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Let’s talk about “Understanding Language” and EC students

Let’s talk about “Understanding Language” and EC students. Learning Profiles. Brainstorming Activity: What are some of the learning/teaching challenges of EC students?. How do EC learning profiles compare to ELL learning profiles?. COLLABORATIVE APPROACH. CO-TEACHING . CONSULTATION. TEAMS.

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Let’s talk about “Understanding Language” and EC students

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Let’s talk about “Understanding Language” and EC students

  2. Learning Profiles Brainstorming Activity: • What are some of the learning/teaching challenges of EC students?

  3. How do EC learning profiles compare to ELL learning profiles?


  5. Co-Teaching

  6. Models of Co-Teaching • 1 Teach 1 Assist • Alternative Teaching • Parallel Teaching • Station Teaching • Team Teaching

  7. 1 Teach 1 Assist One teacher is responsible for teaching, one teacher circulates throughout the classroom monitoring progress and providing assistance to students as needed. Both teachers share roles and responsibilities for working with students over time in such a way that the distinction between generalist and specialist is not obvious.

  8. Alternative Teaching One teacher takes responsibility for the large group while the other works with a smaller group for a specific instructional purpose.

  9. Parallel Teaching The teachers are both teaching the same information, but they divide the class group and do so simultaneously. 

  10. Station Teaching • Teachers divide content and students.  Each teacher then teaches the content to one group and subsequently repeats the instruction for the other group. 

  11. Team Teaching Both teachers share the planning and delivery and have equally active roles in leading the class.  Both teachers are actively engaged in the delivery of core instruction.

  12. Reflection for Teachersand Specialists How many models of co-teaching are you using now?

  13. Reflection for Administrators How many models of co-teaching are occurring in your school?

  14. Consultation

  15. Definition: School consultation is a process in which one professional assists another to address a problem concerning a third party.

  16. Teacher = consultee Specialist = consultant Students = beneficiaries

  17. Comprehensive Consulting • Listen carefully to your consultee • Consider this a partnership to support students • Avoid being a “one-time expert” • Participate in planning, implementation, and monitoring/evaluating

  18. Expanded Consulting • Expand the original definition of “one professional assists another” • Consult to a team or a small group

  19. Reflection for Teachersand Specialists Are you engaged in consulting at your school? Is it part of your assignment? Is it in your schedule?

  20. Reflection forAdministrators How many of your staff engage in consultation? Is it an acknowledged part of their assignment, with time allocated for it?

  21. Teams

  22. A set of interdependent individuals with unique skills and perspectiveswho interact directlyto achieve their mutual goalof providing studentswith effective educational programs and services. Definition of Educational Team: (from Friend and Cook)

  23. NC Multi-Tiered System of Supports Definition • NC MTSS is a multi-tiered framework which promotes school improvement through engaging, research-based academic and behavioral practices. NC MTSS employs a systems approach using data-driven problem-solving to maximize growth for all. NCDPI Vision • Every NC Pre K-12 public education system implements and sustains all components of a Multi-Tiered System of Support to ensure college and career readiness for all students.

  24. Resources Student Needs Layering of Support

  25. Tier 1 – ALL students receive quality core and universal supports

  26. Tier 2 – some students receive targeted supports/remediation

  27. Tier 3 – few students receive intensive supports/intervention

  28. “Increasingly intensive” • Frequency of supports (days per week) • Duration of supports (minutes per session) • Number of students (large group to small group to pair to individual) • Targeted instruction/intervention (focus) • Professional delivering support (assistant, teacher, specialist)

  29. Use these structures to support the delivery of “Universal Language” to struggling learners

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