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LEA « ELGA » Steering Committee

LEA « ELGA » Steering Committee. INTRODUCTION Bernard Degrange Laboratoire Leprince-Ringuet École Polytechnique Palaiseau (France). H.E.S.S. results in 2006-2007. 1005 hrs of data taking (Jan.-mid. Oct. 2007) Publications : 11 in 2006, 12 in 2007

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LEA « ELGA » Steering Committee

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  1. LEA « ELGA »Steering Committee INTRODUCTION Bernard Degrange Laboratoire Leprince-Ringuet École Polytechnique Palaiseau (France) LEA « ELGA » Steering Committee, APC, Paris VII

  2. H.E.S.S. results in 2006-2007 • 1005 hrs of data taking (Jan.-mid. Oct. 2007) • Publications : 11 in 2006, 12 in 2007 • Presentations at the International Cosmic Ray Conference (Merida, Mexico, 2007) : 46 • 5 on supernova remnants • 7 on pulsar wind nebulæ • 4 on X-ray binaries • 3 on the Galactic Central Region • 7 on the Galactic Plane Survey • 12 on Active Galactic Nuclei • 2 on Extended Extragalactic Objects • 2 on Gamma-Ray Bursts • 2 on the search for Dark Matter • 2 on Cosmic Rays (electrons and Fe nuclei) • Descartes Research Prize of the European Union LEA « ELGA » Steering Committee, APC, Paris VII

  3. Results from new LEA postdoctoral fellows • On Active Galactic Nuclei • On the TeV emission of M87: F. Rieger • Probing EBL with TeV gamma-rays from blazars: M. Raue • Variability and multi-wavelength studies of H.E.S.S. blazars : F. Volpe • On new galactic sources • Study of extended and unidentified sources discovered in the H.E.S.S. galactic survey : E. de Ona-Wilhelmi LEA « ELGA » Steering Committee, APC, Paris VII

  4. Some other H.E.S.S. results in 2007,not presented in this meeting • New supernova remnants : shell-type (RCW86), composite and interacting with molecular clouds (W28). • New studies on pulsar wind nebulæ (J1825-137, J1718-385, J1809-193, Crab-like sources) and search for pulsed gamma-ray emission. • Binary system associated to PSR 1259-63 revisited (July 2007 periastron). • Young stellar cluster Westerlund 2 (acceleration by strong stellar winds). • Better localization of the H.E.S.S. source at the Galactic Centre (rule out Sgr A East) • Search forDark Matter annihilation signal from the Sagittarius Dwarf Galaxy. LEA « ELGA » Steering Committee, APC, Paris VII

  5. The future of Gamma-Ray Astronomy • H.E.S.S. II : addition of a very large (28 m diameter) telescope in mid. 2009 • Lower thresholds (20 GeV in mono-telescope mode, 50 GeV in stereoscopic mode) • Higher sensitivity (×2) and angular resolution in the TeV domain • Talks byM. Punch and O. Martineau-Huynh • Towards “Cherenkov Telescope Array” (in collaboration with other groups (MAGIC …) • Talk byG. Hermann LEA « ELGA » Steering Committee, APC, Paris VII

  6. The future of the LEA « ELGA » • The points of view of MPG and CNRS on the future of the LEA : new post-doc positions ? • Visioconference with S. Katsanevas • Request from « Observatoire de Paris » to join the LEA « ELGA » • will be presented by D. Egret, Director of Observatoire de Paris LEA « ELGA » Steering Committee, APC, Paris VII

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