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Civil Liberties and the G20 Les libertés civiles au G2-

Civil Liberties and the G20 Les libertés civiles au G2-. Nathalie Des Rosiers Canadian Civil Liberties Association Association canadienne des libertés civiles.

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Civil Liberties and the G20 Les libertés civiles au G2-

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  1. Civil Liberties and the G20Les libertés civiles au G2- Nathalie Des Rosiers Canadian Civil LibertiesAssociation Association canadienne des libertés civiles

  2. The right to freedom of assembly places obligations on the police. The starting point for the police is the presumption in favour of facilitating peaceful assembly.  However, the police may impose lawful restrictions on the exercise of the right provided such restrictions are lawful, have a legitimate aim (such as the interests of public safety or the protection of the rights and freedoms of others) and are necessary and proportionate. • 1st recommendation, Adapting to Protest from Her Majesty’s Chief Inspectorate of Constabulary,

  3. Thèmes • Une tolérance et compréhension limitées de la liberté de réunion pacifique par le grand public ; • Un prise décision peu démocratique • Un régime d’imputabilité des plus faibles • La nécessité d’une réforme du droit?

  4. Themes • A fragile understandingof the Freedom to Assemble Peacefully; • A poor and undemocraticdecision-makingframework for policing and security; • A weakaccountabilityframework for policing • Necessity of an improvedlegalframework for public orderpolicing?

  5. Outline • Preparation for the G20 • Chronology of Eventsduring the Summit • On-goingwork on Accountability…

  6. Preparation for the G20 • Approaches to protests groups • Limitsof infiltrations? (Police de Montréal) • CCLA’s meeting with the police • Statement of concerns • SonicCannon

  7. The fence and the routes • Apec Report, Justice Hughes: • protesters have the right to beseen and heard by the delegates • The Fencebecame a symbol • Approved routes nevergot close to the fence

  8. Pre-summitLegal Challenges • The Fence : Tremblay c. Canada (Qué S.C.) • SonicCannon • Protocoles developed as the litigationwasunfolding; • Decisionfoundthat the Toronto Police protocole for the use of the Alertfunctionwasinappropriate • LRAD wasused but not the Alertfunction • On-going

  9. The Public Works Protection Act • 1939 statute • Public works must beprotected: highways, canal, etc. • Police powers: • searchanyoneapproaching the public work • Demand identification and statement of purpose • Use as much force as necessary to removesomeone on a public workswithout a lawfulpurpose

  10. The Public Works Protection Act • Letter of Chief William Blair on May 12th asking for additionalpowers ‘for abundance of caution’ • Convoluteddesignation of sidewalks, highways, parking lots inside the fence; • Published in Elaws – temporary ( during the Summit) and to bepublished in the Gazette afterits expiration • One arrest on the Thursday – Mistaken description of the area – Correction by the Premier… Ombudsman investigation

  11. Chronology • MondayJune 21st – Thursday June 24th • Peaceful, wellorchestrated marches, illegalsearches , overwhelmingpresence, unmarked cars • Thursday -Friday June 25th • Arrest and searchesunder the Public Work Protection Act • Peaceful but more tense, illegalsearchesagain, skirmishes but nothing major,

  12. Chronology • Saturday June 26th • Vandalism in the afternoon: 4 or 5 police cars burning, no police around the vandalized places • Charging of the crowdatQueen’s Park • Charging of the crowdat Esplanade • Mass arrests in front of Novotel • Arreststhrough the night • SundayJune 27th • Arrestsat the GraduateResidence • Charging the crowd in front of the detention centre • Queen’sand Spadina Mass arrests in the rain

  13. Centre de détention • Chaos • Pas de droit à l’avocat • Mains liées, conditions difficiles, cages • Attitude homophobe et sexiste, violation de protocoles sur les fouilles à nue.

  14. The Detention Centre • Chaos • No right to lawyer • Hands tied, no phone, no shoes, in large cage-likecells, 20 – 30 • Sandwiches and water, garbage • Reported Incidents of abuses: stripsearches, sexist and homophobicslurs • Releases acrosstown : no shoes, no money

  15. The Result • 1105 personsarrestedthroughout the week-end, • 113 were released at the scene with no charge laid. • 714 were charged on breach of the peace, were detained by police for up to 24 hours, and were released unconditionally with no charges laid. • 263 were charged with offences and were detained by police for a bail hearings • Lessthan 20 charges are proceeding • Charges dismissed, ‘ peace bonds deals’, paperworklost, bail conditions,

  16. The response • TwoClass actions • Individual actions • International pressions • Reviews: Ombudsman, McMurtryReview, InternalReview

  17. Awaiting • Toronto Police Service BoardReview • OIPRD: systemicreview • Repeal of the Public Works Protection Act • RCMP, CSIS, • Clarification on the SonicCannon

  18. Conclusion • Discourse of hatetowardsprotesters • Whodecideswhatlevel of security and policingisappropriate? • Need for lawreform? • Limitations on commonlawpowers • Transparency and clarity

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