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Quick News…

Quick News…. The Giver Project is due this Thursday/Friday You will have 45 minutes today You will have 50 minutes on Wednesday You will not have ANY time on Thursday/Friday 6 weeks left of school

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Quick News… • The Giver Project is due this Thursday/Friday • You will have 45 minutes today • You will have 50 minutes on Wednesday • You will not have ANY time on Thursday/Friday • 6 weeks left of school • We will end the year with a short novel called House on Mango Street and a project. We will begin reading this next week.

  2. Do Now (page 28L) Rewrite and revise the following sentences. Each sentence contains 4 errors. • Sally is not quiet as beatyfull, as their sister. • It be important to respect other peoples opinions even when you do not agree with thems. • When she broked her arm she has to get a cast on it. • Most peoples learn to tell time in 2th grade but some people, never learn how to read a clock with arms. • Sarah is badder at math then me, but I’m gooder at english.

  3. Corrected Sentences • Sally is not quiteas beautiful as hersister. • It isimportant to respect other people’s opinions, even when you do not agree with them. • When she brokeher arm,she hadto get a casteon it. • Most peoplelearn to tell time in 2ndgrade,but some people never learn how to read a clock with arms. • Sarah is worseat math than me, but I’m betterat English.

  4. Vocab Quiz • Squirming verb J • Harshly adverb B • Cheerful adjective F • Shrugged verb I • Awful adjective G • Transferred verb D • Enthusiastic adjective C • Seldom adverb H • Loneliness noun E • Occasionally adverb A

  5. New Words (page 28R)

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