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SSH CCI-product assessment

SSH CCI-product assessment. The RCSM4 coupled regional model. ALADIN-Climat V5 Regional climate model (Colin et al., 2010) Horizontal resolution 50km, 31 vertical levels Spectral nudging (toward ERA-Interim reanalysis). NEMOMED8 Regional version of NEMO-V2

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SSH CCI-product assessment

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  1. SSHCCI-product assessment

  2. The RCSM4 coupled regional model ALADIN-Climat V5 Regional climate model (Colin et al., 2010) Horizontal resolution 50km, 31 vertical levels Spectral nudging (toward ERA-Interim reanalysis) NEMOMED8 Regional version of NEMO-V2 with filtered free surface (Madec, 2008) Horizontal resolution 1/8°x1/8°cos(Φ), 43 vertical levels An Atlantic buffer zone (3D T-S and SSH toward COMBINE reanalysis) OASIS coupler (Valcke, 2006) TRIP River routeing model (Oki and Sud, 1998; Decharme et al., 2010) 0.5° resolution of the river network

  3. Time series of mean sea level anomalies averaged over the Mediterranean Sea for the period 1980-2012 (m)

  4. Seasonal cycle of mean sea level anomaly over the Mediterranean Sea over the period 1993-2010 (cm)

  5. Trends of sea surface height anomalies over the period 1993-2010 (mm/yr)

  6. Sea Surface Height • CCI SSH product is suitable for regional climate studies over the Mediterranean basin, even at a scale of a few tens of kilometres. • The confrontation with the model lets some open questions concerning the way to facilitate the comparison between the models and the observations. There is the need for an “SSH observation simulator”, either at the global or at the regional scale. • There is the opportunity to evaluate consistency with other CCI products over the Mediterranean region taking advantage of the development of regional climate system models, of the MedCORDEX model intercomparison project and of the HyMEX experiment.

  7. O3CCI-products assessment

  8. Histograms of total columns ozone cumulated in October 2008 (Dobson Units) % DU

  9. Vertical profiles of zonal mean differences of ozone mixing ratios between NIWA and MERGED_LP (ppmv)

  10. Histograms of total columns ozone cumulated in October 2008 (Dobson Units) % DU

  11. Annual cycle over the year 2008 of monthly mean ozone mixing ratio averaged over 90S – 60S (ppmv) 3 hPa 10 hPa 50 hPa

  12. Ozone • The development of ozone CCI-products can take advantage of a confrontation with the NIWA products that include in-situ observations. • The inclusion of IASI data in the CCI-products construction could be an added value. • The uncertainty range attributed to the CCI MERGED_LP product seems underestimated at upper level at least in some regions like near the 3hPa level. • The confrontation with model simulations confirms that the CCI ozone products are suitable for model intercomparison.

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