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Security of Using Special Integers in Elliptic Scalar Multiplication

Security of Using Special Integers in Elliptic Scalar Multiplication. Mun-Kyu Lee o Jin Wook Kim Kunsoo Park School of CSE, Seoul National University. 1. Preliminaries. Elliptic Curve. A curve of the form y 2 + xy = x 3 + ax 2 + b or y 2 = x 3 + ax + b

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Security of Using Special Integers in Elliptic Scalar Multiplication

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  1. Security of Using Special Integers in Elliptic Scalar Multiplication Mun-Kyu Leeo Jin Wook Kim Kunsoo Park School of CSE, Seoul National University

  2. 1. Preliminaries

  3. Elliptic Curve • A curve of the form y2 + xy = x3 + ax2 + b or y2 = x3 + ax + b • There are many cryptosystems that use elliptic curve operations.

  4. Elliptic Curve Operations [1] • Point Addition: R = P +Q • First, draw theline through P and Q. • Then this line intersectsthe elliptic curvein a third point. • Define R = P +Q(the sum of P and Q)as the reflection ofthis point in the x-axis.

  5. Elliptic Curve Operations [2] • Point Doubling: R = 2P • First, draw the tangent lineto the curve at P. • Then this line intersectsthe curve ina second point. • Define R = 2P(the double of P)as the reflection ofthis point in the x-axis.

  6. Elliptic Curve Operations [3] • Scalar Multiplication kP • For a nonnegative integer k and a point P,scalar multiplication kP is defined as • 0P = O, for k = 0, where O is the “point at infinity”which is the additive identity element. • kP = (k-1)P + P for k > 0.

  7. ECDLP • Elliptic Curve Discrete Log Problem • Given two points P and Q on an elliptic curve, • ECDLP is to find k such that kP = Q

  8. Scalar Mult. vs. ECDLP Scalar Multiplication k, P Q = kP Efficient ECDLP P, Q k s.t. Q = kP - Computationally infeasible - Hence, security of elliptic curve based cryptosystems is based on this problem.

  9. The purpose of this paper • is to develop a technique to find harder instances of ECDLP,while keeping the efficiency of a scalar multiplication as the same level.

  10. 2. Previous Results:Efficient Scalar Mult. Algos.

  11. [1] Binary Method • To compute Q = kP, • represent k as a binary form. • scan each bit of k from left to right. • if the bit is 1, do a doubling and an addition.if the bit is 0, do a doubling only. • Example: 61P = (1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1)(2)P 1 1 1 1 0 1 DBL DBL 1 10 110 1110 11110 111100 P 2P 6P 14P 30P 60P DBL DBL DBL ADD P ADD P ADD P ADD P 3P 7P 15P Q = 61P 11 111 1111 111101

  12. [1] Binary Method • Complexity • log k doublings and • HW(k)-1 additions,where HW(k) is the Hamming weight of k,i.e., the number of 1’s in the binary representation of k.

  13. [2] Signed Binary Method • [Morain, Olivos 90] • Use the following facts. • For a point P on an elliptic curve, computation of an additive inverse –P is almost free. • For example,on y2 = x3 + ax + b,–P is the reflection of Pin the x-axis. • Hence, a subtraction P - Q has the same complexity as that of an addition P +Q. P = (x, y) -P = (x, -y)

  14. [2] Signed Binary Method • To compute Q = kP, • convert k to a signed binary representation k’ with smaller number of nonzero digits than k. • if a digit is 1, do a doubling and an addition.if a digit is –1, do a doubling and a subtraction.if a digit is 0, do a doubling only. • Example: 61P = (26 - 22 +1)P = (1, 0, 0, 0,-1, 0, 1)P -1 1 0 0 0 0 1 DBL DBL DBL DBL DBL 1 10 100 1000 10000 100010 1000100 P 2P 4P 8P 16P 30P 60P SUB ADD DBL 15P Q = 61P 1000101 10001

  15. [2] Signed Binary Method • Complexity • log k doublings and • SHW(k)-1 additions/subtractions,where SHW(k) is the signed Hamming weight of k, i.e., the number of nonzeros in the signed binary representation of k.

  16. [3] AMV method • In many elliptic curve based systems, we compute kP for a randomly chosen k. • [Agnew, Mullin, Vanstone 93] • Choose special k’s that have small HW(k) to reduce the number of additions. • Specifically, generate random k’s of length m in a binary form s.t. HW(k) = w for a fixed small w. • One can control the Hamming weight, and thus the number of additions.

  17. [3] AMV method • Example: m = 8, w = 3 0. Initially, there are 8 empty bits. 1. Choose 3 random positions for ‘1’. 2. Set them as ‘1’ and others as ‘0’. For kP, we need 7 doublings and 2 additions. k = (1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1)

  18. 3. Proposed Method

  19. Our Method • Use special k’s • Generate random k’s that have small SHW(k). • Specifically, generate random k’s of length m in a signed binary form s.t. SHW(k) = w for a fixed small w. • More secure than the AMV selection method, i.e., random selection of k’s with HW(k)=w. • (Recall that an ECDLP is to find k such that kP = Q.) • The number of possible k’s in our method is much larger, • while the amount of computation is the same,i.e., m-1 doublings and w-1 additions/subtractions,in both of the methods.

  20. Naïve Approach • In order to generate a random k of length m s.t. SHW(k) = w, • randomly select w locations for nonzero digits out of m possible digits of k, • and then assign ‘1’ or ‘-1’ to each of these digits randomly. • Problem • k’s are not unique. • Hence, the search space for k is much smaller than what we have intended. • Example: m = 6, w = 3 • (1,0,0,1,0,-1) = (1,0,0,0,1,1) = 35

  21. Solution • select k’s in the nonadjacent form (NAF). • NAF is a signed binary representation with the property that no two consecutive digits are nonzero. • A number’s NAF is unique. 35 possible representations in NAF not in NAF (1, 0, 0, 1, 0,-1) (1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1)

  22. Selection Algorithm • Now, we want to generate a random k of length min NAF s.t. SHW(k) = w to guarantee the uniqueness of k. • To satisfy the NAF property, we use ‘10’ and ‘-10’ as single nonzero units instead of ‘1’ and ‘-1’. • The algorithm has six steps.

  23. Step 1 • Initially there is an array of m-w+1 consecutive empty slots. Example: m = 8, w = 3 (m -w +1 = 6)

  24. Step 2 • Assign two-digit binary number 10 to the first slot to guarantee that k > 0 and that k has exactlym digits. Example: m = 8, w = 3 10

  25. Step 3 • Choose w - 1 random slots out of the remaining m – w slots and assign10 or –10 randomly to each of them. Example: m = 8, w = 3 (w -1 = 2, m -w = 5) 10 -10 10

  26. Step 4 • Assign 0 to each remaining slot. Example: m = 8, w = 3 10 0 -10 0 0 10

  27. Step 5 • Concatenate all slots to get a number k with m +1 signed binary digits. • Note that, for now, k is always even. Example: m = 8, w = 3 10 0 -10 0 0 10 (1, 0, 0,-1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0) 9 digits

  28. Step 6 • Set k = k / 2 Example: m = 8, w = 3 (1, 0, 0,-1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0) k = (1, 0, 0,-1, 0, 0, 0, 1) 8 digits For kP, we need 7 DBLs and 2 ADD/SUBs.

  29. Distribution of k’s • k’s generated by this algorithm are unique. • k’s generated by this algorithm form a uniform distribution of k’s thathave m digits and satisfy SHW(k) = w.

  30. 4. Security Analysis

  31. Security Against BSGS • With k’s of special forms, the best possible attack algorithm against the ECDLP is the baby-step giant-step algorithm, which is a time-memory trade-off version of the exhaustive search. • Hence, k’s with larger search space is more secure against this attack. • Now we compare the size of the search space of our method with that of the AMV method.

  32. Comparison of the Sizes of Search Spaces for k AMV Our Method # digits m m # nonzeros w w complexity ofa scalar mult. m-1 DBLsw-1 ADDs m-1 DBLsw-1 ADD/SUBs sizes of search spaces

  33. Comparison in Typical Settings • The size of the search space of our method is much larger. • Our method is expected to be more secure.

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