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SUPERVISOR’S AUDIO FORUM FBMS UPDATE Now What? What Role Do You Play?. DATE: March 11, 2009 TIME: 12 pm EST; 11 am CST; 10 am MST; 9 am PST; 8 am Alaska. Where are we with FBMS implementation?. Training has been transferred to NTC – Linda Johnson has the lead .

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  1. SUPERVISOR’S AUDIO FORUMFBMS UPDATENow What? What Role Do You Play? DATE: March 11, 2009 TIME: 12 pm EST; 11 am CST; 10 am MST; 9 am PST; 8 am Alaska

  2. Where are we with FBMS implementation? • Training has been transferred to NTC – Linda Johnson has the lead. • We have completed in excess of 11,000 payments in the last two months. • We have closed the books for October, November, and December. January and February are not that far off.

  3. Where are we with FBMS implementation? • CBS interface is in the process of catching up all accounts receivable. • Fleet Utilization is caught up but the financial side remains problematic. • Over 4500+ users have been trained and have access to FBMS. • As of February 25, 2009 – the DOI has conditionally approved the Operational Readiness Review.

  4. Problem Areas • Month end and quarterly reporting • Labor adjustments and reporting requirements • Fleet reporting • NIFC coordination

  5. User Account Management Processes How does a supervisor accomplish this? • In each state/center there is a FBMS State Lead or discipline-focused Account Controller. Contact your representative to discuss what the appropriate roles are for your employee(s). • Using the UAM-P form, https://www.fbms.doi.net for the BLM field offices, check the role(s) that are required for your employee. Send the completed form to the State or Center Deputy State Director for review and approval. • If you have an employee leaving the BLM, then a UAM-T for termination is required. This will remove all roles and access contained in FBMS. The clearance form is not adequate.

  6. User Account Management Processes What does it mean to your office? • Appropriate role assignment, training, and separation of duties within your state/center organization will change over time as the business changes; therefore, any changes to existing roles will follow the same procedures. • Security - It is important to manage the security within FBMS, and it will be continually monitored with semi-annual reviews of all staff in FBMS. • First security review is due to DOI March 31st.

  7. Role of Approver in the Workflow Process • In FBMS, the requisitioner identifies who needs to review the requisition. The 1st Approver is your role as supervisor. • How do you get notified that there is a PR to approve? Via workflow! Emails come to you in Lotus Notes letting you know that you need to go into FBMS, under MY TASKS to get to your workflow and approve the requisition.Did you act on it? Or delete just delete the email notice? • You’ll get more email notices. After day 4 and day 6, you get an email notice again reminding you that you have tasks to do. • If you acted on it, you accomplished the approval process and are actively participating in FBMS.

  8. Five different types of approval roles may be used in FBMS • Supervisor • IT • Property • AdHoc • Certifying Funds

  9. Supervisor Approver • Always the first approver and usually first line supervisor • Can Display, Approve, Change or Reject the request • Validates the information on the PR is complete and accurate.

  10. How do I get to MY TASKS? • Log onto FBMS at www.fbms.doi.net • Username = Active directory logon +blm.gov (i.e., jdoe@blm.gov) • Password = Active directory password) • Click on Home • Click on My Tasks • Click on Inbox

  11. Get Familiar with the Screen Work from the Workflow area (more Icons available such as Update) Open A task by Double-click

  12. Pay attention to: What is being purchased? Accounting Information UPC (User Product Code) Item Category (D for Service/Blank for Goods)

  13. Decisions, Decisions Approve Reject Change Display Cancel and Keep This screen provides you with a description of what you are expected to do.

  14. Display and Pay Attention: There are 3 areas that need your attention: Header information Use the Scroll Bar Approval/Status Tab Item Information Item Category Item Detail Button

  15. Display and Pay Attention: On this screen be sure that your item category is correct: D = Services or Construction Blank = Goods/Supplies

  16. On the Approval Tab you will see the approvers that have been entered Make sure there are no others that need to be added. You have the ability to add them. Remember: The UPC triggers the approvers you need (IT and Property) but only if the UPC is correct.

  17. What else do I need to look at? • Look at the item detail by • Clicking the box to the left of the item number to highlight the line • Clicking the item detail.

  18. Be sure to look at: • Accounting Information • Delivery Address to verify period of performance or delivery date • You can also display information about the purchase in the item text link.

  19. Anything else I need to know? • Attachments, once added by the requisitioner, cannot be modified. • If you need to make changes you need to detach, modify, and reattach. • You may add your own attachments if necessary through the services for object button

  20. Once I’ve viewed, what do I do? Click Cancel on the Screen to return to the inbox Click the update button (the one with a blue recycle symbol) Double click the PR Button and then you see…

  21. What happens after? Approve = it is forwarded to the next person in the line. Reject = you must enter a title for the rejection the reason for rejection and any action that has to happen. Change = make appropriate changes and moves forward Cancel and Keep = you will maintain the item in your inbox until you move it forward

  22. If I need to make changes? You can change the UPC, the funding, the header, add attachments, add line items, or include a message. To do this, click Change on the decision work step. If changing the UPC, remember that the UPC controls not only what approvers are necessary but also the accounting information.

  23. Remember: If you make changes you must document them in the change/history section. You as supervisor are a vital part of the process, ensuring that requisitions are accurate and complete before they move through workflow!

  24. As a supervisor, I have an important role in the PR process, but what if I am out of the office? • Establish a “proxy” for yourself • A proxy can be established for the length of time you are going to be gone and can be disabled should you return early. • It is really important you establish your proxies before you leave the office so that business can proceed while you are gone.

  25. To get there: • From the portal, click on Menu • Click on Settings • Click on Workflow Setting • Click on Maintain Substitute • REMEMBER: • A substitute must have the same role mapping as you to fulfill that role for you!

  26. Find your name and click the Create Substitute Button as shown below. A search dialog shows up and you can utilize the wildcard (*) to help you search for your substitute, i.e. *NEL* will find all those entered into FBMS who have that string of letters in their name. Once the list appears, select the name by highlighting it. Don’t forget to click the green check mark (continue)

  27. Validity = period during which you want them to substitute Once you’ve selected your dates, be sure to check the substitution active box and click the disk symbol to save. The proxy will automatically expire upon the last date of validity, but if you return earlier you can simply go back to the workflow settings and click end substitute. Then….

  28. Select the name of the substitute and click the delete substitute button.

  29. If a PR needs to be forwarded to someone else because a proxy was not established or the named approver still does not have access to FBMS: • Train requisitioners to only enter names of approvers who actually have access to FBMS as approvers. • Submit a HelpDesk ticket and ask for a PR to be workflowed to someone else. Provide the PR number and the person to whom the PR should be sent (No email notice will be sent to the new approver, they will be notified via the HelpDesk ticket resolution) • If a PR is workflowedby an Administrator, display the PR via Acquisitions, Purchasing, Purchase Request, Display PR. (The original name in the approver block will not change.)

  30. Final Tip: To open multiple windows under a single log on session: • Copy the FBMS URL: (control c) • Click on New Tab • Paste the URL: (control v) • Enter Now you can switch back and forth between windows by clicking on the tabs. Please… PROCESS REQUISITIONS TIMELY LOG IN to FBMS DAILY Check MY TASKS frequently Remember to UPDATE (Refresh) if you have been in FBMS for awhile THANK YOU!

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