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Reading skills

Reading skills. Or: How You Become a Qualified Reader. Before you start reading a text:. Explore the context . Look at the title . Is it straightforward or a play on words ? What sort of text is it? Fiction or non-fiction?

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Reading skills

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Reading skills Or: HowYouBecome a QualifiedReader

  2. Before you start reading a text: Explore the context. • Look at the title. Is it straightforward or a play on words? • What sort of text is it? Fiction or non-fiction? • What is the genre (crime, suspense, literary fiction, humour)? • Who is the writer?

  3. Whilereading 1 • Read a text from start to finish: just enjoy it. • Don’tworrytoomuchabout the meaningofeveryword. Only look upwordsthatinterferewithyour overall understanding. • Practicegetting the gist (overall meaning).

  4. Whilereading 2 • Try totreat the text as youwould in Swedish. • Make yourownjudgementsabout the characters and theirbehaviour. • Letyourimaginationloose! Hear the sounds, the waypeoplespeak, smell the roses!

  5. Afterreading • Didyouenjoy the text? • Was it surprising, moving, informative, funny, entertaining? • Didyou like the style or the toneadopted by the writer? • Has the text taughtyouanythingyoudidn’tknow? • Give it marks ourof 10.

  6. The Art of Re-reading 1 Reading for global or overall meaning • Whatare the mainpoints the writer is communicating? • In thiscase, youare not toobotheredabout the details

  7. The Art of Re-reading 2 Reading for detail • Canyoulocatespecific information or details in the text and understandtheirimportancetowhat the writer is saying? (=scanning a text) • Youusethistechniquewhenyouarelooking for specific information in answertoyourown or somebodyelse’squestions

  8. The Art of Re-reading 3 Reading between the lines • Peopleoftenimplythingswhentheyspeak or write. That is, theygive the listener or reader hints aboutwhattheyreallywantto get across. • Jane rephrased my question. ”Shouldyou go outwith Danny?” Shefrowned and wentquiet. Finallyshespoke, ”If you do, you’ll be oneofmany”. Thatwas all I neededtoknow.

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