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Ketones and Aldehydes

Ketones and Aldehydes. Properties Nomenclature Preparation Reactions Synthesis. Carbonyl Functional Groups. Large Dipole Controls Properties and Reactivity. Boiling Points Dipole-Dipole Interactions. Adrogenic/Anabolic Steroids. Anabolic Steroids. IUPAC Nomenclature Ketones.

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Ketones and Aldehydes

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Ketones and Aldehydes Properties Nomenclature Preparation Reactions Synthesis

  2. Carbonyl Functional Groups

  3. Large Dipole Controls Properties and Reactivity

  4. Boiling PointsDipole-Dipole Interactions

  5. Adrogenic/Anabolic Steroids

  6. Anabolic Steroids

  7. IUPAC NomenclatureKetones

  8. IUPAC NomenclatureAldehydes

  9. Classical Aldehyde Nomenclature

  10. Preparation of Ketones and Aldehydes • Friedel-Crafts Acylation(ketones) • Gatterman-Koch Formylation (aldehydes) • Hydration of Alkynes(ketones with oxymercuration, aldehydes with hydroboration) • Ozonolysis of Alkenes (aldehydesand ketonesdepending on substitution) • 1,3-Dithiane alkylations(aldehydesand ketones) • Reduction of acids, acid chlorides and nitriles • Gilman Reaction (ketones)

  11. Friedel-Crafts Acylation

  12. IsoflavonesHighly Sought After Natural Products

  13. Acylation occurs ortho to OH

  14. Gatterman-Koch Formylation

  15. Oxymercuration HydrationMarkovnikov

  16. Hydroboration HydrationAnti-Markovnikov

  17. OzonolysisAlkene Cleavage

  18. Gilman Reagent with Acid Chlorides

  19. DIBAHDiisobutyl Aluminum Hydride

  20. Nucleophilic Addition Reactions:Strong Nucleophiles

  21. Carbonyl Reactivity

  22. Cyanohydrin Formation

  23. Nucleophilic Addition Reactions:Weak Nucleophiles

  24. Acetal Formation

  25. Acetal Mechanism

  26. Propose a Mechanism

  27. Use of Ethylene Glycol to Protect Ketones and Aldehydes

  28. Synthesis

  29. Aldehydes React Preferentially

  30. Imine Formation

  31. Imines and Enamines

  32. Imine Derivatives

  33. Wolff-Kishner Reduction

  34. Mechanism from Hydrazone

  35. Deoxygenation

  36. Enamine Mechanism(same as imine mech. until last step)

  37. Wittig Reaction:C=O into C=C

  38. Ylide Synthesis

  39. Mechanism

  40. Pure Alkene is Formed in Wittig Rxn

  41. (Methoxymethylene)-triphenylphosphoranean Aldehyde Prep

  42. Propose a Sequence of Steps…

  43. Provide a Mechanism

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