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The Wave

The Wave. By: Todd Strasser. PERPETUAL. Continuing or enduring forever. BEFUDDLED . To confuse. MENIAL. Lowly, humble (such as the work one might give to a servant). PERMEATED. To spread throughout or penetrate something. INEXPLICABLE. Difficult or impossible to explain. INCESSANT.

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The Wave

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Wave By: Todd Strasser

  2. PERPETUAL • Continuing or enduring forever

  3. BEFUDDLED • To confuse

  4. MENIAL • Lowly, humble (such as the work one might give to a servant)

  5. PERMEATED • To spread throughout or penetrate something

  6. INEXPLICABLE • Difficult or impossible to explain

  7. INCESSANT • Continuing without interruption, unending

  8. REGIMENT • to manage or treat in a rigid, uniform manner; subject to strict discipline

  9. APPEASED • to bring to a state of peace, quiet, ease, calm, or contentment

  10. ALLEGIANCE • loyalty or devotion to some person, group, cause, or the like

  11. RESURGENCE • rising or tending to rise again; reviving

  12. SABBATICAL • To pass time doing nothing

  13. SKEPTICAL • Showing doubt or questioning something

  14. UTOPIAN • founded upon or involving idealized perfection

  15. FASCISM • a political movement that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized government headed by a dictator

  16. USURP • to seize or exercise authority or possession wrongfully

  17. COMPLIANCE • Cooperation or obedience

  18. DICTATOR • A person exercising absolute power

  19. DISSEMINATE • To disperse (spread) throughout

  20. MORALE • The mental or emotional condition of a group with regards to the task at hand

  21. FAD • A temporary fashion, way of thinking, or conduct

  22. CULT • a religion or sect considered to be false or extremist with members often living under the direction of a charismatic leader.

  23. INDOCTRINATE • To instruct, usually with a biased opinion, point of view, or principle

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