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Logic Synthesis Using SIS

Logic Synthesis Using SIS. Bambang A. B. Sarif COE-KFUPM. Agenda. Introduction Logic Synthesis Using SIS Combinational Logic Synthesis Sequential Logic Synthesis Technology Mapping Input File Format Example. Introduction.

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Logic Synthesis Using SIS

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  1. Logic Synthesis Using SIS Bambang A. B. Sarif COE-KFUPM

  2. Agenda • Introduction • Logic Synthesis Using SIS • Combinational Logic Synthesis • Sequential Logic Synthesis • Technology Mapping • Input File Format • Example

  3. Introduction • Early effort on Logic synthesis is dated back in the early 50’s and 60’s • Quine and McCluskey algorithms • Two level logic synthesis (1984) • ESPRESSO • Multi level logic synthesis • Combinational Logic (1987): MIS • Sequential Logic (1990): SIS

  4. Introduction: ESPRESSO • Running time of Quine McCluskey algorithm is O(3n/n) • Finding minimum cover is an NP-complete problem • ESPRESSO: • Trades speed with exact solution • Using heuristic • Procedures of ESPRESSO: • Expand: expand prime implicants to its highest cover • Irredundant Cover: remove redundant implicants • Reduce: reduce prime implicants

  5. Introduction: SIS • It was developed by CAD research group of UC Berkeley (http://www-cad.eecs.berkeley.edu/) • It is a software package consisting of tools for logic synthesis: • ESPRESSO, MIS, NOVA, JEDI, etc. • Synthesis process is roughly divided into two phases: • Technology independent phase • Technology dependent phase (technology mapping)

  6. Introduction: SIS(2) • SIS can be executed using batch files • It is available in ccse network in /tools/sis/ • Documentations are available in /tools/sis/doc/ and in http://www.ccse.kfupm.edu.sa/~sarif/logic_synthesis.htm

  7. Logic Synthesis using SIS:SIS Environment (1) • To invoke SIS, type SIS in your shell • To exit from SIS environment, type quit • To execute a unix command in SIS environment, use ‘!’ before the command • Example: sis>!type adder.eqn • SIS can be executed in batch mode (either command line or file script). Example: • sarif>sis -t type1 –T type2 -o outname -f scriptname < inputname > result.txt Will invoke SIS using type1 input file whose name is inputname, using script file scriptname, write the output in type2 format with filename outname and dump all result in result.txt file

  8. Logic Synthesis using SIS:SIS Environment (2) • To print all SIS commands: print_help • SIS commands is categorized into several classes: • Input/output commands • Network manipulation commands • Network status command • Etc

  9. Logic Synthesis using SIS:Input and Output Commands • Input commands: read the circuits (network) or set some constraints • Usually begin with “read_”. Example: read_eqn, read_pla, read_blif • Sets some parameters using “set_” commands: set_delay, set_state • Output commands: write the networks • Usually begin with “write_”. Example: write_pla, write_eqn, write_bdnet

  10. Logic Synthesis using SIS:Network Status Commands • To print the required information. Usually begin with “print_”. • Example: print, print_stats, print_delay, print_kernel, print_gates, print_map_stats • Other: power_estimate, power_print

  11. Logic Synthesis using SIS:Network Manipulation Commands • This type of commands are used to ‘manipulate’ our network to get the most optimize representations. • There is no stick rule on which commands to use nor the order to invoke those commands • Everybody are welcomed to ‘experiments’ with their own approach to get the best results • The commands can be divided roughly into commands for combinational and sequential logic circuits.

  12. Logic Synthesis using SIS: Combinational Logic Synthesis • Combinational logic synthesis in SIS is targeting multi level logic form through these steps: • Decomposition • Extraction • Factoring • Substitution • Collapsing • The input file can be in the form of pla, blif, eqn or slif command • The commonly used commands are: simplify, full_simplify, resub, eliminate, fx, gx, gcx, sweep

  13. Logic Synthesis using SIS: Combinational Logic Synthesis (2) • There is a famous script used for combinational circuits targeting area minimization, i.e., rugged.script. The script contains the following commands: • sweep; eliminate • simplify -m nocomp • eliminate • sweep; eliminate • simplify -m nocomp • resub -a • fx • resub –a; sweep • eliminate; sweep • full_simplify -m nocomp

  14. Logic Synthesis using SIS: Combinational Logic Synthesis (3) • Script used for combinational circuits targeting delay minimization, i.e., delay.script contains the following: • sweep; decomp -q • tech_decomp -o 2 • resub -a –d; sweep • reduce_depth -b -r • red_removal • eliminate -l 100 -1 • simplify -l • full_simplify -l • sweep; decomp -q • fx -l • tech_decomp -o 2

  15. Logic Synthesis using SIS: Sequential Logic Synthesis • Divided roughly into two parts: the minimization of sequential parts and minimization of combinational parts of the circuits. • The input file can be in the form of blif, slif, kiss or stg file. • The minimization of sequential part consists of: • State minimization using STAMINA • State assignment using NOVA or JEDI • Retiming (retiming and resynthesis)

  16. Logic Synthesis using SIS: Technology Mapping (1) • Technology library is given in genlib format and should be read before technology mapping. • The technology mapping is based on tree-covering algorithm: decompose the functions into 2-input NAND gates and inverters, then covered by patterns that represents the possible choices of gate in the library. • Effective for area minimization • The mapping is performed by using map command. • There is option for area (delay) optimization with delay (area) consideration

  17. Logic Synthesis using SIS: Technology Mapping (2) • Example of how different technology mapping for a 4-bit ripple carry adder • Command Area Delay map -m 0.5 –AFW 45 gates, 64960.00 12.33 map -n 1 –AFGW 43 gates, 63104.00 11.89 map -m 0 27 gates, 47328.00 16.45 map -m 0.5 35 gates, 54752.00 14.00 map -m 1 39 gates, 66352.00 14.97

  18. Logic Synthesis using SIS: Input File Format (1) Equation file (eqn) • The logic equations are of the form signal = expression ; • The following operators may be used to construct the expression • ( ) grouping • & or * or space AND • | or + OR • ! (prefix) or ‘ (postfix) NOT • != or ^ XOR • == XNOR • Hence, F = a*!b + c*!d ; and F = a b' + c d' ; represent the same equation

  19. Logic Synthesis using SIS: Input File Format (2) • The commands INORDER and OUTORDER can be used to specify the primary inputs and primary outputs for the network. • For example INORDER = a b c d; OUTORDER = p; t = c + !b; p = !d*a + !t*!a;

  20. Logic Synthesis using SIS: Input File Format (3) PLA (truth table) format • The following keywords are recognised, where [d] denotes a decimal number and [s] denotes a text string. .i [d] Specifies the number of input variables. .o [d] Specifies the number of output functions. .ilb [s1] [s2] . . . [sn] Gives the names of the input variables. .ob [s1] [s2] . . . [sn] Gives the names of the output functions. .p [d] Specifies the number of product terms. (optional) The product terms (one per line) are now specified - inputs outputs (See below) .e or .end Marks the end of the description. • Comments are allowed within the input file, following a # character.

  21. Logic Synthesis using SIS: Input File Format (4) ƒ(A,B,C,D) = m(4,5,6,8,9,10,13) + d(0,7,15) -- # inputs -- # outputs -- input names -- output name -- number of product terms -- A'BC'D' -- A'BC'D -- A'BCD' -- AB'C'D' -- AB'C'D -- AB'CD' -- ABC'D -- A'B'C'D' don't care -- A'BCD don't care -- ABCD don't care -- end of list .i 4 .o 1 .ilb a b c d .ob f .p 10 0100 1 0101 1 0110 1 1000 1 1001 1 1010 1 1101 1 0000 - 0111 - 1111 - .e

  22. Logic Synthesis using SIS: Input File Format (5) KISS2 (state table) format • In order to represent sequential designs, the previous truth-table format is extended to include ‘present state’ and ‘next state’ entries, so allowing state tables to be described. • The following commands are used .s [d] Specifies the number of states. (optional) .r [s] Specifies the reset state. (optional) The entries in the state table are now given - inputs current_state next_state outputs where current_state and next_state are symbolic names representing the circuit states.

  23. Logic Synthesis using SIS: Input File Format (6) Example .i 1 .o 1 0 st0 st0 0 1 st0 st1 0 0 st1 st2 0 1 st1 st1 0 0 st2 st0 0 1 st2 st1 1 .e

  24. Logic Synthesis using SIS: Input File Format (7) BLIF Format • Describe the hierarchical logic level of a given circuit in a textual form. • A circuit is viewed as directed graph of combinational and sequential logic nodes. • The format consists of the following information: • Model : flattened hierarchical circuit (input, output, clock) • Logic gates • External don’t cares • Flip-flop and latches • Library gates • Model (subcircuit) references • Subfile references • FSM description (KISS format) • Clock constraints • Delay constraints

  25. Logic Synthesis using SIS: Input File Format (7) Genlib Format • It is used to specify the gates in SIS • A cell is specified in the following format: GATE <cell-name> <cell-area> <cell-logic function> <pin-info> ……. <pin-info> • A pin is specified in the following format: PIN <pin-name> <phase> <input-load> <max-load> <rise-block delay> <rise-fanout-delay><fall-block-delay><fall-fanout-delay>

  26. Logic Synthesis using SIS: Input File Format (8) • A latch is specified in the following format: LATCH <cell-name> <cell-area> <cell-logic-function> <pin-info> …… <pin-info> <latch-spec> [<clock-delay-info>] [<constraints-info>] • Latch-spec is defined as SEQ <latch-input> <latch-output> <latch-type>

  27. FULL Adder PLA file (fa.pla): # Full Adder .i 3.o 2.ilb a b cin.ob sum co.p 8000 0 0001 1 0010 1 0011 0 1100 1 0101 0 1110 0 1111 1 1.e Invoke SIS and read the pla file $ sis UC Berkeley, SIS 1.3 sis>read_pla fa.pla sis>p {sum} = a b cin + a b' cin' + a' b cin' + a' b' cin{co} = a b cin + a b cin' + a b' cin + a' b cin sis> simplify * sis> print {co} = a b + a ci + b ci {sum} = a b ci + a b' ci' + a' b ci' + a' b' ci sis > print_factor {co} = ci (b + a) + a b {sum} = ci (a' b' + a b) + ci' (a b' + a' b) Example: Combinational Logic (1)

  28. sis> tech_decomp -o 4 -a 4 sis> print {co} = [848] + [849] + [850] {sum} = [844] + [845] + [846] + [847] [844] = a b' ci' [845] = a' b ci' [846] = a' b' ci [847] = a b ci [848] = b ci [849] = a ci [850] = a b sis> read_library msu.genlib sis> map sis> print {co} = a b + a ci + b ci [1207] = a' [1205] = b' [1214] = [1205] [1207] ci + a b ci [844] = [1207]' b' ci' [845] = [1205]' a' ci' {sum} = [1214] + [844] + [845] Example: Combinational Logic (2)

  29. sis> print_map_stats Total Area = 352.00 Gate Count = 12 Buffer Count = 0 Most Negative Slack = -5.00 Sum of Negative Slack = - 10.00 Number of Critical PO = 2 sis> read_eqn full.adder sis> source script sis> print {co} = a b + a ci + b ci {sum} = {co}' a + {co}' b + {co}' ci + a b ci Example: Combinational Logic (3)

  30. Example: Sequential Logic (1) • sis> read_kiss mark1.kiss2 mark1.kiss2 pi= 5 po=16 nodes= 0 latches= 0 lits(sop)= 0 lits(fac)= 0 #states(STG)= 16 • sis> state_minimize stamina Running stamina, written by June Rho, University of Colorado at Boulder Number of states in original machine : 16 Number of states in minimized machine : 12 mark1.kiss2 pi= 5 po=16 nodes= 0 latches= 0 lits(sop)= 0 lits(fac)= 0 #states(STG)= 12

  31. Example: Sequential Logic (2) • sis> state_assign jedi mark1.kiss2 pi= 5 po=16 nodes= 20 latches= 4 lits(sop)= 195 lits(fac)= 144 #states(STG)= 12 • sis> source script mark1.kiss2 pi= 5 po=16 nodes= 16 latches= 4 lits(sop)= 91 lits(fac)= 81 #states(STG)= 12 • sis> full_simplify mark1.kiss2 pi= 5 po=16 nodes= 16 latches= 4 lits(sop)= 91 lits(fac)= 80 #states(STG)= 12

  32. Example: Sequential Logic (3) • sis> extract_seq_dc number of latches = 4 depth = 6 states visited = 12 • sis> full_simplify mark1.kiss2 pi= 5 po=16 nodes= 16 latches= 4 lits(sop)= 79 lits(fac)= 70 #states(STG)= 12 • sis> extract_seq_dc • sis> source script.rugged mark1.kiss2 pi= 5 po=16 nodes= 17 latches= 4 lits(sop)= 70 lits(fac)= 66 #states(STG)= 12

  33. sis> retime -n Lower bound on the cycle time = 3.40 Retiming will minimize the cycle time RETIME: Initial clk = 13.60, Desired clk = 3.40 initial cycle delay = 13.60 initial number of registers = 4 initial logic cost = 78.00 initial register cost = 4.00 Failed at 3.40 : Now attempting 8.50 Failed at 8.50 : Now attempting 11.05 Failed at 11.05 : Now attempting 12.32 Failed at 12.32 : Now attempting 12.96 Failed at 12.96 : Now attempting 13.28 Failed at 13.28 : Now attempting 13.44 Success at 13.44, Delay is 13.40 Success: Now attempting 13.34 Quitting binary search at 13.34 final cycle delay = 13.40 final number of registers = 8 final logic cost = 78.00 final register cost = 8.00 RETIME: Final cycle time achieved = 13.40 mark1.kiss2 pi= 5 po= 16 nodes= 17 latches= 8 lits(sop)= 70 lits(fac)= 66 Example: Sequential Logic (4)

  34. Example: Sequential Logic (5) • sis> rlib lib2.genlib • sis> map -s total gate area: 104864.00 maximum arrival time: (19.75,20.35) mark1.kiss2 pi= 5 po=16 nodes= 50 latches= 9 lits(sop)= 120 lits(fac)= 105

  35. Questions ??

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