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Marijuana vs Alcohol : How are they different?

Both alcohol and marijuana are psychoactive drugs. They can alter your sense of perception and balance. You are bound to experience a slower response rate and movement. Now such a situation is totally not ideal for activities that involve you to be aware and alert. For example, driving. Blood alcohol beyond .08 percent can impair your driving abilities. For more details visit us here: https://palmdalemedcenter.wixsite.com/palmdalemedcenter/post/marijuana-vs-alcohol-how-are-they-different

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Marijuana vs Alcohol : How are they different?

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  1. This site was designed with the .com website builder. Create your website today. Start Now Palmdale Alternative Med Center All Posts Login / Sign up palmdalemedcenter 4 days ago 2 min read Marijuana vs Alcohol : How are they different? Marijuana and alcohol are two of the most common recreational drugs in America. While both can signi?cantly alter your mental state. Alcohol is legal but Marijuana is not. You can easily walk up to a bar and get yourself a glass of bourbon, but that’s not the same case with marijuana. You must go through 420 evaluations and get an MMJ card to be able to access marijuana from a local dispensary. However, several states in the US have legalized medical marijuana and some states let you have it recreationally. But, under federal law, marijuana is still illegal. Besides their legality, both marijuana and alcohol can leave you in risky situations after consumption. While they are dangerous enough on their own. Combining these drugs can prove to be lethal. So if in case you have to decide between the two, how do you make a decision? Here are some points that can help you out. Overdose Your body breaks down alcohol at a certain rate per hour. However, if you end up consuming more than your body can break down. You end up with alcohol overdose or poisoning. It usually ends up with symptoms like vomiting, breathlessness and blackouts. But in certain cases, it can be fatal as well. Since alcohol slows down the nervous system, its overdose can also lead to cardiac arrest and seizures. Also, anyone can end up with alcohol poisoning. Even a ?rst-timer. As for marijuana, the risk of overdose is signi?cantly lower than alcohol. This is because it will take a ‘lot’, around 15 to 20 grams for anyone to overdose. Which is nearly impossible. Reflexes Both alcohol and marijuana are psychoactive drugs. They can alter your sense of perception and balance. You are bound to experience a slower response rate and movement. Now such a situation is totally not ideal for activities that involve you to be aware and alert. For example, driving. Blood alcohol beyond .08 percent can impair your driving abilities. However verylargedosesofmarijuanaarerequiredtobeabletohaveasimilareffectondriving

  2. However, very large doses of marijuana are required to be able to have a similar effect on driving. This site was designed with the .com website builder. Create your website today. Start Now Nevertheless, either way is very dangerous for driving environments. As they endanger not just your but others as well. Effect on Memory Heavy alcohol drinkers may have gone through the experience of a blackout. This happens because the body is not able to retain any memories. As a result, the person remembers nothing. so, alcohol affects your memory immediately. But, marijuana is known to show effects at a later age of long term use. Users may experience psychological problems mainly related to learning and memory. Effect on Health Alcohol is known to be bene?cial if consumed moderately. It can help lower risks of cardiovascular diseases. Marijuana, on the other hand, is known as a healer in the medical world. It has proven to be bene?cial for several illnesses like PTSD, depression, eczema, etc. However, too much of everything is bad. Heavy drinking can be harmful for your heart and liver, while long term marijuana can alter your brain functions and in some cases lead to addiction. Now you the difference and similarities between alcohol and marijuana. So which one do you choose? 3 views Recent Posts See All Palmdale Alternative Med Center 10 Write a comment Log in to leave a comment.

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