What does it do? What is this? Waveform Monitor Waveform Monitors are used to measure the luminance (brightness) of a video signal.

  20. Name thecables:

  21. Name thecables: A - B - C - D -

  22. Name thecables: A - S Video B - C - D -

  23. Name thecables: A - S Video B - XLR C - D -

  24. Name thecables: A - S Video B - XLR C - “RCA”, or, Composite D -

  25. Name thecables: A - S Video B - XLR C - “RCA”, or, Composite D - BNC

  26. Hint: Amps = Watts/Volts

  27. Hint: Amps = Watts/Volts Hint #2: “Average” U.S. Voltage is 120

  28. Your Answer?

  29. I Got…D…all 3

  30. Traditional TV uses what type of scanning? A) Double Field B) Progressive Interlaced Constant

  31. Traditional TV uses what type of scanning? A) Double Field B) Progressive Interlaced Constant

  32. Interlaced Scanning Each frame of video consists of two fields – the even and odd. Two fields are put together to create a complete frame of video.

  33. Interlaced Scanning 2 Fields = 1 Frame 30 Frames = 1 Second

  34. Progressive Scanning Instead of splitting each frame into two fields, progressive scanning scans the entire image one line at a time. This makes for a “smoother” picture, but requires more bandwidth.

  35. Color Temperature & White Balance

  36. Put the following in ascending order based on color temperature:

  37. Put the following in ascending order based on color temperature: Noon Day Sun Fluorescent Bulb Overcast Sky Household Light Bulb

  38. Put the following in ascending order based on color temperature: Household Light Bulb Fluorescent Bulb Noon Day Sun Overcast Sky

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