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DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND NATURAL RESOURCES. “ENVIRONMENTAL AND HEALTH ISSUES IN THE UNITED STATES VIRGIN ISLANDS”. Presented by David Alvaro Simon, P.E., Director Division of Environmental Protection on behalf of Alicia Barnes, DPNR Commissioner. FRENCHMAN’S COVE.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND NATURAL RESOURCES “ENVIRONMENTAL AND HEALTH ISSUES IN THE UNITED STATES VIRGIN ISLANDS” Presented by David Alvaro Simon, P.E., Director Division of Environmental Protection on behalf of Alicia Barnes, DPNR Commissioner

  2. FRENCHMAN’S COVE In early December 2011, DEP was informed of five cases of legionnaires disease of former guests at Frenchman Cove and Reef. The CDC has also done some testing to confirm the presence of the legionella bacteria. The DOH requested assistance in including the Cove on the inventory of Public Water System in the territory in order to have the facility treat their potable water supply effectively. Joint inspections were conducted by the DOH and DEP. The first thing that was done was to increase the level of chlorination to minimize future occurrences. During a follow-up, the DEP inspector noticed that one thing had changed in operations at Frenchman’s Cove; it was the use of wastewater for irrigation through the Frenchman Reef. Apparently some cross contamination may have taken place with the potable water supply. Frenchman’s Cove is now required by DPNR to do regular sampling as a public water system.

  3. SEP FUNDING In May of this year, the Department of Health (DOH) has submitted a Supplemental Environmental Project (SEP) proposal based on 4.5 million in funds as a result of a DPNR consent decree with HOVENSA. Three main areas of funding use were provided in the original DOH version including the following: 1.) “VI Pediatric Environmental Health Specialty Unit,” 2.) “Vital Statistics,” and 3.) an Automated External Defibrillator “AED Registry”. The first idea would be to provide special care for growing children impacted by environmental hazards. The second need would be to fully computerize vital statistics and thereby improve response time to the public and health care professionals as well as law enforcement. The third and final project would also address response time in the case of heart failure.

  4. LEAD TESTING On July 24, 2012, DEP met with the EPA Emergency Response Coordinator and Department of Health (DOH) officials to discuss a recent case of elevated levels of lead in a child. The new DOH Epidemiologist was present and also two EPA representatives from New Jersey to offer their expertise in lead and toxicology issues. DEP became aware of a new federal requirement for lead testing of every child entering headstart. DOH is in the process of developing a protocol for testing. A meeting with EPA Emergency Response staff stationed on St. Croix was also held on July 10, 2012 in the Commissioner’s Office. A follow-up conference call is scheduled for next Tuesday, October 18, 2012 to include EPA, DEP and DOH.

  5. MOSQUITO ABATEMENT Finally, the EPA Pesticides Program visited the VI on July 31, 2012 to meet with DEP, DOH and U.S. Customs as well as conduct a site inspection. Specifically, the Mosquito Abatement activities were discussed with DEP and DOH. The EPA highlighted current cases of dinghy fever in Puerto Rico including fatalities which could have been avoided with proper mosquito abatement. The EPA and DEP also met with U.S. Customs to offer future online training as well as contacts for identifying illegal pesticides and common smuggling activities.

  6. A JOINT EFFORT Since becoming the Director of the Division of Environmental Protection, we have had several occasions where DPNR and DOH were able to come together to address “Environmental and Health Issues.” DPNR is working jointly with the DOH to insure a healthier environment for all who live and visit the USVI.


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