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AUTOMATION AND WORKFLOW, For The Everyman Shop and Beyond!

AUTOMATION AND WORKFLOW, For The Everyman Shop and Beyond! . Jean Gallagher, Solutions Rep : Bill Riley President ,Ironsides . WHO, WHY, WHERE, WHEN Building Effective, Efficient, Economical Proven Operational Performance: . Where is the Document? Who is handling it?

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AUTOMATION AND WORKFLOW, For The Everyman Shop and Beyond!

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  1. AUTOMATION AND WORKFLOW, For The Everyman Shop and Beyond! Jean Gallagher, Solutions Rep : Bill Riley President ,Ironsides

  2. WHO, WHY, WHERE, WHEN Building Effective, Efficient, Economical Proven Operational Performance: • Where is the Document? • Who is handling it? • When and how is it being processed? • Who in my internal operation is affected and who cares? What about my customer…. • What information are they looking for? • What is the status in real time for each piece? • How is the job performing against SLA requirements? • How are we providing accurate, robust audits for SOX, HIPAA and other mandated regulated compliance requirements? • If your answer to any or all of these questions is that it is necessary sometimes and always for me to know the answers, then you are a likely candidate to adopt an Automated Workflow Process to your current environment.

  3. Agenda • What are your challenges? • Automated Document Workflow Factory Overview, WHO ARE YOU? • Leveraging your Automated Document Factory ( ADF) • Adoption, and future investment • Getting started and additional resources

  4. Do you face any of these challenges? • InfoPrint ADF Solutions are tailored to help your business address these challenges

  5. Profile of a Potential Workflow Solution Candidate: Is this YOU? • One Director of IT quoted, " If companies don't have an Automated Document Factory, they've got problems, even if they don't know it". • My Postage Costs Keep Going Higher……….. • We seem to be spending more every year on equipment and staff to meet our Service Level Agreements • OOPS… We accidentally mailed a test job… again, by mistake, and our client was not very happy! • We have 3 people dedicated to processing Reprints alone! • The Return Mail… how do we lessen our Return Mail? • We have no way of knowing at the end of the day that every job and document was printed correctly and mailed… • We cannot afford the cost or time to change our mainframe application • Yes… I really believe we need to consider change and updating automation, similar to a factory assembly line…… the timing is right!

  6. Saving Money………. • Cost reduction / savings – via: • Productivity • Postal Savings • Integrity • Compliance • Flexibility • Risk Management

  7. …a lot of money An ADF can drive "10-25% savings with a payback in as little as 12-18 months" - Pete Basiliere (Gartner Group) at a recent Gartner Print and Imaging Summit.

  8. Automated Workflow Overview: Visualize

  9. How many technologies do your operations rely on? Are you confident in your abilities to: Manage and track every document, all the way through? Meet Service Level Agreements? Build comprehensive reporting? Hot Folder Web2Print

  10. Connecting your technologies. Automate and manage processes from a single point of control: Know where each document is. Meet your business commitments. Provide comprehensive reports. Hot Folder Web2Print

  11. Automated Workflow Structure and Backbone • Optimized job and machine control • Multi-site management • Electronic conversion • SLA management • Disaster recovery • Reporting • Job & document control • Inserter monitoring • Automatic reprinting • Audit tracking and reporting • Integrated composition software • TransPromo / mid-stream analytics and whitespace management • Symbology compliance • Maximize sort densities • Optimize sorter usage • Tracking & reporting Composition Management Output Management Mailroom Integrity Postal Optimization Communication workflow backbone Tracking, compliance, and control: managed from one, integrated solution

  12. Challenge: Many technologies, no common architecture Modular: Integrate Existing Platforms Single pointof control • Connects disparate hardware & software • Controls at job and mailpiece levels Grows with business • Modular, scalable extensions • Developer’s program Open standards • ODBC, Java, TCP/IP, web services • “Any-to-any” datastream capable

  13. Challenge: Keeping a complex operation running smoothly Solution: Output Management Reporting Optimization Location management • Monitor & track jobs against SLA’s • Report on every document, every step • Onboarding new work faster • Splitting, Sorting & Grouping • Any-in, Any-out • Electronic conversion • Indexing & editing • Manage multiple locations • Workload balancing • Failover, manual and automated

  14. Challenge: Proving that every document was produced and mailed Solution: Mailroom Integrity Tracking • Monitors each mailpiece through entire process • Detects errors at the inserter • Automates reprints to any printer • Splits, sorts and groups large jobs • Manages equipment workload Control Reporting • Records status of each mailpiece • Demonstrates compliance

  15. Challenge: developing TransPromo applications in a tightly managed, automated environment Solution: Composition Management • Invokes composition engine as part of job process • Provides quality, consistency and reporting with recurring jobs • Includes composition as part of Service Level Management Design Tool Integration 1 Whitespace Management 2

  16. Challenge: applying Transactional Promotional Information to legacy applications Solution: Composition Management • Identifies whitespace on existing applications based on your parameters • Applies targeted, TransPromo messaging during production • Runs as part of software process, for consistency and reporting • Does not alter original application Design Tool Integration 1 WhitespaceManagement 2

  17. Challenge: Minimizing postal costs and Intelligent Mail® compliance Solution: Postal Optimization Level 3: Full Service Level 2: Basic Service • Electronic metering and presorting • USPS electronic data exchange • Sorter usage optimization • Inserter reconciliation w/ manifest • Datastream commingling • No application changes • Reporting • Basic business rules Level 1: Basic Service • Converts POSTNETTM to IMB • No application changes

  18. Challenge: Minimizing postal costs and leveraging Intelligent Mail Solution: Postal Optimization

  19. Services for complex solutions Professional Services • Certified Architects and Project Managers • Consulting, development and integration skills • Insure You are Working with a Reputable Partner Scalable technology • Modular, scalable solutions that evolve • Based on open standards Integration Methodology • Work with Existing Architecture: Integrate Rather than Re-Create Data-based legacy • Work with A Partner that has a History and an Infrastructure to support your Project

  20. Leveraging your Automated Workflow Across Your Business

  21. Leverage Automated Workflow across your business Embrace quality 1 Onboard work faster 2 Provide top service 3 Offer new value 4 Be more productive 5

  22. Leverage Automated Workflow across your Entire Business: Build a Process Map! • Demonstrate integrity • Touch n’ toss processes • Reporting • Finishing equipment integration • Service Level Agreement monitoring Embrace quality 1 Onboard work faster 2 Provide top service 3 Offer new value 4 Be more productive 5

  23. Leverage Automated Workflow across your business • Data support • Composition tool support • Transforms (Xerox, PDF, PostScript, PCL, etc) • Document standards Embrace quality 1 Onboard work faster 2 Provide top service 3 Offer new value 4 Be more productive 5

  24. Leverage Automated Workflow across your business • Pull list support • Web services support • Job statistics  invoicing • Easy to find job status • SLA management • Fast, accurate reprints • Support sustainability Embrace quality 1 Onboard work faster 2 Provide top service 3 Offer new value 4 Be more productive 5

  25. Leverage Automated Workflow across your business • Add custom marketing messages • Up-sell high integrity printing with reports • Offer content extraction for HTML, XML or PDF delivery • Return mail management Embrace quality 1 Onboard work faster 2 Provide top service 3 Offer new value 4 Be more productive 5

  26. Leverage Automated Workflow across your business • Respond faster to requests • Maximize machine and operator utilization • Always have a failover plan • Monitor status anytime, anywhere • Be flexible and scalable for the future Embrace quality 1 Onboard work faster 2 Provide top service 3 Offer new value 4 Be more productive 5

  27. Promote sustainability:Optimizing Workflow Reduces Costs and Impact Results: reduced paper usage, power consumption, and carbon footprint combined with lower costs and improved efficiency • Eliminate duplicate / bad addresses • Combine mail by household address • Eliminate preprinted forms • Print at location nearest distribution • Reduce mechanical sorting • Eliminate postage meters

  28. Workflow Adoption and Future Investment

  29. Customers Leveraging Automated Workflow: Client Success

  30. Let's Get it Started!

  31. How do I know if an Automated Workflow Solution is right for my business? Start with a no-cost environment analysis – a snapshot of your software, print applications and hardware, and preliminary ROI analysis – balanced against your current and future needs. From there, it may make sense to do the following:

  32. Additional Resources • Customer references • Whitepapers • Savings and ROI Calculator Tools • WebEx hosted software demos • Customer Demo Site Locations: Consult Existing Customers with Automated Workflow Environments, Shop around • On-site Output study: Technology Overview and Process Overview of Print and Mail Operations Existing Today, Start Small and Build according to need

  33. Thank You

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