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Pitt County Schools Testing & Accountability

Pitt County Schools Testing & Accountability. The ABC’s of Public Education. Testing & Accountability Services. The Three Major Components ABCs Growth - (Growth and High Growth are determined differently since 2006)

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Pitt County Schools Testing & Accountability

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  1. Pitt County SchoolsTesting & Accountability The ABC’s of Public Education

  2. Testing & AccountabilityServices The Three Major Components • ABCs Growth - (Growth and High Growth are determined differently since 2006) • ABCs Performance Composite (additional courses counting in composite and revised tests will have major impact, will impact different grade level span differently) • AYP Proficiency (five ways – Bar, Safe Harbor, Confidence Interval, Growth and Targeted Assistance

  3. Testing & AccountabilityServices The New ABCs Formula and How growth will be determined • Growth Scores for EOG Reading & Math and EOC subjects are determined by using the same formula • EOG Reading and Math Growth Scores are determined by using two years of scores if available • EOC Growth Scores are determined by using predictor subject(s) – examples (Algebra 1 predictor – 8th Grade EOG Math) & (Physics – Chemistry & Geometry)

  4. Testing & AccountabilityServices Expected Growth • Each student will have a Growth Score for each subject (Read, Math, EOC Courses) if have predictor score(s) • All scores are average to determine Expected Growth for a school (70 (EOC)/140 (EOG) days attendance requirement) • If the average is 0.00 or greater, Expected Growth is met (HS have additional components in the model in addition to EOC scores)

  5. Testing & AccountabilityServices Expected Growth • The other components are changes in drop out rate, competency pass rate and percentages of students meeting the College University Prep/College Tech Prep standards. • Subject to change for 2008

  6. Testing & AccountabilityServices High Growth • The school must make expected growth • 60% of students must have positive growth (0 or above)

  7. Testing & AccountabilityServices What impact did the New Formula have in 2006? • Fewer schools met Expected Growth – 54% (3-8) and 57% (HS) • Fewer schools must High Growth (especially HS) – 10% (3-8) and 18% (HS)

  8. Testing & AccountabilityServices Growth

  9. Testing & AccountabilityServices ABCs Proficiency Subjects • Grades 3-8: EOG Reading & Math, 4th & 7th Writing, 8th Grade Computer Skills and scores from alternate tests • High Schools: EOC courses, 10th grade Writing and scores from alternate tests • All students who take test(s) count – no attendance requirement

  10. Testing & AccountabilityServices ABCs Proficiency (Composite Score) • Do not compare Composite Scores or Proficiency if new tests or less tests in composite • Examples – EOG Math in 2006 was different test than previous year (scores were lower), Writing was not in previous Composites, EOC 2007 Math Subjects (Algebra 1, Algebra 2 & Geometry) & English 1 are new tests (scores are lower especially Algebra 1), EOC 2007 Science Subjects (Chemistry, Physical Science & Physics) are not in the Composite • Do not compare Composite Scores of one school vs. another unless schools have same grade spans • Writing Proficiency and Online Computer Skills has different impact at schools with different grade spans • Examples - Writing – K-4 (approx. 1/5), K-5 (approx. 1/7), K-8 (approx. 2/15), 4-8 (1/12), 6-8 (approx. 1/8), 7-8 (approx. 1/6) Online Computer Skills – K-8 (approx. 1/15), 4-8 (approx. 1/12), 6-8 (approx 1/8), 7-8 (approx. 1/6)

  11. Testing & AccountabilityServices

  12. Testing & AccountabilityServices

  13. Testing & AccountabilityServices

  14. Testing & AccountabilityServices NCLB Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) • 10 Subgroups (School as a whole (All), Black, White, Hispanic, Asian, Native American Indian, Multiracial, Student with Disability (EC), Economically Disadvantaged Students (FRL), Limited English Proficiency (LEP) • Attendance (Grades 3 – 8), Graduation (HS) • Subgroups must have 40 or more students in order to count in either 95% testing requirement or proficiency (also must meet 140 days requirement for proficiency) • How to count – Examples - School met 21/21, School met 10/10

  15. Testing & AccountabilityServices NCLB Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) • Grades 3 – 8 (EOG Reading and Math -includes Regular and Alternate Assessments) • HS – Students in Grade 10 (English 1/Grade 10 Writing & Algebra 1 or OCS English/Writing and Math)

  16. Testing & AccountabilityServices Call or visit Donald C. Rhodes Pitt County Schools Director of Testing & Accountability 252-830-4225 rhodesd@pitt.k12.nc.us

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