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Province of Cremona

22/03/2007 - B06: Using public purchasing for cost effective environmental protection and social development. National Working Group on Green Public Procurement (GPP): Italian Public Authorities assisting one another Barbara Armanini - Provincia di Cremona - Italy. Province of Cremona.

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Province of Cremona

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  1. 22/03/2007 - B06: Using public purchasing for cost effective environmental protection and social development National Working Group on Green Public Procurement (GPP): Italian Public Authorities assisting one anotherBarbara Armanini - Provincia di Cremona - Italy

  2. Provinceof Cremona 1.770 Km2 Municipalities: 115 Inhabitants: 339.246

  3. GPPnet LIFE 02 ENV/IT/000023 • 300 pages • 3 sections (general , methodolocical, operational) • 14 main ecological labels on the market • 4 macro categories • 13 categories • 189 ecological criteria for 189 products English version agenda21@provincia.cremona.it in course uf update www.compraverde.it


  5. Best LIFE Award GPPnet: Life in the City. Innovative solutions for Europe’s urban environment 24 projects chosen within over 150 projects co-financed by LIFE programme since 1992 Best Life-Environment projects 2005-2006 One of the 21 projects selected among 62 finished within the reference period http://ec.europa.eu/environment/life/ project/bestlifeenv_0506.htm

  6. Agenda21 National Working Groupwww.compraverde.it www.a21italy.it Objectives: To Identify and share the obstacles To define and share tools To draft GPP guidelines To enhance the excange of best practices Technical Secretary l.mazza@ecosistemi-srl.it NOW 135 representatives ! 56 municipalities 17 provinces 5 regions 3 parks 6 ARPA 7 universities 41 others… MATT, Apat, Consip, Formez

  7. Open Book GPP: obstacles, tools and solutionsMore than 1000 copies freely distributed ! 1st year March 2005 – March 2006 71 representatives of regional and local authorities (NGO’s, Environmental Protecton Agencies, Ministery of Environment and territory…) Working group members meet 4 times over the year ! updated Jan 2007 Technical Secretary ecosistemi srl - Roma

  8. March 2006 – May 2007 PAN Seminar: • Legal restrictions and opportunities • References to ecological labels in public purchasing procedures • Monitoring system (Ferrara April 2007) • GPP and building activities Ferrara 2007 april • Innovative features: • The working group acted on a voluntary base and with no financing • The authors of the CD-Rom where mainly representatives of local authorities that put their experiences at dsposal of other local authorities

  9. GPPnetFORUM Cremona fair2007may 10-11

  10. Contacts GDL Technical Secretary National Association for Local Agenda21 c/o Ecosistemi Roma- Largo dè Ginnasi 2 Nina Vetri, Livia Mazzà l.mazza@ecosistemi-srl.it Provincia di Cremona Settore Ambiente Barbara Armanini agenda 21@provincia.cremona.it www.compraverde.it “ Ente Fiera Cremona Ilaria Seghizzi gppnetforum@cremonafiere.it www.cremonafiere.it

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