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Chapter 5: Memory: Models and Research Methods

Chapter 5: Memory: Models and Research Methods. Some Questions of Interest. What are some of the tasks used for studying memory? What is the traditional model of memory? What are some of the alternative models?

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Chapter 5: Memory: Models and Research Methods

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  1. Chapter 5: Memory: Models and Research Methods

  2. Some Questions of Interest • What are some of the tasks used for studying memory? • What is the traditional model of memory? What are some of the alternative models? • What have psychologists learned by studying both exceptional memory and the physiology of the brain?

  3. But first, a test! • Let’s generate some words…

  4. Processes in Memory • Encoding • Storage • Retrieval

  5. Which type of test would you rather have? An essay or a multiple-choice exam?

  6. Demonstration • The 7 Dwarfs

  7. Methods Used to Study Memory • Recall • Serial recall • Free recall • Cued recall • Recognition • = these are explicit memory tasks

  8. Implicit memory • Remember priming? • Procedural memory, too

  9. Participants are exposed to a word list Tiger Lion Zebra Panda Leopard Elephant After a delay… Participants then complete word puzzles; they are not aware this is a type of memory test Word fragment completion: C_E_TA_ E_E_ _A_ N_ _ E _ R A Word stem completion: Mon _____ Pan_____ Implicit Memory Tasks

  10. Procedural Memory • Knowing how to do something • Ride a bike • Skateboard • Ski

  11. Methods to Assess Procedural Memory • Rotary-pursuit task • Keep stylus on a dot on a rotating disk • Mirror-tracing task • Watch mirror image to trace a figure

  12. Models of Memory • Represent ways that memory has been conceptualized • Atkinson & Shiffrin’s three-stage model • Craik & Lockhart’s level of processing model • Baddeley’s working memory model • Tulving’s multiple memory systems model • McClelland & Rumelhart’s connectionist model

  13. Traditional Model of Memory • Atkinson & Shiffrin (1968) three-stage model

  14. Sperling Sensory Memory Demonstration: CogLab Partial Report • A matrix of 12 letters and numbers briefly flash on the next few slides • As soon as you see the information, write down everything you can remember in its proper location

  15. Sperling’s Results

  16. Averbach & Coriell (1961) Iconic Memory Research N M L C W D P Q A X I N Y K J U • - Showed matrix for 50 msec • - Placed a small mark above a letter at different delays • Found that as many as 12 letters could be stored in • sensory memory • Backward visual masking was also discovered with this technique

  17. Second Demonstration G E U L M F S X W P M B D H J Y • - Showed matrix for 50 msec • - Placed a small mark above a letter at different delays • Found that as many as 12 letters could be stored in • sensory memory • Backward visual masking was also discovered with this technique

  18. Sensory Stores • Iconic store or visual sensory register • Holds visual information for 250 msec longer • Information held is pre-categorical • Capacity: up to 12 items • Information fades quickly • Econ or auditory sensory register • Holds auditory information for 2-3 seconds longer to enable processing

  19. Short-Term Memory Rehearsal • Attention • Attend to information in the sensory store, it moves to STM • Rehearsal • Repeat the information to keep maintained in STM • Retrieval • Access memory in LTM and place in STM Short-Term Memory (STM) Attention Storage & Retrieval

  20. Demonstration: STM span

  21. Research on Short-Term Memory • Miller (1956) • Examined memory capacity • 7+/- 2 items or “chunks” • Chunking: organize input into larger units • 1 9 8 0 1 9 9 8 2 0 0 3 - Exceeds capacity • 1980 1998 2003 - Reorganize by chunking College graduation Birth year HS graduation

  22. Long-Term Memory • Capacity • Thus far limitless • Duration • Potentially permanent Long-Term Memory (LTM)

  23. Bahrick’s Research on Very Long-Term Memory • High school yearbooks containing student names and photos • 392 high school graduates (17-74) took four different memory tests • For some of the participants, it was as long as 48 years since they graduated

  24. Bahrick et al. (1975) Results • 90% accuracy in face and name recognition after 34 years • 80% accuracy for name recognition after 48 years • 40% accuracy for face recognition after 48 years • 60% accuracy for free recall after 15 years • 30% accuracy for free recall after 30 years

  25. Levels of Processing Model of Memory • Craik & Lockhart (1972) • Deep processing leads to better memory • Elaborating according to meaning leads to a strong memory • Shallow processing emphasizes the physical features of the stimulus • The memory trace is fragile and quickly decays • Distinguished between maintenance rehearsal and elaborative rehearsal

  26. Support for Levels of Processing • Craik & Tulving (1975) • Participants studied a list in three different ways • Structural: Is the word in capital letters? • Phonemic: Does the word rhyme with dog? • Semantic: Does the word fit in this sentence? “The ______ is delicious.” • A recognition test was given to see which type of processing led to the best memory

  27. Craik & Tulving (1975) Results

  28. cogLab: levels of processing

  29. Self-Reference Effect • Rogers, Kuiper, & Kirker (1977) • Encoding with respect to oneself increases memory Capital Rhymes Means the Describes letters? with? same as? you?

  30. Baddeleys’ Working Memory Model

  31. Working Memory Model • Phonological Loop • Used for acoustic rehearsal • Visuo-spatial sketch pad • Used for visuo-spatial information • Episodic buffer • Used for storage of a multimodal code, holding an integrated episode between systems using different codes • Central executive • Focuses attention • Plans sequence of tasks, switches attention between different parts

  32. Working Memory Model Support • Baddeley (1986) • Participants studied two different list types • 1 syllable: wit, sum, harm, bay, top • 5 syllables: university, opportunity, aluminum, constitutional, auditorium

  33. Working Memory Model Support • Visuo-spatial sketch pad • Dual-task paradigm • Sketchpad can be disrupted by requiring participants to repeatedly tap a specified pattern of keys or locations while using imagery at the same time

  34. Neuroscience and Working Memory

  35. Tulving’s Multiple-Memory Systems Model • Semantic memory • General knowledge • Facts, definitions, historical dates • Episodic memory • Event memories (first kiss, 6th birthday)

  36. Multiple-Memory Systems Model Support • Nyberg, Cabeza, & Tulving (1996) • Asked people to engage in semantic or episodic memory tasks while being monitored by PET   • Results  • Left (hemisphere) frontal lobe differentially active in encoding (both) and in semantic memory retrieval • Right (hemisphere) frontal lobe differentially active in retrieval of episodic memory

  37. Connectionist Perspective • Parallel distributed processing model • Memory uses a network • Meaning comes from patterns of activation across the entire network • Spreading activation network model • Supported by priming effects

  38. Exceptional Memory • Case studies of mnemonists • Studies of skilled memory

  39. Memory Movies • Take any character from a movie who has a memory deficit, and, using terms from the chapters, explain what the memory problem is and why it occurs • Johnny Mnemonic; 50 First Dates; Memento; Total Recall; Bourne Identity; Dark City; Manchurian Candidate; Overboard; The Changeling; Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind; The Majestic: Mulholland Drive; The Notebook; Paycheck; Sommersby; The Vow

  40. Case Studies • S. (Luria, 1968) • Long strings of words • Remembered over 15-18 years • Rajan Mahadevan • Can recite pi to 31,811 places • No forgetting on matrices up to 20 x 20 digits

  41. Deficient Memory • Amnesias • Retrograde amnesia • Loss of memory for events that occurred before the trauma • Infantile amnesia • Inability to recall events of young childhood • Anterograde amnesia • No memory for events that occur after the trauma

  42. Amnesia Studies • Amnesiacs show normal priming (implicit), but poor recognition memory (explicit) • They did not remember having seen the word list, but completed the word fragments at the same rate as normals

  43. Hippocampus and Memory • Critical for integration and consolidation • Essential for declarative memory • Without the hippocampus, only the learning of skills and habits, simple conditioning, and the phenomenon of priming can occur

  44. Alzheimer’s Disease • Symptoms (gradual, continuous, and irreversible) • Memory loss • Problems doing familiar tasks • Problems with language • Trouble knowing the time, date, or place • Poor or decreased judgment • Problems with abstract thinking • Misplacing things often, such as keys • Changes in mood, behavior, and personality • These symptoms could be an early sign of Alzheimer’s when it affects daily life

  45. Alzheimer’s Disease and the Brain • Atrophy of the cortical tissue • Alzheimer’s brains shows abnormal fibers that appear to be tangles of brain tissue and senile plaques (patches of degenerative nerve endings) • The resulting damage of these conditions may lead to disruption of impulses in neurons

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