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Warm-up: q & a from Day 1

Warm-up: q & a from Day 1. On the post-it, write down any questions you have about this class, the school, me or anything from the first day. Syllabus Information. Honors 9 th Grade Literature. COURSE DESCRIPTION:.

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Warm-up: q & a from Day 1

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  1. Warm-up: q & a from Day 1 • On the post-it, write down any questions you have about this class, the school, me or anything from the first day.

  2. Syllabus Information Honors 9th Grade Literature

  3. COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course will compile studies from a variety of genres of literature, including the novel, poetry, drama, short stories, fiction, non-fiction, and epics. Students will be exposed to the rules of grammar, vocabulary, writing, and research. This is an honors-level course and will be more rigorous than an on-level class.

  4. GRADING POLICY: Reading ………………………………………..……..20% Speaking/Listening ………………………………15% Writing ……………………………..…………..…….25% Language………………………………………….……15% EOCT/Milestone…………………………………...20% Common Assessment……………………………...5%

  5. Required Texts/Readings You need this by September 3rd: The Merchant of Venice by William Shakespeare (the “No Fear Shakespeare” version is recommended but not required) You need this by October 13th: The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks by Rebecca Skloot You need this by August 18th: A parallel reading of a novel from the attached list. *Note: You may purchase an electronic copy of the above-mentioned texts but you will need a print copy of the parallel reading novel.

  6. INTERACTIVE NOTEBOOKS: You will be creating and keeping up with an interactive notebook this semester, which is essentially a personalized textbook and interactive journal that allows you to store and process all class information in one place. You will be required to supply your notebook and some supplies, and the notebooks will be created, maintained, and stored in the classroom. Notebook checks will be frequent and may be announced or unannounced. They will account for a portion of your grade in the writing and language categories.

  7. Notebooks should be labeled: • EOCT/Milestone Prep • Class Notes • Works in Progress • Handouts • Personal

  8. CLASS EXPECTATIONS: 1. Come to class on time every day ready to participate, engage, and learn. 2. Be kind to one another. Listen to one another and me. We are a community. 3. Be respectful of individual cultural differences and opinions. 4. Participation in class discussion is essential. 5. Students are to bring appropriate materials to class every day. 6. Follow ALL school rules and policies (no food, no headphones, no electronic devices).

  9. PARTICIPATION: Class participation is an important component of this curriculum. Much can be learned from the exchange of ideas that occurs during class discussions. Frequent absences SERIOUSLY jeopardize your success in this class. The participation grade will be based on the degree of student involvement in the learning activities, including attention to and participation in written and oral exercises, class discussion, preparation for class, and homework. To reiterate: If you do not participate in formal class discussions, you will not receive a passing grade for that activity.

  10. ATTENDANCE AND MAKE-UP POLICY: Attendance is ESSENTIAL to your success in this course. It is YOUR responsibility to come to school and “plug in” to the learning community. Being here does not mean simply filling the seat. A student who is present and actively participates is more likely to be successful; however, if a student has an excused absence, he/she has the number of days absent plus one day to make up assigned work. If the student does not make up the work, a zero will be given for the missed work. All a student has to do is ASK, and I will be happy to designate a time for make-up work. Remember, that IT IS THE STUDENT’S RESPONSIBILITY TO ASK FOR AND TO MAKE UP ANY MISSED WORK! Please check the blog for all missed work. If a student has an unexcused absence, all work will be assigned a zero in Synergy unless the absence becomes excused. Remember, that IT IS THE STUDENT’S RESPONSIBILITY TO ASK FOR AND TO MAKE UP ANY MISSED WORK! Please check the blog for all missed work. Any student who misses class for OSS or ISS must turn in his/her work the day he/she returns to class. Students in OSS must have their work picked up in the main office.

  11. LATE WORK POLICY: • Late work is frowned upon, thus it is my expectation that you will turn in your work on time and with no excuses. Late work will be accepted upon completion, but will be subject to a lowering of the grade. Teacher discretion will govern whether or not you will be able to turn in late work or makeup work that is late for a reason other than absence if it becomes obvious that you are abusing policy. • All major assignments/projects will be penalized 10% each day late, up to nine consecutive days. Late class work and homework assignments only receive half credit the next class period.

  12. TARDY POLICY: • To avoid being counted tardy, students must be seated and ready for class when the bell rings. School policy states that students may receive Saturday School, In-School Suspension, and Out-of-School Suspension for repeated tardies. Bottom line: BE ON TIME TO CLASS!

  13. CELL PHONES AND ELECTRONIC DEVICES: As per the school’s policy, cell phones are not to be seen during the school day. Students will receive a discipline referral after one warning to put away any electronic device (unless the device is being used for instruction). Students are allowed to bring certain technologies to class (iPad, laptop, Kindle, etc.), but it should NOT interfere with the teaching or other’s learning. The first time I will give you a warning to put away the technology. After the initial warning, you will not be allowed to bring it to class again.

  14. ACADEMIC INTEGRITY: Cheating is considered a serious matter. The parents of a student who has been involved in cheating will be notified and the student will receive a grade of zero for the test or evaluation period, and a grade of U in conduct. For this course, cheating is defined as, but is not limited to, the following acts: • Copying anyone's answers to questions, exercises, study guides, class work or homework assignments • Taking any information verbatim from any source, including the Internet, without giving proper credit to the author, or rearranging the order of words and/or changing some words as written by the author and claiming the work as his or her own, i.e., plagiarism. • Looking onto another student's paper during a test or quiz. • Having available any study notes or other test aids during a test or quiz without the teacher's permission. • Collaborating on assignments when independent work is expected.

  15. CLASSROOM BLOG: • Throughout the year, students are expected to use the classroom blog daily. If you are absent, it is your responsibility to check the blog and come prepared to the next class. All handouts and assignments will be posted weekly to the blog. • My blog: http://mscoyle.wordpress.com/

  16. Final thoughts? • Any questions?

  17. What should be a list of our class rules? • All school rules apply, but what extra rules should we develop to ensure that our class runs smoothly? • Also, what will be out class call (how I can get your attention when I need to)?

  18. Summer Reading Projects • Choose one part of your project to briefly present

  19. Make sure to include: • An explanation of your project and your choice of that part of the project • Take Warm/Cool notes on your classmates • Warm: What they did well • Cool: What they could improve upon • After presenting, turn in all 3 parts of your projects

  20. Summarizer: Parking Lot • One Question/One Comment about the class so far

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