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CLTAC SUMMER 2008. Chinese Language Teachers Association of California. 通訊. Newsletter No 23. 网址 ► http://www.cltac.org 04/07/ 2008 会长 ► 许和平 副会长 ► 储诚志、常小林 总务 ► 马纪滇 秘书 ► 林秀惠

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  1. CLTAC SUMMER 2008 Chinese Language Teachers AssociationofCalifornia 通訊 NewsletterNo 23 网址 ► http://www.cltac.org 04/07/2008 会长 ►许和平 副会长 ►储诚志、常小林 总务 ►马纪滇 秘书 ►林秀惠 会讯主编 ► 乔蓁林 版面设计 ►吴德杨 第33届加州中文演讲 比赛侧记 ►廖康 2008年4月26日 “曾几何时,我的祖国被人称作‘东亚病夫’。而现在,中国要举办奥运会了!”这些话,我们听得太多了,往往会觉得有宣传的味道。但今天,我作为评审,听着一个在美国出生的亚裔孩子,用标准、流利的汉语,抑扬顿挫,声情并茂地演讲,骄傲地告诉大家:中文在世界上变得越来越重要,越来越多的人在学习汉语……他的手势、眼光、语调和神色都显示出自信、自豪、自强和自尊。我的眼睛湿润了,望了一眼对面的评审,她微笑着,点点头,显得十分满意。然而,我们不应在评定之前就表现出好恶,我强压下涌起的心潮,严格地记录语音、声调、语法、用辞、内容、流利程度、抑扬顿挫等方面的得失。小伙子讲得太好了,听众鼓掌,比通常礼貌性的掌声响亮得多,经久得多。他理所当然地得了第一名。 这是加州第33届中文演讲比赛。我是第一次参加,因为我有五个学生参赛,虽是星期六,我也得来担任评审。当然,我们被安排评审别组的比赛。我没想到,比赛规模如此巨大!参赛者有七百多人,连同亲友、教师和评审,参加这次盛会的有两千来人。把旧金山Lowell中学的大礼堂挤得水泄不通。开幕式后,大家便分散到各组的赛室各显其能。我知道,我的学生差不了。他们虽然没有亚裔背景,但出于对中文的兴趣,都学得很好,做了充分的准备。 一位要讲他暑假期间照料侄子的经历:本来他只想挣点外快,但侄子不听话。交往中,他学到了爱和正确的教育方法。另一位要讲他在卡达尔驻军时如何克服困难,修理飞机,让战友们得以按时回国与亲人欢度感恩节。他们的故事生动具体;中文才学了36周,就已经能够自然流畅地讲述这些故事,发音准确,顿挫有致。我对他们有信心。 当大家等待评委们紧张地统计结果时,十余所学校 的文艺高手各展其能,用中文表演节目。坐在我前面一个金发碧眼的小女孩儿穿着鲜红的旗袍和一个穿红蓝白三色条衫的亚裔男孩随着台上的歌舞,在台下也跳了起来。直让我想到冰心在散文《国旗》中抒发的期冀“我们索性都不要国了,大家合拢来,再连上吉姆……” 我的学生中,那两位果然分别赢得了第一名和第三名,我校其他参赛各组也颇有斩获。回家路上,我们沉浸在兴奋中,两个多小时的车程,在跟同事、好友的电话通报中,在热烈谈论中文教学和中华文化的方方面面中,不知不觉地过去了。回到蒙特瑞,正值夕阳西下。就像电影里的英雄骑马朝着红彤彤的落日奔去那样,我们的轿车沐浴在平滑如镜的海面映照的晚霞之中。 2008年春季研讨会简报 ►储诚志 加州中文教师协会2008年春季研讨会于3月8日在斯坦福大学举行,与会中文教师和其他汉语教学同仁共一百余人。会议邀请哈佛大学冯胜利教授作特别演讲,十七位教师在四个分组会议上发表十四篇研究报告。研讨会中的会员大会听取了斯坦福大学孙朝奋教授代表协会章程修改委员会所作的协会章程修改报告,与会会员表决通过了修改的协会章程(另发)。协会会长、国防语言学院许和平教授作会议闭幕报告。会议午间,国防语言学院林柏松教授为协会的春季演讲比赛作了裁判培训。旧金山中领馆闫丽领事专程到会致辞祝贺。 冯胜利教授的大会演讲题目为《汉语的最简特征及其海外教学的原则》。演讲首先简要介绍汉语五千年的简化历程,然后分析汉语在音韵、构词与句法诸方面的最简特征和汉语语用与结构的最简分工,最后以汉语的音韵属性和最简特征为基础,阐释抓住音步、声韵为先、多练精讲、朗读背诵、以及转换语体、雅俗互补等中文教学的原则和理念。 十四篇分组报告内容丰富,涉及语法,语音,语言理论,教学方法,教材编写,课程建设, 教师培训,语言测试, 网络教学等多方面的论题。 1

  2. CLTAC Summer 2008 通訊 NewsletterNo 23 04/07/2008网址 ► http://www.cltac.org 漫谈印章艺术 ►方曦闽 大家在欣赏中国画或是书法的时候,少不了要看一眼作品上的印章。其实除了跟书画配合之外,印章本身也是中国传统的艺术的一种重要形式。 由于大部分的印章使用篆字,所以印章艺术也被称为篆刻。中国的印章至少有两千多年的历史了,在这个发展阶段中有两个高峰。一个是在汉代,由于汉代人喜欢用印信,所以汉印数量非常多。汉印大部分是用铜铸造出来的,其特点是简洁实用,朴实大方(图1 “淮阳王玺”;图2 “西安丞印”) 。 (图1) (图2) (图3)(图4) (图5) 印章的第二个高峰在明清。由于元代画家王冕发现用花乳石可以刻印章,这不但使得印章的材料更容易取得,而且使得印章更加容易刻制。所以自明代开始,大量的文人加入到篆刻者的行列,为印章艺术注入了更多的文人气息。 那么如何欣赏印章艺术呢? 跟书法一样,篆刻首先讲究的是布局,在一个字当中,笔画之间空白的大小要大体一致;在整个作品中,朱色和白色要达到视觉上的平衡。以明代魏植的“三十六峰长周旋”印为例,我们看到印章上好像有六个字,但实际上有七个字。由于“三十”二字笔画较少,所以艺术家就把这两个字合并在一个字的空间里。通过这样的巧妙安排,印章在总体上就显得非常平衡了(图3)。 其次,篆刻也讲究刀法。不同的流派有不同的刀法。有的比较细腻,笔画粗细一致;有的则比较粗犷,笔画中透着力道。齐白石的“白石”印,用了“冲刀”的技法,也就是刻印时使石屑迸裂出来,从而达到了笔画边缘毛糙,但充满张力的效果(图4)。 另外,我们还要看看印章的边角。为了追求古朴的韵味,篆刻家们常常需要对印章的边角进行加工。寿石工的“寻常百姓”印,不但四个角被处理成了钝角,就连右边的边框也被敲得不那么平滑(篆刻术语叫做“敲边”)。特别值得注意的是印章右下角的边框有一个缺刻,这是艺术家有意造成的,目的是不要让边框限制住文字,使得文字能够透“气”(图5)。当然我们在齐白石印章中也同样能体会到艺术大师在这方面的构思。 印章虽小,可是其中的学问不少。学习治印跟练习 书法一样不仅能锻炼脑力和臂力,而且还能提高个人的审美情趣。有兴趣的朋友不妨一试。 Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language Theories and Applications Edited by Michael E.Everson and Yun Xiao Now Available Cheng & Tsui Company ISBN: 9780887276682 Trim Size: 7 x 10 Pages: 438 pp. Binding: Paperback Special Introductory Price: $29.95 Order from: www.cheng-tsui.com 1-800-554-1963 Cheng & Tsui Company 25 West Street Boston, MA USA 02111 Designed to help teachers create and execute strong, sustainable K–16 Chinese language programs, this ground-breaking resource book is the first of its kind specifically written for teachers of Chinese as a foreign language in North America. This volume contains essays written by a diverse group of experienced educators in the field and is divided into three main sections: 1) Teaching Chinese in Context, 2) Teacher Knowledge and Pedagogical Decisions, and 3) Challenges and Strategies for the North American Classroom. *Perfect as a course book for all teacher training environments, including pre-service and in-service, certification programs, summer institutes, and workshops. *Includes relevant theories as well as hands-on classroom methods, examples, and innovations. *Addresses not only how to teach the language, but also how to create and sustain a sequenced, articulated curriculum—especially relevant as thedemand for new Chinese programs continues to rise. *Stresses application of both national standards and Chinese language standards. By taking an issues approach as well as highlighting specific techniques and principles that will guide Chinese language teachers in making appropriate decisions for their students, this book is an indispensible resource for teachers striving for excellence in the Chinese language classroom. Visit www.cheng-tsui.com to review a table of contents, the introduction, contributor biographies, and selected excerpts. 2

  3. CLTAC SUMMER 2008 通訊 NewsletterNo 23 04/07/2008网址 ► http://www.cltac.org 学生演讲比赛作文 最值得骄傲的回忆 ►王卢杰 大家好。我姓王,叫王卢杰。我是一名空军中士。谢谢大家让我利用这个机会给你们讲一段我在军队里最值得骄傲的回忆。2003年11月,虽然那时我只有两年多的军龄,我被第三次派到国外去执行任务。我们是去卡塔尔,那是中东的一个小国家。当时,我的任务是修理空中加油飞机。我很喜欢那个工作。 一天,我的工作没有平时那么忙,所以我就去别的部门帮忙。在路上,我碰到了一个飞机电工二等兵,他让我去看看正在修理的飞机。那是一架C-五型飞机,它的电机中有一个部件坏了。当时基地没有修理的设备,也没有修理那种飞机的专业人员。那天是感恩节的前一天,有六十多名士兵在等着坐飞机回国跟家人团聚过感恩节,所以大家都很着急。尽管我们有很多困难,但是我们决心克服困难,想办法把飞机修好。我们在一起研究,仔细地检查所有的线路。我们试了又试,终于找出了飞机的毛病。三个钟头很快过去了,我们终于把飞机发动起来了。大家虽然很累,可是都高兴极了,特别是我。虽然修电机并不是我的专业,但是我尽我所能帮助他们。 在修理的过程中我学到了很多东西,也体会到了集体战斗的乐趣。 飞机虽然修好了,可还没有完,我们还得填写修理记录,飞机才能起飞。填记录时,一位海军陆战队上校走了过来,我们都马上站起来,立正并向他敬礼。他说,“不必了,这次应该是我给你们敬礼。要不是你们修好了飞机,我们的战士就不能按时回家了。由于你们出色的工作表现,我们可以回家跟我们的家人一起过感恩节。飞机上的六十三个士兵都想感谢你们,可是他们不能来,让我代表他们向你们敬礼”。说着,他非常正式地向我们敬了一个军礼。我觉得心里热乎乎的,也感到很骄傲。为了奖励我们的工作,空军给我们发了奖章。看着胸前佩戴的奖章我非常自豪。这是我参军后最快乐的时刻。让我更高兴的是六十几位战友能够及时地回到祖国,享受跟家人团聚的欢乐。在别人困难的时候我能贡献出我自己的一点力量,这就是我最值得骄傲的回忆。谢谢。 环境保护 不知道是什麼時候開始的,我就對保護環境有興趣了。我的父母從小就教我怎樣堆肥,怎樣回收廢物。他們教我不要浪費 ,不要買沒用的東西。他們告訴我要學會自己動手做需要的東西。我的媽媽以身作則,自己給我做衣 服,織毛衣,而且還教給我做玩具。在家裡的後園裡,我跟爸媽種了不同的菜、花等等,用回收的果皮、菜葉堆肥做或肥料。這樣我就看到了植物生命的循環,也懂得了不要浪費任何自然資源。 我和爸爸媽媽一起做的手工、一起種的食物、一起煮的飯都對我有很大的影像。我開始認識物質的價值,也鍛煉了自己用手做東西的能力。我小的時候去商店常常都要買些玩具,媽媽聽了就常回答說“那個我們也能自己做。” 到現在我還記得這一句話,每次我需要買東西時,我都會想想自己是不是能做 。我認為現在的美國人太浪費,因此我決定從今年一月一號開始一年不買新的東西。 如果我需要一些東西(除了日用品、藥、和內衣褲以外)我就要問朋友、家人、上網找或者自己做。到現在我已經這樣做了四個月了。有時候,朋友們,老師們都會問我我是怎樣堅持下來的。他們都說他們做不到。對我來說,袛要想到我少買東西,少穿一件新衣服,就會讓我們的地球更票亮,更健康,就不那麼難了。我這樣做讓我更清楚地看到我生活裡最重要的追求是什麼,這種東西是在商店裡買不到的。 老師們,同學們,大家都知道,我們只有一個地球。我們都有責任保護它,愛護它。我一個人的能子力是有限的。如果我們每個人都少浪費一點,從一點一滴做起我們就能節約自然資源,保護我們的地球。讓我們的子子孫孫都能享受到上天賞賜給我們一切。 Cheng & Tsui Company 25 West Street Boston, MA USA 02111 To place an order or request an exam copy visit: www.cheng-tsui.com, or call 1-800-554-1963 Cheng & Tsui's best-loved Chinese textbook series is new, revised, and better than ever! Integrated Chinese is already the leading introductory Chinese textbook at colleges and universities around the world. The third edition has been significantly updatedto meet the needs of today's students with a full-color design, fewer lessons in Level 1 to allow for more flexible pacing, more communicative activities, up-to-date vocabulary, expanded cultural notes, an exciting new storyline Integrated ChineseThird Edition 中文聽說讀寫 by Yuehua Liu, Tao-chung Yao, Nyan-Ping Bi, Liangyan Ge, Yaohua Shi, Yea-fen Chen, Xiaojun Wang Level 1/Part 1 Available Summer 2008 3

  4. CLTAC SUMMER 2008 通訊 NewsletterNo 23 04/07/2008网址 ► http://www.cltac.org linking all the dialogues and readings, and more review sections. Throughout the series, Integrated Chinese builds on the three modes of communication—interpretive, interpersonal, and presentational—and ACTFL's "Five Cs"—Communication, Culture, Connections, Comparisons, and Communities—to build proficiency in using the Chinese language in a variety of real-life situations. With its emphasis on practicing a broad range of written and verbal communication skills and building cultural understanding, Integrated Chinese is ideally suited for students who want a comprehensive grounding in the Chinese language. Traditional and simplified character versions are available. Visit www.cheng-tsui.com today for all ISBN and pricing information, review sample chapters, download a helpful transition guide, and pre-order for the 2008 Fall semester. 笑话一则 昨天一个人问我,问南京市长是不是叫江大桥,我说不是。他说那我坐火车在南京过江时怎么看到一广告牌上写着:南京市长江大桥欢迎您 4

  5. CLTAC Summer 2008 通訊 NewsletterNo 23 04/07/2008网址 ► http://www.cltac.org may designate. The Conference shall be for members of the Association to present new findings and ideasfrom their research or teaching of Chinese. 10. The President of the Association, or member(s) on the Board of Directors appointed by the President, shall be responsible for the preparation of all the meetings. 11. Members in attendance at any duly called meeting shall constitute a quorum. VII. Change in Constitution 12. The Constitution may be amended by a two-thirds vote at any duly called general meeting. 13. Amendments may be proposed by the Board of Directors or by written notice sent to the Board of Directors by at least twenty members of the Association who will have to co-sign and submit a proposal to the Board of Directors one month prior to a duly called general meeting at which time action shall be taken. The Secretary shall send such proposed amendments to each member at least one week prior to the time at which final action is to be taken, together with the Board of Directors’ recommendation. VIII. By-Laws 14. By-laws may be adopted or changed at any duly called general meeting of the Association by a majority vote of the members present provided such proposed adoptions and changes have been sent to each member at least one week prior to the meeting. By-Laws I. Nominations for Officer At the end of current terms of officers, the President of the Association shall appoint a committee of three, excluding the outgoing officers, to present a new slate of candidates for election through consultation with members of the Association. In preparing nominations, the nomination committee should work closely with the Executive Secretary, (this was not discussed on Saturday’s meeting) and due consideration should be given to regional and institutional representation. Election will be conducted by mail. Ballots shall besent to members in good standing by the Secretary at least one month prior to the first meeting of the year. Space shall be provided under each office for write-in nominations. The ballots shall be returned to the Executive Secretary of the Association not later than one week before the first meeting of the year. II. Meeting of the Board of Directors A regular meeting of the Board of Directors shall be held prior to the first general meeting of the Association. Special meetings may be called by the President on her/his own initiative or upon request of three members of the Board of Directors. Constitution and By-laws of the Chinese Language Teachers Association of California I. Name The name of this Association shall be the Chinese Language Teachers Association of California 加州中文教师协会 II. Purpose The purpose of this Association shall be to promote and improve the instruction of the Chinese language in K-16 levels, and to encourage and promote cooperation and fellowship among teachers engaged in this profession. III. Membership 1. Regular membership Any teacher of the Chinese Language may become a member of the Association with voting power upon payment of annual dues as defined in the By-laws. 2. Life membership Any teacher of the Chinese Language may become a life member of the Association with voting power upon payment of life-membership dues as defined in the By-laws. 3. Associate membership Any interested person may become an Associate member upon payment of annual dues as defined in the By-laws. An associate member does not have the voting power. 4. Only a regular member, or a life member, can be elected to be officers of the Association. IV. Officers 5. The officers of the Association shall be a President and two Vice-Presidents. 6. The officers of the Association shall be elected for a term of office for two years startingimmediately after the Fall general meeting. The nomination and election of officers shall follow procedures as defined in the By-laws. V. Administration 7. Through consultation with the elected officers, the President of the Association should appoint the Executive Secretary, the Deputy Executive Secretary, the Treasurer, the Vice Treasurer, the Historian, the Newsletter Editor, the Webmaster, and the speech contest committeeas well as any necessary committees in addition to the elected officers. 8. The administration of the Association shall be in the hands of the Board of Directors, which shall consist of the President, the Vice-Presidents, the immediately outgoing officers, the Executive Secretary, and the Treasurer. VI. Meetings 9. The Association shall hold annually a conference and a workshop at such time and place as the Board of Directors 5

  6. CLTAC Summer 2008 通訊 NewsletterNo 23 04/07/2008网址 ► http://www.cltac.org III. Dues The annual membership dues for regular, life and associate memberships shall be determined by the Board of Directors. Dues are payable each year on March 31st. IV. Payment of Officers All of the officers, board members, and committee members of the Association shall serve without pay. Necessary expenditures incurred by officers may be authorized by the President or by the Board of Directors, and such expenditures are subject to audit at the first general meeting. 6

  7. CLTAC SUMMER 2008 通訊 NewsletterNo 23 04/07/2008网址 ► http://www.cltac.org 纸型:Letter 上、下边距:4.35厘米 左、右边距:3.25厘米 即一共38行,每行39个汉字,文内不设页码 (2)排版格式 标题:3号黑体、加粗(标题前加两行空白行) 作者姓名:小4号宋体 作者单位:小4号宋体 提纲正文:5号宋体,一段后空一行,换段落 6.单位简介排版格式: (1)校名或单位名居中、仿宋体1号 (2)空一行小4号宋体(非学校单位,可直接 进入简介正文) (3)校名、校长、校址、使用教材:小4号宋 体 (4)简介正文小5号宋体,一段后空一行,换段 落 (5)正文内容:建校简史及办学理念、学校规 模、班级及人数、学制及课程设置、学校 主要特点、教师基本情况、近期发展目标 等。 八、会议费用: 1.会务费每人 $60,在校研究生$30(None Refundable;含会议资料、11月15日 午餐及闭幕晚宴) 2.会议期间,酒店住宿费及其他个人消费自理。 报名: 报名截止期为9月10日,请填妥报名表并于截 止日前随同会务费(支票抬头为 CLERC)一 并寄至:CLERC, C/O Edward Gui, 510 Broadway, Suite 200, Millbrae, CA 94030,或将 报名表及信用卡信息传真至:650-259-2108 九、预订酒店: 1.会议组在Hyatt酒店预订了11月14日、15日一定 数量的房间,请外地代表在报名表上填妥旅馆 需求,以便会议组确定预留房间。 2.外地代表接到会议组提供的Reservation Code 后,本人直接联系Hyatt Regency San Francisco酒店预订住房,会议代表房价为 $119 + tax/room/night。 联系人:桂高华 Email: edwardgui@nanhai.com Tel: 650-259-2100 Fax: 650-259-2108 加州中国语言教学研究中心 Chinese Language Education & Research Center (CLERC) 510 Broadway, Suite 200 Millbrae, CA 94030 Tel: (650)259-2100, Fax: (650)259-2108 旧金山州立大学孔子学院 Confucius Institute at SF Sate San Francisco State University 1600 Holloway Avenue San Francisco, CA 94132 Tel: (415)338-7631, Fax: (415)405-2866 第五届美西地区中文教学研讨会通知(第二号) The 5th Conference on Chinese Language Education in the US West Coast 旧金山州立大学孔子学院将与加州中国语言教学研究中心合作,于2008年11月15日在美国旧金山湾区协办“第五届美西地区中文教学研讨会”。此会旨在交流美国中文教学的最新研究成果、研讨中文教学中存在的普遍性问题、加强中文教学界在教学研究、师资培训、教材开发及新技术运用等方面的交流与合作。大会特邀嘉宾哈佛大学东亚语言文化系中文部主任冯胜利教授,夏威夷大学东亚语言文学系中文部主任、美国AP中文测试命题典阅长 (Chief Reader) 姚道中教授作主题演讲。应邀与会的还有许多美国和中国中文学界的专家教授和在第一线的资深中文教师。欢迎广大中文教师、中文专业研究生和中国语言文化工作者踊跃报名参加,交流研究成果、切磋教学经验、传递教育信息。现将有关事宜通知如下: 一、主办单位: 加州中国语言教学研究中心 二、协办单位: 旧金山州立大学孔子学院 南海中文教学资料中心 三、会议地点: Hyatt Regency San Francisco 1333 Bayshore Highway,Burlingame, CA 94010 Tel: (650)347-1234 四、会议时间: 2008年11月14日下午5时外地代表报到; 15日上午8时本地代表报到 2008年11月15日全天会议 五、会议主题: 1.中文教学多元化与中文教材 2.中文教学研究与教师知识结构 3.中文教学方法与新技术运用 4.中文教学资源与美中中文教学交流 六、会议工作语言: 中文 七、提交论文提纲和单位简介的有关要求: 1.欢迎提交论文提纲(1000-1500字)。 2.欢迎与会学校和单位提供简介(500字)。 3.请将论文提纲和单位简介于9月10日之前,以电子版 (.doc文件)发给许榕老师 (rhea@nanhai.com)。 4.按时提交的论文提纲和单位简介,将编入会刊 广为宣传。 5.论文提纲排版格式: (1)页面设计 7

  8. CLTAC SUMMER 2008 通訊 NewsletterNo 23 04/07/2008网址 ► http://www.cltac.org Announcement CLTAC Fall 2008 Workshop and FLANC Fall 2008 Conference The CLTAC Fall 2008 Workshop is to be held in conjunction with the Fall 2008 Conference of the Foreign Language Association of Northern California (FLANC). Workshop: *Integrated Curriculum Designs for AP Chinese: How do We Prepare Students to Face the AP Chinese Challenges and What Advice We can Offer to Our Students (Jianhua Bai, Chair of the AP Chinese Development Committee) *Challenges for AP Students (Xiaolin Chang, Member of the AP Chinese Development Committee) Other Featured Activities: *Five presentations on Chinese pedagogy; *Presentations for general interests of foreign language teachers; *Presentations on teaching other foreign languages; *On-site exhibitions of teaching materials and silent auction; *Reception (wine and cheese) and raffle of prizes. Venue: Dwinelle Hall, UC Berkeley Date: November 8 (Saturday), 2008 Registration: Early registration by October 16 through CLTAC: $20 for members of CLTAC, and $25 for non- members Important Note: For logistical reasons, CLTAC accepts ONLY early registration (post- marked by October 16, 2008) for this workshop/conference. Registration after Oct. 16, including on-site registration, shall be made with FLANC directly at higher rates as FLANC requests (see the FLANC website, http://www.fla-nc.org, for details) To register with CLTAC before October 16 and enjoy the discounted registration fee, see instructions on the enclosed Registration Form (the form can also be downloaded from CLTAC website www.cltac.org). The detailed program and schedule of the workshop will be posted at the CLTAC website (www.cltac.org) in September. 汉语小常识 “二百五”的说法是怎么来的? 人们常把那些说话做事尽出洋相的人或是做事不大清醒的人称为“二百五”,你知道这个口语的来由吗?   相传在2000多年前的战国时期,有一位很了不起的人名叫苏秦,他曾身挂六国的相印,是几朝的元老,可是却不知为什么突然被人杀害了。   齐王得知苏秦被害后十分震怒,他下决心要捉拿凶手,为苏秦报仇,可是他的手下多方侦捕都没有什么结果,他十分焦急。忽然有一天他灵机一动,想到了一个计策。他吩咐左右把苏秦的头从尸体上割下来,把它悬挂在城门上,然后在下面贴了一道悬赏榜。   榜上写道:苏秦是一个内奸,杀了他是为我们齐国除了大害,当赏黄金千两,望除奸的壮士前来领赏。榜文一上墙,马上就有四个人前来,声称是自己亲手所杀,请求赐赏。 齐王接见了这四条汉子,笑着说道:“你们可不许冒充啊!”   这四个人一口咬定是自己干的,并异口同声地说:“请大王明查!”   齐王点了点头,大声说道:“你们四位是真正的‘勇士’啊!1000两黄金,你们4个人各人分得多少呢?”   四个人齐声答道:“每人二百五。”   齐王这时“啪”的一声,拍案大怒道:“来人,把这四个‘二百五’推出去斩了!”   后来,人们就把那些脑子缺根弦的糊涂虫称为“二百五”了。 8

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