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GSECARS Update. Now have 3 beamlines running 100% of the time: 13-ID-D (undulator), 13-BMD (bending magnet end station), 13-BMC (bending magnet side station, commissioning) Techniques available to the scientific community

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  1. GSECARS Update Now have 3 beamlines running 100% of the time: 13-ID-D (undulator), 13-BMD (bending magnet end station), 13-BMC (bending magnet side station, commissioning) Techniques available to the scientific community Diamond Anvil Cell: energy-dispersive and monochromatic diffraction and spectroscopy Multi-anvil Press: energy-dispersive and monochromatic diffraction and imaging (250 ton and 1000 ton press; acoustics, tomography) Microprobe: mXRF, mXAFS, mCMT, mXRD Microtomography: absorption and edge CMT Surface scattering and spectroscopy: CTR,XSW, reflectivity, GIXAFS. Extended X-ray Absorption Fine Structure (EXAFS) Microcrystal and powder diffraction Inelastic scattering in the DAC Brillouin spectroscopy in the DAC COMPRES 2007 Annual Meeting

  2. GSECARS User Program • GSECARS allocates 100% of available beam time on the basis of reviewed proposals through web-based forms (both GSECARS and APS ratings). • All GSECARS proposals are submitted through the APS General User Program. COMPRES 2007 Annual Meeting

  3. GSECARS Funding • NSF-EAR • Operations funding for FY2007 is $1.81M. Grant was fully funded with increase to $2.05M in FY2008. However, in February we were told to submit flat budget ($1.81M) • Essentially no money for equipment in FY2007 • NSF-Major Research Instrumentation • X-ray optics to complete the 13-BM-C side station ($550K; $88K match; 2004 – 2007) • Another MRI grant to UNLV for single-crystal diffraction in DAC has $225 for CCD detector for GSECARS, received. • COMPRES Infrastructure Projects • CO2 Laser Heating: Postdoc and laser system support • Gas Loading Facility: $118K equipment • Multi-anvil Module Project: $68Kequipment • Johnson Noise Thermometry Project: $36K COMPRES 2007 Annual Meeting

  4. GSECARS Funding (cont) • NSF-Geophysics • Rheology Grand Challenge project recently funded, contains $270K for post-doc and supplies for GSECARS. • DOE – Midscale Instrumentation Proposal • $864K mostly detector-related equipment in main NSF/DOE renewal proposal submitted in Aug. 2006 at request of DOE program manager. • No funds in FY2007. Proposals will be held over for FY2008 when program should be funded. • NSF-EAR Nanoscale Research (NIRT) • Award to U. Alaska (T. Trainor, PI; $1.3M, 2004-2008; $310K subcontract to UofC (P. Eng, PI) supports postdoc COMPRES 2007 Annual Meeting

  5. Canted Undulator UpgradeProposal submitted to APS SAC Dec. 2006, waiting for responseGreatly increases time for high-pressure, microprobe is separated and runs 100% of time

  6. Detector Highlights • MAR-165 CCD detectors (2) • One funded by GSECARS-NSF and second by NSF-MRI UNLV/Dera single-crystal diamond cell grant. • MAR-345 online image plate • GSECARS now has 2, new one funded by GSECARS-NSF • Roper visible light CCDs • 4 new cameras for LVP, tomography, diagnostics COMPRES 2007 Annual Meeting

  7. Detector Highlights • Silicon Drift Diode detectors for energy-dispersive spectroscopy • GSECARS has 4-element detector on 6-month loan from SII under SBIR grant, being used right now. • Second 8-element (?) detector to be funded by grant to Kathy Kitts at NIU. • Pilatus Pixel Array detector • State of the art detector. 500x200 array of 170x170 micron pixels. Each pixel has energy discriminator and 20-bit counter. Can count 2MHz/pixel, more than 200 frames/second. • Revolutionary for surface diffraction. • Could be used for very fast diffraction studies COMPRES 2007 Annual Meeting

  8. Hardware Development Highlights • BM-C Development(interface diffraction and single-crystal diffraction at high pressure): • Mirror tank, vertical focusing mirror installed. • Unfocussed monochromator being used, bender being fabricated. • In commissioning for surface diffraction this week, DAC experiments soon • Proposals in 2008-1 • BM-D Brillouin Spectroscopy Instrument • Upgrade to diamond cell apparatus • COMPRES infrastructure project led by UIUC (J. Bass) • Two cycles now run in “user mode” • Report at this meeting COMPRES 2007 Annual Meeting

  9. Hardware Development Highlights (cont.) • ID-D CO2 heating laser • Being installed in 13-ID-D. Alexei Kuznetsov talk at this meeting. • Gas loading facility for DAC • Gas loading system being built by GSECARS with COMPRES funds, will be available to all high-pressure users at the APS. • Progress report at this meeting. • Multianvil • Tomography • D-DIA30 • Torroidal cell COMPRES 2007 Annual Meeting

  10. Hardware Development Highlights (cont.) • ID-D Diode Laser Upgrade • Fiber laser replacements for YLF heating lasers received and installed. Higher power and stability. 3 fiber lasers received, one will be for offline heating in laser lab, 2 for online use in ID-D. • YLF lasers could be moved to X17 to replace old YAG laser there • Microprobe Stage Upgrade • Sample stage has been upgraded with a second X-Y-θ tier with 10 nm precision equipped with encoders. COMPRES 2007 Annual Meeting

  11. COMPRES 2007 Annual Meeting

  12. B: DIA C: D-DIA D: T-Cup E: T-10 F: Hi-P Tomogr. G: Torroidal cell Multiple LVP Techniques A: T-25 COMPRES 2007 Annual Meeting

  13. GSECARS Personnel News • Przemek Dera began as beamline scientist for the DAC program on June 15. • Norimasa Nishiyama, beamline scientist for the LVP has returned to Japan. • Alexei Kuznetsov, post-doc for CO2 laser heating development; COMPRES and GSECARS funding • Atsushi Kubo, post-doc for DAC • Takeshi Sanehira, post-doc for Johnson noise thermometry project, COMPRES and GSECARS funding. COMPRES 2007 Annual Meeting

  14. GSECARS Near Term Goals • Bring the 13-BM-C station fully online with scientific programs in interface diffraction and single-crystal diffraction at high pressure • Further develop the D-DIA apparatus for deformation experiments in the multi-anvil press • Further develop the high-pressure tomography technique in the multi-anvil press • Expand user program on the Brillouin spectroscopy system in 13-BM-D • Install and commission CO2 laser heating for the DAC in 13-ID-D • Install and commission gas loading system for DAC • If APS SAC approves proposal for simultaneous operation of 13-ID-C and D with canted undulators then submit NSF-MRI proposal for upgrades downstream of shield wall. COMPRES 2007 Annual Meeting

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