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Coordinating Supportive Employment and Housing for HIV Health Outcomes

This webinar provides technical assistance on improving HIV health outcomes through the coordination of supportive employment and housing services. It covers the purpose of the funding opportunity, eligibility, program expectations, and application submission tips.

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Coordinating Supportive Employment and Housing for HIV Health Outcomes

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  1. Ryan White HIV/AIDS ProgramPart F – Special Projects of National SignificancePre-Application Technical Assistance WebinarHRSA-17-113Improving HIV Health Outcomes through the Coordination of Supportive Employment and Housing Services – Demonstration SitesJune 14, 2017 Amy Griffin, MSW, Public Health Analyst, Division of State HIV/AIDS Programs Chau Nguyen, MPH, Public Health Analyst, Office of Training & Capacity Development HIV/AIDS Bureau (HAB) Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA)

  2. Welcome and Introductions • Harold Phillips • Adan Cajina • Amy Griffin • Chau Nguyen • Corliss Heath • Nadia Ibrahim • Aisha Muhammad • Beverly Smith Director, HAB/OTCD SPNS Branch Chief DSHAP Project Officer SPNS Project Officer SPNS Health Scientist Senior Policy Advisor, DOL Management Analyst, HUD/OHH HRSA Grants Management Specialist

  3. Agenda • HAB Vision and Mission • Purpose of Funding Opportunity • Background • Award Information • Eligibility • Program Expectations • Application and Submission Information • Application Review Information • Application Submission Tips • Question and Answer

  4. Acronyms • DOL – Department of Labor • DUNS – Data Universal Numbering System • EHB – Electronic Handbook • ETAP – Evaluation and Technical Assistance Provider • HAB – HIV/AIDS Bureau • HOPWA – Housing Opportunities for Persons With AIDS • HUD – Housing and Urban Development • IRB – Institutional Review Board • GMS – Grants Management Specialist • NOFO - Notice of Funding Opportunity (formerly FOA) • PLWH – People Living with HIV • PO – Project Officer • RWHAP – Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program • SAM– System for Award Management • SPNS – Special Projects of National Significance • SMAIF – Secretary’s Minority AIDS Initiative Fund • TA – Technical Assistance

  5. HIV/AIDS Bureau Vision and Mission Vision Optimal HIV/AIDS care and treatment for all Mission Provide leadership and resources to assure access to and retention in high quality, integrated care, and treatment services for vulnerable people living with HIV and their families

  6. Funding and Collaboration • Developed in partnership with the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) and the Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) Office of HIV/AIDS Housing (OHH) • Supported through funding from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), Secretary’s Minority AIDS Initiative Fund (SMAIF) and the Special Projects of National Significance (SPNS) Program Please refer to pages i and 1-2 of the NOFO

  7. Purpose – Demonstration Sites • To support the design, implementation, and evaluation of innovative interventions that coordinate HIV care and treatment, housing and employment services to improve HIV health outcomes for low-income, uninsured, and underinsured people living with HIV (PLWH) in racial and ethnic minority communities • To create a new or augment an existing coordinated services intervention that integrate HIV care, housing and employment services • To decrease the impact of the social determinants of health, such as unmet housing or employment needs, that affect long-term HIV health outcomes for PLWH impacted by employment and housing instability Please refer to pages 1to2 of the NOFO

  8. Key Definitions • HIV care servicesare defined as all of the HIV care and treatment services allowable through the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program (RWHAP). For more information regarding RWHAP eligible services see PCN #16-02 Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Services: Eligible Individuals & Allowable Uses of Funds • Employment Servicesare defined as all services designed to connect individuals to employment or to improve a person’s income through employment. • Housing Servicesare defined as the full range of rental and mortgage support services offered through the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), including the Housing Opportunity for Persons with AIDS Program (HOPWA), to stabilize individuals and families experiencing unstable housing or homelessness. For more information on the HOPWA program go to: https://www.hudexchange.info/programs/hopwa/ Please refer to pages 1 to2 of the NOFO

  9. Background • Social determinants of health such as poverty, housing, and employment are associated with HIV-related health disparities • Of 533,000 clients received services from RWHAP-funded providers: • The majority were from racial/ethnic minority populations (47% African American; 23% Hispanic/Latino) • ~65% of RWHAP clients were living at or below the federal poverty level (FPL) • An estimated 45-70% of PLWH remain unemployed, and among these as much as 40% feel ready and able to work Please refer to page 6 to 7 of the NOFO

  10. Ryan White Services Report*, 2015RWHAP Clients by Housing Status *Source: HRSA. Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Annual Client-Level Data Report 2015. Does not include clients receiving only AIDS Drug Assistance Program services

  11. HIV, Homelessness, & Suppression Ryan White Services Report, 2015Viral Suppression by Housing Status Note: N represents the total number of clients in the specific subpopulation. Viral suppression: ≥1 OAMC visit during the calendar year and ≥1 viral load reported, with the last viral load result <200 copies/mL.

  12. Award Information • Funding will be provided through a grant • Approximately $3,000,000 is available to fund up to 10 applicants • Applicants may request funding amounts of up to $300,000 for each year of the 3-year project period (September 30, 2017 – September 29, 2020). • Requests exceeding this amount will be deemed nonresponsive and will not be considered. • Funding beyond first year is dependent on the availability of appropriated funds Please refer to page 9of the NOFO

  13. Allowable Uses of Award Funds • Funds may be used to support RWHAP core medical and support services that augment existing resources as well as the infrastructure supports needed to engage PLWH in housing and employment services • PCN #16-02 Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Services: Eligible Individuals & Allowable Uses of Funds • Funds may not be used to directly support: • Permanent Housing • Employment Services Please refer to pages 2 to3 of the NOFO

  14. Program Expectations - Demonstration Projects • Proposed interventions may include but not limited to the following examples: • Hiring dedicated staff (e.g., care coordinators, coordinated case management, enhanced peer navigation services, etc.) or re-organizing staff to coordinate housing, health care, and employment services • Streamlining intake and assessment forms across programs and increasing the efficiency of referral process • Expanding IT capacity to support the coordination of HIV care, employment and housing services; • Engaging HOPWA-funded transitional housing supports for RWHAP clients who are involved in education or employment opportunities; and, • Working across programs to find clients who are no longer engaged in care, and utilizing existing systems to re-engage the client in care through housing support and employment services Please refer to pages 2to 3of the NOFO

  15. Program Expectation - Employment Curriculum & Resources for Collaboration This project builds upon HUD and DOL’s Getting to Work Initiative utilizing the agencies knowledge and experience • Key personnel including the Principal Investigator, Project Director, Evaluator, and project intervention staff must complete the Getting to Work: A Training Curriculum for HIV/AIDS Service Providers and Housing Providers • Applicants should use the information contained in the curriculum to design their interventions • Section VIII of the NOFO provides Additional Resources including those for housing and employment services Please refer to page 2 and pages 31 to 33 of the NOFO

  16. Program Expectations - Demonstration Sites • Applicants must demonstrate the ability to: • Serve racial and ethnic minority communities • Design and implement coordinated intervention • Participate in on-site and remote learning opportunities • Collect and submit evaluation data • Document implementation processes • Develop a sustainability plan • Participate in dissemination of materials to promote replication • Post-award, recipients must obtain and submit Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval on all evaluation activities, for implementation of data collection processes within the first six (6) months of the award Please refer to pages 3, 4, 6, 13, 14 and 16 of the NOFO

  17. Applicant Coordination of Service Partnerships • The project period from start to finish is 3-years; thus, successful applicants must be able to implement the integrated program intervention quickly! • This includes implementation, within 6 months of the award, of an innovative intervention that integrates HIV care, housing and employment services offered through HRSA’s RWHAP, HUD’s HOPWA Program, and DOL or other federal, state, or local employment service for PLWH • Therefore, applicants must demonstrate appropriate partnerships between RWHAP HIV care services and HOPWA/housing support services through either: • Dual HOPWA and RWHAP funding • Written agreements between RHWAP and HOPWA service providers • Partnerships must demonstrate: • Access to RWHAP and HOPWA Services; • Enrollment of clients and collection of required client-level data; and • Data reporting to the ETAP Please refer to page 3 to 4 of the NOFO

  18. Program Expectation - Working with the ETAP • A primary duty of the demonstration site will be to work with the ETAP recipient throughout the project period. • ETAP funded under companion NOFO HRSA-17-114: Improving HIV Health Outcomes through the Coordination of Supportive Employment and Housing Services – Evaluation and Technical Assistance Provider • ETAP responsibilities include: • Design and lead the implementation of the multi-site evaluation • Provision of technical assistance (TA) to the Demonstration Sites and RWHAP recipients and subrecipients • Lead dissemination of project findings and lessons learned Please refer to page 4 to 6 of the NOFO and HRSA-17-114 NOFO to learn on the requirements for the ETAP

  19. Multi-Site Evaluation - Key Performance Measures • HAB Core Performance Measures • Retention in HIV Medical Care • Antiretroviral Therapy (ART) • Viral Suppression • Housing Status • HOPWA Annual Progress Report (APR) measures • Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report (CAPER) Performance Measures • Employment Status • DOL Employment and Training Administration (ETA) Common Performance Measures Please refer to pages 4-6 of the NOFO

  20. Application and Submission Information Two Components of the NOFO: • HRSA-17-113 Improving HIV Health Outcomes through the Coordination of Supportive Employment and Housing Services – Demonstration Sites focuses on the program-specific content, including goals, expectations, and requirements of the program • HRSA’s General Instructions • SF 424 Application Guide(“Application Guide”) • Links are found throughout the NOFO Applicants must use both HRSA-17-113 NOFO and the SF424 Application Guide to successfully complete and submit an application

  21. Eligibility Information • Eligible applicants include entities eligible for funding under Parts A – D of Title XXVI of the PHS Act as amended by the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Treatment Extension Act of 2009 • Eligible applicants also include public health departments and institutions of higher education, state and local governments, nonprofit organizations, faith-based and community-based organizations, tribes, and tribal organizations • Foreign entities are not eligible to apply • Cost sharing/matching is not required Please refer to pages 9 to 10 of the NOFO

  22. Application Package Applicants must include the following: • SF-424 Application for Federal Assistance • Project Abstract (uploaded in box 15 of the SF-424) • Project/Performance Site Location Form • Project Narrative (uploaded to the Project Narrative Attachment Form) • SF-424A Budget • Budget Narrative (uploaded to the Budget Narrative Attachment Form) • Attachments (Section IV 2. v. of NOFO) • Grants.gov Lobbying Form • SF-424B Assurances • Key Contacts

  23. Project Abstract Include: • Summary of the application including descriptions of the following: • Needs to be addressed • Proposed services • Population to be served • Statement of project structure and goals Submission Notes: • Abstract must be single-spaced and no more than one page in length. • List at the top of the page: • Project Title • Applicant Organization Name • Address • Project Director Name • Contact Phone Numbers and Email Address • Website Address, if applicable See pages 11 to 12 in the NOFO and 37 and 41in the SF424 Application Guide

  24. Project Narrative - Overview The Project Narrative provides a comprehensive framework and description of all aspects of the proposed project. It contains the following seven (7) sections: • Introduction • Needs Assessment • Methodology • Work Plan • Resolution of Challenges • Evaluation and Technical Support Capacity • Organizational Information Please refer to pages 12to18in the NOFO

  25. Project Narrative –Submission Notes • In order for reviewers to understand your proposal, ensure that the Project Narrative is succinct, self-explanatory and well-organized. • Clearly label all sections • Respond to all of the questions within in each of the sections. • Follow all submission guidelines as listed in the NOFO • Follow all submission guidelines and tips as outlined in SF424 Application Guide Please refer to pages 12 to 18 in the NOFO and pages 37 to 42 in the SF424 Application Guide

  26. Budget Requirements Budget information consists of three parts: • SF-424A Budget Information for Non-Construction Programs (included in the application package) • Line Item Budget. While the budget period is for one year, you must submit line item budgets for each of the 3 budget periods. Include as Attachment 7. • Budget justification narrative See pages # to # in the NOFO, and#to#in the SF424 Application Guide

  27. Budget Requirements: SF-424A

  28. Budget Requirements: SF-424A

  29. Budget Requirements: SF-424A

  30. Budget and Budget Justification- Submission Notes • Include sufficient narrative to justify the reasonableness of the support requested • Submit one-year budgets for each of the three project years. • Include both direct and indirect costs • Explain each cost element • Describe how each line item will support proposed project objective • Identify for all staff the % of FTE allocated, the full salary amount, and other funding sources leveraged to account for the full salary • Reference the SF-424 Application Guide for directions and writing tips for completing the budget and budget narrative. Please refer to pages 18 to 19 of the NOFO and section 4.1.iv of SF-424 Application Guide

  31. Budget and Budget Justification- Line Items to Consider • Because of the data collection and evaluation requirement, HAB suggests that proposed budgets and staffing plans include either through direct support or leveraged resources an evaluator and a data manager at suggested FTE levels: • Evaluator: 15% FTE • Data Manager: 25% FTE • Sites must attend annually a 2- day meeting with the ETAP, HRSA staff, and other demonstration sites in the Washington DC area. Include in each year’s budget travel costs and per diem for 3 key staff to attend. Please refer to pages 18 to19of the NOFO

  32. Salary Limitation Please note that effective January 8, 2017, the salary rate limitation applicable to RWHAP domestic grants and cooperative agreements increased from $185,100 to $187,000. • The Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2017 (P.L. 115-31), Division H, § 202 states, “None of the funds appropriated in this title shall be used to pay the salary of an individual, through a grant or other extramural mechanism, at a rate in excess of Executive Level II.” Please see Section 4.1.iv Budget – Salary Limitation of HRSA’s SF-424 Application Guide for additional information. • As a reminder, RWHAP funds and program income generated by RWHAP awards may not be used to pay salaries in excess of the rate limitation.

  33. Funding Restrictions In addition to the general restrictions included in Section 4.1.iv of the SF-424Application Guide, funds may not be used for the following: • Charges that are billable to third party payers (e.g., private health insurance, prepaid health plans, Medicaid, Medicare, HUD, etc.); • To directly provide housing or health care services (e.g., HIV care, counseling and testing) that duplicate existing services; • Purchase or construction of new facilities or capital improvement to existing facilities; • Purchase of or improvement to land; • Purchase of vehicles; • International travel; • Cash payments to intended RWHAP clients as opposed to non-cash incentives to encourage participation in evaluation activities; • Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) or Post-Exposure Prophylaxis (nPEP) medications or the related medical services. (Please note that RWHAP recipients and providers may provide prevention counseling and information to eligible clients’ partners – see RWHAP and PrEP Program Letter, June 22, 2016); • Syringe Services Programs (SSPs). Some aspects of SSPs are allowable with HRSA's prior approval and in compliance with HHS and HRSA policy. See https://www.aids.gov/federal-resources/policies/syringe-services-programs/; or • To develop materials designed to directly promote or encourage intravenous drug use or sexual activity, whether homosexual or heterosexual. • See http://hab.hrsa.gov/sites/default/files/hab/Global/prepletter062216_0.pdf Please refer to pages 21 to 23 of the NOFO

  34. Attachments • List of Attachments can be found in Section IV. 2. v. of the NOFO • Attachment 1: Project Organizational Chart (required) • Attachment 2: Staffing Plan and Job Descriptions for Key Personnel (required) • Attachment 3: Biographical Sketches of Key Personnel (required) • Attachment 4:Letters of Agreement, Memoranda of Understanding, and/or Description of Proposed/Existing Contracts, project-specific(if applicable) • Attachment 5: Work Plan (required) • Attachment 6: Logic Model (required) • Attachment 7: Line Item Budgets Spreadsheets for Years 1 through 3 (required) • Attachments 8-11: Other Relevant Documents (if applicable) • Please refer to pages 19 to 20 of the NOFO

  35. Attachments • Upload attachments in the order specified to the Attachments Form in the application package • Label each attachment clearly • Unless otherwise noted, attachments counttoward the page limit • Please refer to pages 19 to 20of the NOFO

  36. Attachment 1 – Project Organizational Chart (Required) • The Project Organizational Chart depicts the organizational structure of the project, not the entire organization, and include subrecipients, contractors, partner organizations, and other significant collaborators • Brief graphic description of project organization as described in the Project Narrative (Section IV.2.ii of the NOFO, Organizational Information) • Will be considered as part of review criterion #5 Resources/Capabilities Please refer to pages 16 to 17, pages 19 to 20, and pages 26-27 of the NOFO

  37. Attachment 2 - Staffing Plan and Job Descriptions for Key Personnel (Required) • Describe education and experience qualifications, roles, and responsibilities of proposed project staff. • Include a description of your organization’s time keeping process. • Include information about any partnering agencies/staff contributing to project components, organizational structure or management of the project. (See Attachment 4) • Refer to the Project Narrative Section Organizational Information and Review Criteria # 5: Resources/Capabilities for more information about how Attachments 2relate to the Project Narrative and application review process. Please refer to pages 16 to 17, pages 19 to 20,and pages 26 to 27 of the NOFO and 4.1.vi of the SF-424 Application Guide

  38. Attachment 3 – Biographical Sketches of Key Personnel (Required) • Include biographical sketches for persons occupying the key positions described in Attachment 2, not to exceed two pages in length per person. • Include information about any partnering agencies/staff contributing to project components, organizational structure or management of the project. (See Attachment 4) • Please refer to pages 16 to 17and pages 19 to20of the NOFO and 4.1.vi of the SF-424 Application Guide

  39. Attachment 4– Letters of Agreement, Memoranda of Understanding, and/or Description(s) of Proposed/Existing Contracts (if applicable) • Provide documents that describe working relationships and/or resource commitments between your organization and other entities/programs leveraged or contracted to contribute to project components or project management • Describe the roles of those contributing agencies and any deliverables associated with them • LOAs, MOAs, and MOUs must be signed and dated • Include an LOA, MOU, MOA or description of proposed contract for all contributing partner agencies/personnel listed in Attachments 1-3 (Project Organizational Chart, Staffing Plan and Job Descriptions, and Biographical Sketches of Key Personnel) • If the applicant does not plan to contract or leverage resources or personnel to meet the requirements listed in the NOFO, then no LOAs, MOAs, MOUs, or additional descriptions are required. Please refer to page 4, pages 16 to 17, page 20, and page 24of the NOFO

  40. Attachment 5 – Work Plan (Required) • Include for the entire project period: Goals Objectives Action Steps Staff Responsible Timeline for Action Steps Measurable Outcomes Your Work Plan should include objectives and key action steps that are: SPECIFIC MEASUREABLE ACHIEVABLE REALISTIC & TIME FRAMED Recommend providing work plan in a table format Please refer to page 14 to 15, page 20, and page 25 of the NOFO

  41. Attachment 6 – Logic Model (Required) • A logic model is a one-page diagram that presents the conceptual framework for a proposed project and explains the links among program elements • The logic model should summarize the connections between the: Goals Assumptions Inputs Target Population Activities Outputs Outcomes Please refer to page 14 to 15, page 20, and page 25 of the NOFO

  42. Attachment 7: Line Item Budget Spreadsheet (Required; below sample only) Refer to pages 18 and 20of the NOFO

  43. Application Review Information • HRSA’s Division of Independent Review (DIR) is responsible for managing the objective and independent application review performed by a committee of qualified experts • Applications will be reviewed and rated based on the review criteria in Section V of the NOFO if they • are submitted by the published deadline • do not exceed the page limit • do not request more than the ceiling amount, and • pass the initial HRSA eligibility and completeness screening • The competitive objective review process is based solely on the merits of your application.  It is critical that you paint a clear picture of your proposed project and the capabilities that your organization brings to the work

  44. Application Review Information • Review Criteria are used to review and rank applications. For this opportunity, there are 6 review criteria: Please refer to pages 23 to27of the NOFO

  45. Application Review Crosswalk • Review Criteria correspond to the applicant’s written response to the Project Narrative and required attachments: Please refer to pages 17 to18of the NOFO

  46. Application Review Crosswalk - Continued • Review Criteria correspond to the applicant’s written response to the Project Narrative and required attachments: Please refer to pages 17 to18of the NOFO

  47. Application Package: Where is it? • On HRSA’s website at www.hrsa.gov/grants • Click on the NOFO “apply at Grants.gov” link • At www.grants.gov • Search by opportunity number, or • CFDA • The Application Guide is available at https://www.hrsa.gov/grants/apply/applicationguide/sf424guide.pdf or click the links in the NOFO

  48. Application Submission Tips • Read the NOFO and the SF-424 Application Guide carefully and follow instructions. • Include your agency name and the name of this program on all pages (RWHAP [insert name]Program). • Refer to section 4.7 of the Application Guide for additional Tips for Writing a Strong Application. • Apply early; do not wait until the last minute in case you run into challenges! • Make sure the person who can submit for your organization will be available. • Ensure SAM.gov and Grants.gov registration and passwords are current immediately! • Reminder: Do Not Go Over the 80 Page Limit. Have all your PIN numbers and passwords handy!

  49. Grants.gov Contact Information • When to contact Grants.gov Helpdesk • Error messages • Other technical issues • Application did NOT transmit to HRSA • If you have any submission problems, please contact Grants.gov immediately! • Grants.gov Contact Center (24/7 except Federal holidays): • 1-800-518-4726, or • support@grants.gov, or • https://grants-portal.psc.gov/Welcome.aspx?pt=Grants

  50. Tracking Grants.gov Submissions SF424 Application Guide, section 8.2.5

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