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Summary from CA coordination and Security working group meeting

Summary from CA coordination and Security working group meeting. WP4 workshop 2001.06.07 davidg@nikhef.nl. Security related meetings summary. Certification Authorities coordination Organizationally a working group of WP6 Coordinates efforts for certification in various counties

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Summary from CA coordination and Security working group meeting

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  1. Summary from CA coordination and Security working group meeting WP4 workshop 2001.06.07 davidg@nikhef.nl

  2. Security related meetings summary • Certification Authorities coordination • Organizationally a working group of WP6 • Coordinates efforts for certification in various counties • Gives guidance to new CA’s now setting up • Sets minimum standards for trustworthy CA’s • DataGrid Security coordination meeting • Interested individuals concerned with security in the DataGrid at large • Forum for security architecture discussions • Coordination of security efforts within the WP’s

  3. Certification Authorities • Currently 8 Certification Authorities: • CERN (Pietro Martucci) • INFN (Roberto Cecchini) • DutchGrid/NIKHEF (David Groep) • UKHEP (Andrew Sansum) • CNRS datagrid-fr (Jean-Luc Archimbaud) • LIP (Jorge Gomes) • CESnet (Milan Sova and Daniel Kouril) • Spain is preparing, Russia will start preparing

  4. Certification minimal requirements • Minimal requirements for certification authorities defined • Non-networked machine • Documented Certification Policy and Practice Statement (CP/CPS) • Traceability of CPS in effect at time of signing (using OID’s) • CRL issuing required, lifetime between 7 and 30 days • Relying parties should retrieve CRL preferably every day • There will be no on-site auditing, we will crosscheck each others CP/CPS • Entities should generate own key pairs (CA must not know!) • Activity on recommending best-practice Grid CP/CPS in GGF(DataGrid has no manpower to get heavily involved) • Drafted a list of recommended cert extensions

  5. Certification Authorities in a Fabric • None of the national CAs is prepared to issue host certificatesto all hosts in a farm • OK to apply for gatekeeper certs for LSF masters and such • OK also for test bed 1 hosts with fork job manager • WP4 has already a possible solution: FLIDS • Automatic CRL retrieval, use the GetCerts package from cron soon to be included in WP6 distribution, now from DutchGrid CA sitehttp://certificate.nikhef.nl/

  6. Certification Authorities, Administrative • A ca-coordination mailing is being set up by Dave Kelsey • List can be used for incident reporting • See also http://marianne.in2p3.fr/datagrid/ca/ca.html • Detailed notes to be found from http://www.nikhef.nl/~davidg/grid/

  7. DataGrid Security working group

  8. DG Security-wg aims • Identify security requirements and deliverables witin the WPs • Implications of security on the DataGrid architecture (urgent) • Identify lacking resources • Self-organisation • Extensive discussions planned for Lecce with Steve Tuecke

  9. Security per Work Package (1) • WP1 • Will be managing the user’s identities • Jobs will probably run with the identity of the original user • The applications don’t care, as long as: • Roles can be assigned to users and • Quota can be associated with roles • A user can have multiple roles (in different sessions), but only one cert • WP2 • Same issue with ownership of replicated files. Not resolved yet.

  10. Security per Work Package (2) • WP3 • Will start using MDS-2 in PM9 • Will have added GSI security, but does not use LDAP access rights • No subtree or element access control, just grid mapfile • Only just started thinking about security issues for >PM9 • WP4 • Presented use case of job submission, GjMS, LCAS, LCMAPS & FLIDS • For grid info services use WP3 framework • “GridGate” should be relabelled “NAT box” • No security comments on install-a-fresh-box use case

  11. Security per Work Package (3) • WP5 • Will store files by uid/gid • Will need a grid mapfile • May be different form the one used by ComputeElement • YAGM: Yet Another Grid Mapfile • WP7 • Interesting: they have three security deliverables and some committed manpower (PPARC 18 pm/3y, CERN 12 pm/3y, INFN & CNRS also) • No-one in WP7 cares about security at large • Only competent in network-layer security, so work might be done under ATF umbrella, formally staying in WP7 • Once and for all: VPNs are a bad thing. The effort for the VPN test bed is going into a document to prove VPNs are useless • DoS attacks will be the real issue in network security

  12. Security per Work Package (4) • WP8,10 (applications) • Want less fuss with national CA’s (150 counties in LHC!) sorry! • Want single signon: one identity and multiple roles (1 role per session) • Autorization by VO, VO decides on quota and groups • Requirement common to all applications justify a common solution (CAS) • Applications want to keep local site in control, but • Local sites should publish their policies (abstracted) to show they are complying with the agreed MoUs • Want a good USERS GUIDE • WP10 has a lot of sensitive data, encryption preferred on application level • “anonymous ftp” like areas, but restricted to “any biologist”

  13. Policy language • Obvious candidate is the work of the IRTF AAAARCH group • Generic policy language currently an IRTF draft • http://iridal.phys.uu.nl/~aaaarch/doc08/ • Or http://www.aaaarch.org/

  14. Interaction between CE and SE • Details: ATF (Germán) • Some consensus seems to be • Use GridFTP for for remote and local access to a SE • Applications are prepared to refrain from local file system access (not use open(2)) • Except for some scratch storage like /tmp • Legacy applications should pre-declare their files • To prevent rouge applications, the binaries may be signed • The receiving end should verify the signature • Users can make no assumptions about a local identity anywhere (gsi-ssh)

  15. Firewall issues • Current state on port numbers used is unclear • Especially for return ports and user dynamic ports • Nice to have all future access use predefined static ports, • Providing secure gateways into the local fabric • Like the WP4 proposal • To be able to selective block malicious access

  16. User mapping management for PM9 • INFN: LDAP directory of users and groupsgenerates a gridmapfile • URL not yet defined • Manchester: gridmapdir patch • http://www.hep.grid.ac.uk/gridmapdir/ • Possibly included in new Globus release by default • Uid issues: most systems do 4 billion uids, but Linux ≤2.2.x only 64K?

  17. Future of the security working group • Dave Kelsey will propose a somewhat more formal body to the PTB • Should be driven by 3 named persons, to come from the three sites with committed effort (PPARC, INFN, CNRS) • Lot of others should review documents and/or write a few pages for the architecture • Framework for architecture given by DaveK • Requirements by September/October • Final Security architecture deliverable is in PM12 • Detailed notes at http://www.nikhef.nl/~davidg/grid/

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