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Title IX: 40 Years and Counting National Women’s Law Center ( nwlc )

Title IX: 40 Years and Counting National Women’s Law Center ( www.nwlc.org ). Requires schools to: Offer male and female students equal opportunities to play sports Treat male and female athletes fairly. Fundamental Tenets of Title IX. Demonstrate

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Title IX: 40 Years and Counting National Women’s Law Center ( nwlc )

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  1. Title IX: 40 Years and Counting National Women’s Law Center (www.nwlc.org)

  2. Requires schools to: • Offer male and female students equal opportunities to play sports • Treat male and female athletes fairly Fundamental Tenets of Title IX

  3. Demonstrate • % of male and female athletes are about the same as the % male and female students enrolled • OR . . . • The school has a history and a continuing practice of expanding opportunities for female athletes • OR . . . • That the school is fully meeting female athletes’ interests and abilities. Equal opportunities??

  4. % of H.S. with participation gap 10% points or higher RANK STATE

  5. % of H.S. with participation gap 10% points or higher STATE RANK

  6. Demonstrate • Equitable quality and quantity of equipment & supplies • Fairness in scheduling games & practices • Equitable financial support for travel & expenses • Fairness in assigning and paying quality coaches • Equitable facilities • Locker room, fields, and arenas Treat fairly??

  7. Current Trends & Issues in Athletics • Gender Equity • Explain the class • Ask time to share strategies to provide = opportunities to both genders • Victory stories / frustrations Class project

  8. Older facilities before the rise of girls sports Budgeting issues across the board Football gets most Booster $ Pretty sure we don’t follow, pretty sure it’s illegal Sports have different sponsorships (AR) Decrease interest in freshman girls basketball Donations cause a huge headache Cannot answer, under T9 investigation NO PROBLEMS! obstacles

  9. Same # of sports ???? Added golf, ice hockey, gymnastics, cheer 2 high schools combined to meet #’s for teams Gender coordinators / same salary & class code Use OCR three prong check point Share equipment when possible Wheelchair athlete on the track team Comparable salaries/ budgets / # of coaches Positive attributes

  10. NOT A SPECTATOR SPORT • Prepared • Knowledgeable • Proactive Title IX Compliance

  11. Wisconsin interscholastic athletic association

  12. Booster club donations • School can use funds as designated by donor • If results in an inequity along gender lines • District must correct using its own funds if needed • Remember . . . . • Budgets don’t need to be equal • Benefits provided must be equal • Solution? • All-inclusive school-wide sports booster club policy, even better? ALL-INCLUSIVE Knowledgeable

  13. Work to identify who is your Title IX compliance officer • By law: • Public schools • Charter schools • Magnet schools • Investigates complaints: • Sex discrimination • Sexual harassment BE PROACTIVE

  14. Administration: • Work to create a committee and begin with a strategic plan • School board members • Parents, public/community members etc. • Coaches / Teachers • Work to be on the committee CONNECT

  15. Assess existing program (Check it Out) • Organize talking sessions • Staff • District personnel • Action plan communicate

  16. Title IX jumpstarts Sun Prairie Ladies Athletics in 1972. Celebrate Saturday, January 19th. Sun Prairie, WI – In 1972 Sun Prairie High School Girls Athletic Association had 125 girls in the club designed to get intramural-level sports organized for interested girls. In the same year, the Federal government signed into law, Title IX which essentially leveled the playing field for girls by giving them equal sports representation. Since then, 11 conference sports have been added along with one club sport. Timeline of Ladies Athletics 1901 Basketball 1946 Bowling 1972 Girls Athletic Association 1972 Track 1973 Tennis 1974 Volleyball, Gymnastics 1976 Softball 1978 Cross Country 1987 Golf 1989 Soccer 1992 Swimming 2005 Bowling 2007 Hockey 2010 Equestrian 2011 679- (a club sport) Strong Participation Today At the end of the 2011 seasons, there were 446 girls who participated in a sport compared to 634 boys. The girls represented 41 percent of all Sun Prairie High School athletes.

  17. 9 years old • 1,911 Rushing yards • 35 TD • 65 Tackles

  18. “Our vision is to create an educationally based environment where all kids can succeed. That includes race, special needs, gender, and socio-economic status. You have to address them all together; that’s how you change culture.” AD QUOTE

  19. Geneva All Sports Booster @ http://ghsallsportsboosters.com/# • Hinsdale Booster Club @ http://www.Theboosters.com • http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=TAmr62zIBQw • National Federation of State High School Associations Participation Survey @ • http://www.nfhs.org/content.aspx?id=3282 • NATIONAL WOMEN’S LAW CENTER @ • http://www.nwlc.org/our-issues/education-%2526-title-ix/athletics • Washington State Athletics @ • http://www.k12.wa.us/Equity/default.aspx • Wisconsin Interscholastic Athletic Association @ • http://www.wiaawi.org/Schools/PupilNondiscrimination.aspx references

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