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Update on the Belgian Cancer Registry, breast cancer data...

Update on the Belgian Cancer Registry, breast cancer data. Belgian Breast Meeting 3-4/10/2008 Liesbet Van Eycken. Overview. Introduction, history of the BCR Breast Cancer Incidence - Mortality Europe Belgium Flanders. 1983 NKR-RNC. 2002 CIV IACR Flemish Network.

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Update on the Belgian Cancer Registry, breast cancer data...

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  1. Update on the Belgian Cancer Registry,breast cancer data... Belgian Breast Meeting 3-4/10/2008 Liesbet Van Eycken

  2. Overview • Introduction, history of the BCR • Breast Cancer Incidence - Mortality • Europe • Belgium • Flanders

  3. 1983 NKR-RNC 2002 CIV IACR Flemish Network 1955 Obligatory health insurance ‘social disease’ 1994 AKR/LIKAR 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2005: -STOP NCR 2003“KB MOC - KB normen onco basiszorg en progr” History cancer registration in Belgium

  4. Belgian Cancer Registry • Founded 1/7/2005 • Collaboration between physicians, autorities and health insurances • 12/2006: Health Law, art. 39: ‘Kankerregister- Registre du Cancer’ • Autorisation to use the national number • Description of data transfer and pathways • Clinical pathway (moc – non moc) • Pathology and Hematology pathway • Cancer Plan March 2008 • All cancers MOC • Data manager funding in the hospital • ...

  5. Actual Data sources Belgian Cancer Registry Hospitals: Oncol Care MOC – non-MOC Pathology labs Haematology Health Insurances Belgian Cancer Registry

  6. CANCER IN EUROPE, 2006 • 3.191.600 new cancer cases • 53% males • 47% females • 1.703.000 cancer deaths • 56% males • 44% females Ferlay J et al, Ann Onc 2007, doi:10.1093/annonc/mdl498

  7. Incidence (n) Total: 3.191.600 Breast: 429.900 Colorectal: 412.900 Lung: 386.300 Prostate: 346.000 Mortality (n) Total: 1.703.000 Lung: 334.800 Colorectal: 207.000 Breast: 131.900 Stomach: 118.200 Cancer incidence and mortality, estimates 2006EUROPE Ferlay J et al, Ann Onc 2007, doi:10.1093/annonc/mdl498

  8. 2004, Breast Cancer, Belgium: 9.406 new cases

  9. Breast Cancer, 2004 Belgium 9.406 Flemish Region 5.374 Walloon region 3.101 Brussels region 931 57% 33% 10%

  10. Breast cancer, 2004, Age specific incidence

  11. Reasons? • Methodology? • Check (Wall-Bxl) • Administrative procedures? • Prevalent cases? • Result check: >3.000 cases: change of 2,2% ! • Influence screening programs (timing)? • Risk factors? • Next years? • ...

  12. Breast Cancer: evolution of age stand. incidence rates Flemish Region

  13. Flemish Region, Breast Cancer: evolution of incidence and mortality per age category <50 y 50-69y 70+

  14. Breast cancer mortality, Flemish Region, 1994-2004 40-69 years: breast cancer is the most important cause of death

  15. Flemish Region, breast cancer: 5y relative survival per stage

  16. Breast Cancer, all ages, flemish region: stage distribution

  17. Breast Cancer, 50-69 years, flemish region: stage distribution

  18. Europe: 5-year relative survival, 1995-1999 Eurocare-4 F. Berrino et al. 2007

  19. Europe, breast cancer: 5-year relative survival, 1995-1999 Eurocare-4 F. Berrino et al. 2007

  20. 5 year relative survival, all cancers, 1995-1999 TNEH

  21. Conclusion • Breast Cancer • High incidence in Belgium • Differences in incidence in the Belgian regions • Further investigations! • TNM evolution? • Mortality decreasing over time • Survival data comparable with the European results • Up to a cancer registry for Belgium with useful data for health care workers, autorities, research, etc...

  22. Thank you! And... Thank you Cancer Registry team!

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