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Reflections from a senior member of the Peanut Gallery

Reflections from a senior member of the Peanut Gallery. NASA’s Legacy. Supported the evolution of the science of land remote sensing

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Reflections from a senior member of the Peanut Gallery

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  1. Reflections from a senior member of the Peanut Gallery

  2. NASA’s Legacy • Supported the evolution of the science of land remote sensing • Fostered the development of new and different remote sensing systems, specific information products derived from these systems, and the use of these products to monitor and analyze important earth system processes • Nurtured the development of many researchers from their infancy to maturity • Key U.S. sponsor of research in the area of integrated global change research • Took the risks necessary (on people and ideas) to “push the envelope” and discover new applications of RS data

  3. Kasischke, E.S., R.A. Shuchman, D.R. Lyzenga, and G.A. Meadows, Detection of bottom features on SEASAT synthetic aperture radar imagery, Photogram. Eng. Remote Sens., 49, 1341-1353, 1983.

  4. “Acute Wavelength Myopia”

  5. While I am optimistic for the future, there are significant challenges………. • Integrating research • Taking risks and the role of discovery - developing of new ideas and products • Fostering the next generation of scientists

  6. Provide Opportunities for Research Integration • Integration is a high priority but difficult to achieve within the current funding environment • Many areas where integration could occur • Between NASA – sponsored projects • Between NASA – projects and agency RS projects • Between NASA –projects and traditional field-based research • Suggestion – periodically issue solicitations for research integration • Bottoms-up approach to integration • 12 months in length • 2 or more existing projects • Generation of a specific end result (e.g., not exploratory in nature)

  7. Risk Taking and New Data Products • Within the current funding environment, will NASA continue to take risks on people and new ideas that are somewhat “outside the box”? • Will the community be afforded the opportunity to explore the development of new information products from the TERRA and AQUA sensors and other satellite systems?

  8. The Next Generation? • NASA needs to continue strong support of its Earth System Science Fellowship and New Investigator Programs • NASA needs to make sure that it continues to involve younger scientists (post ESSF and NIP) in their research programs • Senior PIs need to step back and allow younger colleagues to take on the role of PI

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