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Google Earth

Google Earth. Where do you want to go today?. Google Earth Resources. Google Earth Resources  http://delicious.com/JLWagner/googleearth Click on this link to subscribe to my delicious links for google earth: http://feeds.delicious.com/v2/rss/JLWagner/googleearth?count=15

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Google Earth

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Google Earth Where do you want to go today?

  2. Google Earth Resources • Google Earth Resources  • http://delicious.com/JLWagner/googleearth • Click on this link to subscribe to my delicious links for google earth: • http://feeds.delicious.com/v2/rss/JLWagner/googleearth?count=15 • http://jlwagner.pbworks.com/GoogleEarth

  3. 10 Reasons Why 10.  Totally changes "where I went on my summer vacation" journal entry. 9.    Be teamed with another class (ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD) and collaborate (http://earth.google.com/outreach/tutorial_collaborate.html) 8.    Lesson plans, kmz's, and tutorials, that have been lined up with standards, are available!! 7.    Eliminates the need of flat, wall maps. 6.    Bring the locale of a book to life by use of tours.  (IE  Make Way For Ducklings, Little House On the Prairie or for older students: Around the World in 80 days, Grapes of Wrath) 

  4. 10 Reasons Why 5.    Make the world a smaller place.  Create placemarks of family members, e-mail pals, etc. 4.    Ability to turn ANY lesson (geography, history, literature) into a more engaging and memorable experience. 3.    Pre-Visit your upcoming field trip including distance and directions. 2.    Latitude and Longitude coordinates take on much more meaning and understanding. 1.    Visit locations (both present and past -- on earth and in space) that you and your students will probably never see in a lifetime.

  5. New Features Record Tours Jump Into Google Maps Time Slider 3 Views Mars

  6. KMZ’s & KML’s KMZ/KML FILES A KMZ or KML is a google earth landmark(s).  Once you open the KMZ, it immediately takes you to the location(s) in Google Earth.  ( A KMZ file is simply a "zipped" KML file.) KML Gallery - http://earth.google.com/gallery/

  7. Overlays

  8. TimeLiner

  9. Google Ocean

  10. Google Mars http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u_mr-lDng7k

  11. Google Earth into Google Maps Washington, D.C.

  12. From Here To There

  13. WILD SANCTUARYhttp://earth.wildsanctuary.com/

  14. Flight Simulatorhttp://earth.google.com/intl/en/userguide/v4/flightsim/index.html

  15. Google Earth for iphone/itouchhttp://mashable.com/2008/10/27/google-earth-iphone/

  16. Sketch Uphttp://sketchup.google.com/ • http://sketchup.google.com/vtutorials.html • http://bbs.keyhole.com/ubb/postlist.php/Cat/0/Board/EarthModels • http://www.sheetmetalguy.com/sketchup-books.htm • http://online.caup.washington.edu/courses/larc440/sketchup/sketchup_home.htm • http://bbs.keyhole.com/ubb/showthreaded.php/Cat/0/Number/418795/page/vc/vc/1 • http://www.sketchucation.com/old/

  17. And Don’t Forget… • http://bbs.keyhole.com/ubb/ubbthreads.php/Cat/0 • http://www.gearthblog.com/basics.html • http://earth.google.com/userguide/v4/ Google Earth In The News: http://www.poynter.org/column.asp?id=31&aid=164396 Be Sure To Visithttp://www.googlelittrips.org/

  18. Jen Wagner projectsbyjen@gmail.com

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