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Meeting on ITER water chemistry and implication on the PACTITER development / CORELE experiments

Meeting on ITER water chemistry and implication on the PACTITER development / CORELE experiments. Garching / Cadarache 28/03/06 Introduction and objectives. Activated Corrosion Products (ACP) evaluation: main objectives. The main general objectives of the ACP evaluation concerns three aspects:

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Meeting on ITER water chemistry and implication on the PACTITER development / CORELE experiments

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  1. Meeting on ITER water chemistry and implication on the PACTITER development / CORELE experiments Garching / Cadarache 28/03/06 Introduction and objectives Vincent MASSAUT Meeting 28/03/2006

  2. Activated Corrosion Products (ACP) evaluation: main objectives • The main general objectives of the ACP evaluation concerns three aspects: • The source term in case of accident/incident • The aspect of occupational radiation exposure (ORE) and radioprotection optimization • The aspect of waste management (through contamination) • A rather good knowledge of the ACP production, transport and deposition should be demonstrated for the licensing of ITER. Even if precise numbers are not available, it should be possible to show that we can produce conservative “envelope” values and that the process to refine the knowledge is in progress. Vincent MASSAUT Meeting 28/03/2006

  3. ACP has two ways of production • Due to the high neutron flux and high neutron energy the production of ACP needs to be assessed: how are they released, transported and deposited ? Corrosion PFC Activation Activation Corrosion Deposition Deposition Corrosion of loops components, products transported and undergoing neutron irradiation Corrosion of components undergoing neutron irradiation Vincent MASSAUT Meeting 28/03/2006

  4. Development of evaluation codes for LWR and then for fusion • The ACP evaluation is based on the PACTOLE code developed for ACP in PWR plants • A specific version, intended for fusion and in particular for ITER, called PACTITER, was launched several years ago (adaptation of pressure, temperature and materials specific to ITER) • The PACTOLE code evolved from version 1. to 2.0, 2.1., and recently to 3.0, 3.1. and 3.2. (including oxidizing environment) Vincent MASSAUT Meeting 28/03/2006

  5. Evolution of PACTOLE / PACTITER v3 Low T, other mat Pactole 3.0 Pactiter 3.0 Idem Chemistry module(PHREECQ) Release & corrosion rate formula f (T,pH,B, Li, water...) + Cu thermo data ? In 2007 ? Pactole 3.1 Pactole 3.1 Pactiter 3.1 Pactiter 3.1 Oxidizing condition (for shut down)not relevant for ITER Pactole 3.2 Vincent MASSAUT Meeting 28/03/2006

  6. HETS CORELE loop 18 HEA2 0.25 m 17 TEST 1 Pressurizer HEA1 16 TSRH 5 m 2 Step 1. Heater 28 RH12 RHX9 15 19 3 RHX4 RHX8 20 RHX5 RHX2 4 RH11 27 14 Pump Regenerative HXs RHX7 21 RHX3 5 RHX6 RH10 13 26 Tank di = 31.78 mm di = 17.08 mm RXA1 RXA2 6 22 Auxiliary HXs AUX1 AUX3 23 7 Chemistry Control Resins AUX2 AUX4 8 24 24 m 25 24 m Step 2. ACV1 9 ACV2 Tank 12 DUM3 BY1 29 DUM1 10 BY2 30 Sampling de = 40 mm de = 21.3 mm Recuperative Heat Recuperative Heat DUM2 11 Exchangers Exchangers Shell side Inner side Validation using the CORELE-2 Loop experimental facility PACTITER model The model consists of 30 zones. The coolant inventory is 0.07 m3 and the totalwetted surface is 15.29 m2. Also the zones made of polypropylene simulated by Zircalloy Vincent MASSAUT Meeting 28/03/2006

  7. BUT… the PACTOLE/PACTITER and CORELE experiment were first established for PWR conditions • Allowing temperature and pressure useful in LWR plants • Using materials found in LWR plants • These aspects were adapted for the PACTITER code • But the water chemistry is based on the coordinated B-Li chemistry • While in ITER the water chemistry seems to be closer to BWR water, with control of the conductivity (or of the corrosion potential) as driving parameter Vincent MASSAUT Meeting 28/03/2006

  8. The ITER water chemistry conditions(to be confirmed by ITER IT members) Vincent MASSAUT Meeting 28/03/2006

  9. The question is thus as follows: Can the PACTITER code deal with such chemistry conditions ? And can the CORELE experiment be carried out with such a control ? PWR & Pactole conditions Interval of pH variation BWR & ITER conditions The water chemistry issue Vincent MASSAUT Meeting 28/03/2006

  10. Finally another aspect should also be discussed: oxidizing or non-oxidizing conditions ? • Even if H2 is added, regarding the rather high level of radiolysis, and the low oxygen/hydrogen peroxide content needed (~100 ppb) to go to oxidizing conditions, some people are thinking that the environment should remain an oxidizing environment. • Probably to be discussed • If agreed, then potential use of PACTOLE/PACTITER v 3.2. ? Vincent MASSAUT Meeting 28/03/2006

  11. The main goals of this meeting are thus… • To resolve this question about the water chemistry condition : • Applicable in PACTITER v3 ? How to introduce it in the data input file ? • Applicable and controllable in the CORELE (or CIRENE) experimental facility ? How can the water quality be guaranteed? Any experience with such low conductivity values ? • To define if we have to consider the oxidizing conditions in the ITER water chemistry • To know what are the requirements for the licensing process (at short and at mid term) Vincent MASSAUT Meeting 28/03/2006

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