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Rosia Montana

Rosia Montana. The Way It Is. Gabriel Resources (GR), a Toronto-based mining junior intends to develop a large part of Romania’s Apuseni mountains. Rosia Montana Gold Corporation (RMGC) is a joint venture between Gabriel Resources (80%) and Minvest S.A. (- 20%),

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Rosia Montana

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  1. Rosia Montana The Way It Is

  2. Gabriel Resources (GR), a Toronto-based mining junior intends to develop a large part of Romania’s Apuseni mountains. Rosia Montana Gold Corporation (RMGC) is a joint venture between Gabriel Resources (80%) and Minvest S.A. (- 20%), Romania’s state mining company. Under the agreement GR will deliver the base capital of $450mio; in exchange the Romanian government will receive a 2% gross production royalty. GR is a Barbados registered company.

  3. The project covers an initial 1600ha; including Rosia Montana and Corna. Opencast mining will be developed in Rosia Montana and will cover a minimum of 722 ha. The adjacent valley of Corna will house the tailings ‘pond’. It will cover a surface of up to 800ha. and will be held by a 185m high Dam made of waste rock. Given that both valleys are inhabited, 2150 people; 740 subsistence farmers and 138 apartments will have to make way and resettle. Mine life is at an average of 14years. During peak operation the project will employ a workforce of 248.

  4. This is how ‘Gabriel’ advertises Rosia Montana

  5. This is how Rosia Montana actually looks like

  6. Rosia Montana The Way It Is This is Rosia Montana’s fate according to ‘Gabriel’

  7. What does it MEAN?

  8. But What does it MEAN? Something like this pit but 4 of them

  9. What’s there now?

  10. Under Romanian law Rosia Montana is a protected valley and this because of its great cultural patrimony. Until nationalization in 1948, Rosia Montana was a prosperous town; this because the locals had rights over the mine galleries and the gold. Many still own these documents, Claiming that These rights are still valid and therefore contest the Legality of ‘Gabriel’s license. large town houses dating from the 18th & 19th century still bear witness of Rosia Montana’s glorious past. They date from times when the locals were left free to shape their own lives. Mining and agriculture have since time immemorial Been closely connected.

  11. Rosia Montana is Romania’s oldest documented mining settlement; also know known by its’ Roman name ‘Alburnus Maior’. Gold has been mined here since 2000 years and the area is littered with important archaeological remains such as temples, thermae, settlements, fortified buildings, Roman cemeteries, Roman mine galleries; to name but a few. Whilst some of these treasures have been unearthed; more still lie beneath the surface…

  12. Roman mine galleries of Rosia Montana’s ‘Cirnic’ Massif

  13. Entrance into a Roman Gallery on Cirnicel

  14. Entrance into a Roman Gallery on Cirnic’s surface

  15. Rosia Montana’s Orlea Roman galleries

  16. “If we are to have progress, supermarkets and apartment blocs, then we have to accept that some of the archaeological treasures will have to be destroyed.” Andrew Kuczmarek ex-vice president and General Manager, Gabriel Resources

  17. This is one of Rosia Montana’s historic buildings

  18. But it is also a home

  19. And this is its owner

  20. And she owns a property

  21. She, too owns her property

  22. And so does she

  23. And she owns a property

  24. And so do they…

  25. And she owns property

  26. And he owns more than just his bees

  27. And they own homes… right where ‘Gabriel’ wants to build Europe’s largest open cast gold mine…

  28. And she does

  29. This sign reads: This house is not for sale

  30. They are all Gabriel Resource Rebels And their homes are Not for sale

  31. There are many of them…‘Alburnus Maior’ represents over 350 families; opposed to Gabriel’s project on social, environmental, economic and patrimonial grounds.

  32. This is Othilia

  33. She lives in a valley adjacent to Rosia Montana She lives in a place called Corna

  34. This is Corna Valley

  35. This is how tailings look like

  36. This is how a tailings pond looks like

  37. And because ‘Gabriel’ wants to make a lot of profit, they will use cyanide.It will end up in the tailings pond that will cover up to 800ha.

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