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What can we do in a dangerous situation?

What can we do in a dangerous situation?. Tara & Tiree, Two Good Friends. Tara & Tiree, Two Good Friends. Tara & Tiree, Two Good Friends. Big Question: What can we do in a dangerous situation?. Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday. Tara & Tiree, Two Good Friends Monday.

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What can we do in a dangerous situation?

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Presentation Transcript

  1. What can we do in a dangerous situation?

  2. Tara & Tiree, Two Good Friends

  3. Tara & Tiree, Two Good Friends

  4. Tara & Tiree, Two Good Friends

  5. Big Question:What can we do in a dangerous situation? • Monday • Tuesday • Wednesday • Thursday • Friday

  6. Tara & Tiree, Two Good FriendsMonday

  7. Tara & Tiree, Two Good FriendsMonday

  8. Today we will learn about: • new amazing words, • blending words with the bossy “r” sounds ar, or, ore, • sequence, and • nouns

  9. Tara & Tiree, Two Good Friends Monday

  10. courageous • cour – a - geous • Courageous means full of courage; brave. • Tara and Tiree were very courageous; they risked their own lives to save their owner. • The soldier wascourageous.

  11. hazard • haz - ard • A hazard is something dangerous. • The broken swing on the playground is a hazard. • Be careful of the hazard where the sidewalk is tilted.

  12. rescue • res - cue • If you rescue someone, you save that person from danger. If you saved someone, you made a rescue. • The firefighter rescued the child from the burning building. • The lifeguard came to the rescue of the child who could not swim.

  13. What sound does the vowel make in these words? • had • spot

  14. artist hard orchestra sport more darling born part score correct forget part score garden morning armor target party store short carpet r-Controlled ar, or, oreWhen the letters a and o are followed by r, the a and o have an r-controlled sound.

  15. Making Word Letter Tiles a– e - o ch - d - f h - m - r

  16. shark porch shore market corner chop charm thorn art armor store pocket start morning batch Word Reading

  17. Tara & Tiree, Two Good Friends

  18. Let’s talk about working together!

  19. What could we do in these dangerous situations?

  20. What could we do in these dangerous situations?

  21. What could we do in these dangerous situations?

  22. What could we do in these dangerous situations?

  23. What could we do in these dangerous situations?

  24. What could we do in these dangerous situations?

  25. What could we do in these dangerous situations?

  26. What could we do in these dangerous situations?

  27. What could we do in these dangerous situations?

  28. What could we do in these dangerous situations?

  29. What could we do in these dangerous situations?

  30. What could we do in these dangerous situations?

  31. What could we do in these dangerous situations?

  32. Read Aloud: The Rescue

  33. Sequence • Sequence is the order in which things happens. • As you read, think about what happens first, next, and last. • Good readers pay attention to the order of the events in a story.

  34. Monday’s Fix-It that dog is smart That dog is smart. it’s exciteing to see it work hard It’s exciting to see it work hard.

  35. Grammar: Nouns A noun names a person, place, animal, or thing. • The park was covered in snow. • The park was covered in snow. • The ducks and geese had no food. • The ducks and geese had no food.

  36. Grammar: Nouns A noun names a person, place, animal, or thing. • Two children lived across the street. • Two children lived across the street. • The girl and the boy brought bread to the birds. • The girl and the boy brought bread to the birds.

  37. Sort these nouns into the correct group:park, snow, ducks, geese, food, children, street, girl, boy, bread, birds

  38. Sort these nouns into the correct group:park, snow, ducks, geese, food, children, street, girl, boy, bread, birds

  39. Sort these nouns into the correct group:park, snow, ducks, geese, food, children, street, girl, boy, bread, birds

  40. Sort these nouns into the correct group:park, snow, ducks, geese, food, children, street, girl, boy, bread, birds

  41. Sort these nouns into the correct group:park, snow, ducks, geese, food, children, street, girl, boy, bread, birds

  42. Sort these nouns into the correct group:park, snow, ducks, geese, food, children, street, girl, boy, bread, birds

  43. Sort these nouns into the correct group:park, snow, ducks, geese, food, children, street, girl, boy, bread, birds

  44. Sort these nouns into the correct group:park, snow, ducks, geese, food, children, street, girl, boy, bread, birds

  45. Sort these nouns into the correct group:park, snow, ducks, geese, food, children, street, girl, boy, bread, birds

  46. Sort these nouns into the correct group:park, snow, ducks, geese, food, children, street, girl, boy, bread, birds

  47. Sort these nouns into the correct group:park, snow, ducks, geese, food, children, street, girl, boy, bread, birds

  48. Sort these nouns into the correct group:park, snow, ducks, geese, food, children, street, girl, boy, bread, birds

  49. Tara & Tiree, Two Good Friends Monday

  50. Tara & Tiree, Two Good Friends Tuesday

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