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Information Technology Budget Presentation

Budget Overview. Budget covers many areasFaculty Development staffing, travelBanner support existing, additional softwareOperations server refresh, storageNetworking equipment refresh, fiberClient Service Help deskMedia Center Computer repair, classroom refreshSupport Teaching and

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Information Technology Budget Presentation

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    1. Information Technology Budget Presentation March 18, 2008

    2. Budget Overview Budget covers many areas Faculty Development – staffing, travel Banner – support existing, additional software Operations – server refresh, storage Networking – equipment refresh, fiber Client Service – Help desk Media Center – Computer repair, classroom refresh Support Teaching and Learning Center Academic software – ArcGIS, Elluminate

    3. Teaching and Learning Center Send select faculty to the Annual Conference on Distance Teaching and Learning, (Madison, Wisconsin) a premier international gathering of educators, researchers, designers, trainers and administrators working in distance education. - $10,000 Refresh library on teaching and learning, current materials are outdated - $2,400

    4. Academic Software Join in UNC System efforts with Elluminate. Elluminate is a synchronous learning management system that provides desktop video conferencing, whiteboard and other tools for desktop conferencing. The system can be used for distance learning as well as on campus to broadcast training and other activities. The system may also provide a resource for the remote proctoring of testing. - $18,000 Provide ArcGIS geographic information software for multi-disciplinary use for UNCP. Geology and Geography as well as faculty in various departments around campus have expressed interest in integrating the software into their teaching. A faculty survey for possible interest in GIS received very favorable responses from Business, Art, Social Work, Biology/Environmental Science, Native American Resource Center, The Graduate College, Sociology and Criminal Justice. GIS is becoming increasingly common as a research/analysis tool in many disciplines. Obtaining a campus license, will enable the software to be widely utilized on campus creating higher-order learning opportunities for students. - $22,000 Support Dr. Gash’s and Mary Helen’s request for Usablenet Web accessibility software -$24,650

    5. Client Services Maintain current staffing for help desk – 2 SPA Technical Assistants - $85,383 w/ benefit Currently have two contract workers, user feedback excellent – need to continue service level Expand help desk services to 24x7 – Outsource along with Blackboard support - $120,000 This would provide all users 24X7 support, we would bring Blackboard support in-house 8-5, M-F for personal touch Purchase comprehensive helpdesk software – included with outsourcing - $40,000 separate Allows for tracking of work orders. The software will be web-based so users can enter their own work orders and track the progress of the orders. Totals with outsource $205,383, w/o outsource $125,383

    6. Applications Migration to all modules complete with Advancement module live in early summer 2008. Next step – implement Workflow and AppWorx. Workflow provides the technology infrastructure to automate approval processes and supports movement towards a “paperless” office environment. AppWorx Automates the execution of batch processes in Banner and related systems by creating execution plans that sequence and schedule these processes. Software costs: Banner, Oracle, FormFusion, Luminis, AppWorx, Cognow, ODS and Workflow - $282,600 AppWorx implementation - $45,000 Bill Payment and uPay hosting - $22,100 Additional Hardware - $20,000 Due to recent Alliance efforts there will be no UNCGA/Sungard consulting costs. Functional offices pay as needed. Total $369,700

    7. Operations Microsoft Premier Support - $60,000 Premier support provides vendor resources to assist in supporting our authentication, email, file server, office and other Microsoft technologies. Because we are moving to the new Microsoft infrastructure for authentication, email and file storage, extra vendor support and training is necessary. Server Refresh - $150,000 Several servers including Blackboard and our existing Harmony and other file servers are at end-of-life. This will also further our PACE virtualization project. Monitoring Solution - $100,000 Monitoring provides the system oversight necessary to ensure seamless operations and services of the highest caliber. Total $310,000

    8. Network Backbone Fiber Expansion - $150,000 Networking services provided beyond the main campus to the football stadium and various offices is being facilitated by questionable, wireless point to point network linkages. As development continues in this area the availability of sustainable and robust network services is essential. Network Support Technician – 1 SPA position - $65,388 As the campus grows an more appliances are connected to the network include controls, vending and other services, additional staffing is needed to provide customer support and to ensure prompt and effective service delivery. Total $215,388

    9. University Media Center Create computer repair services in support of both institutional equipment and a student computer sales program. Consolidate services within the Media Services unit for greater efficiency as these new services can support both audio/visual repairs in addition to computer repairs. Working with Apple and Dell, will get paid for warranty repairs 1 SPA and student salaries - $55,244 Supplies and expenses - $3,950 Capital outlay - $10,200 Total $69,394 Hope is that service becomes self-supporting

    10. University Media Center Classroom refresh - $135,000 media equipment and computers Provide new data projectors, switching, computers, furniture and associated equipment to refresh 25 of 115 teaching stations. Replace handheld remote controls with common switching systems - $25,000 Equip Jones classrooms with technology enable teaching stations - $35,000 Total - $195,000

    11. Instructional Technology Center Increased instructional design support in the Teaching and Learning Center for the pedagogical area. Digital Academy is maturing into an academic department offering programs for students Instructional Technology Center will provide a natural hand-off between the instructional design services of the Teaching Center and the faculty media development and technology support available in Digital Academy 2 EPA Instructional Technologist with student assistants - $161,942 Supplies and Expenses- $7,000 Capital Outlay - $11,000 Total $179,942

    12. Telephone Call Manager Upgrade - $45,000 Replaces end-of-life voicemail infrastructure and provides greater telephone functionality Call Center - $245,000 Requested by multiple departments this initiative provides automated services, call tracking, and other customer service features in support of information desks, service organizations, and developmental offices. Unified Messaging and Fax Server (combined) $187,000 Will serve as a new PACE initiative by providing cost savings over current practices. Centralizing fax services will reduce the need for diverse fax machines plus greatly enhance print to fax capabilities for the campus. Unified messaging will capitalize on new email capabilities to combine voicemail, Web conference, online chat and other seamless communication to faculty and staff. Telephony Systems Support Personnel – 1 SPA position - $65,388 w/benefits With the proposed increase in telephony services additional staffing is needed to both manage the system and provide increased customer support. Total $542,388

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