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INTERNSHIP PRESENTATION. Aman ullah zafar 2010-ag-3581 Soil Bacteriology Section Ayub Agriculture Research institute (AARI), Faisalabad. Work that I have done.

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  1. INTERNSHIP PRESENTATION Amanullahzafar 2010-ag-3581 Soil Bacteriology Section Ayub Agriculture Research institute (AARI), Faisalabad

  2. Work that I have done • Case study; Role of different precursor’s and PGPR inoculation on growth of maize. • Media preparation and isolations • Soil analysis


  4. INTRODUCTION Maize (Zea mays L.). 3rd most important crop after wheat and rice. Use as both grain and fodder. High fertilizer demand and huge population converted interest to use biofertilizers. Biofertilizers are eco-friendly, inexpensive and produce resistance to plants. (Mehboobet al., 2008)

  5. L-tryptophan (precursor of auxin) Application may increase growth of plants (Zahiret al., 2010). L-Tryptophan (L-TRP) involve in microbial biosynthesis of auxin. Exogenously application produce higher values of auxins and exert positive effect. (Khalid et al., 2004)

  6. L-adenine (precursor of cytokinins) Cytokinins affect growth by cell division, morphogenesis, lateral buds and stomatal opening. Exogenous application enhances growth and yield of crops. Stimulate nitrate reductase activity. (Rao et al., 2013). Glutamate synthetase Spikelet number per tassel Increase chlorophyll and protein content. (Below and Gentry., 2002)

  7. Azotobacter The genus Azotobacter is comprised of bacteria that require the presence of oxygen to grow and reproduce, Azotobacter has the ability to "fix" atmospheric nitrogen. Inoculation of precursors with PGPR increases growth and yield of crops. (Ciccilloet al., 2002). Present study was planned to assess the beneficial effect of PGPR with precursor of auxin (L-tryptophan) and cytokinin (L-adenine) on growth of maize.

  8. METHODOLOGY Isolation and purification of Azotobactersp Preparation of Jensen’s Medium

  9. Isolation from soil sample by dilution method and plating of medium. Sterilization of medium. 1g soil + 99 mL of sterilize water for dilutions (10-2, 10-4, 10-6). streaking on Petri plants by inoculating needle. Incubation for 48 hr at 25oC. Single colonies were picked and purified on fresh plates. Purified colonies stored at 5±1oC on slants and maintained for further exp.

  10. Preparation of inoculum Jensen broth prepared and autoclaved at 121oC and15 psi Broth inoculated with purified and selected isolates of Azotobacter sp Incubated at 25oC for 3 days

  11. Pot study Complete Randomized Design (CRD) with six treatments and three replications. Treatments T1=Control T2=L-Tryptophan T3=L-Adenine T4 =Azotobacter sp T5 = L-Tryptophan +Azotobacter sp T6 = L-Adenine +Azotobacter sp

  12. Results Effect of treatments on root and shoot parameters of maize.

  13. conclusion Precursors i.e. L-tryptophan and L-adenine and PGPR inoculation alone have improved the growth of maize. The growth promotion is much improved when the precursors i.e. L-tryptophan and L-adenine are applied with PGPR inoculation. Hence, precursor-inoculum interaction has more pronounced effect on the growth of maize.

  14. LITERATURE CITED Below and Gentry., 2002. Plant growth promoting rhizobacteria effect on antioxidant status, photosynthesis, mineral uptake and growth of lettuce under soil salinity. Research J. Agricultural and Biological Sciences, 1: 210-215. Mehboob and S. Kumar 2008. Potential of Azotobacter and Azospirillum as biofertilizers for upland agriculture: A re view. J. Sci. Ind. Res. 48:134 -144. [Field Crop Abst. 42; 10066; 2008]. Rao, S. R., A. Qayyum, A. Razzaq, M. Ahmad, I. Mahmood and A. Sher (2013). Role of foliar application of salicylic acid and L-tryptophan in drought tolerance of maize. The J. Anim. and Plant Sciences, 22(3): 768-772. Zahir, Z.A., H.N. Asghar, M.J. Akhtar and M. Arshad (2010). Precursor (L-tryptophan) inoculum (Azotobacter) interactions for improving yields and nitrogen uptake of maize. J. Plant Nutrition 28: 805-817. Ciccillo, F., A. Fiore, A. Bevivino, C. Dalmastri, S. Tabacchioni and L. Chiarini(2002). Effects of two different application methods of Burkholderiaambifaria MCI 7 on plant growth and rhizospheric bacterial diversity. J. EnvironmentalMicrobiology, 4(4), 238–245. Khalid, A., M. Arshad and Z.A. Zahir (2004). Screening plant growth promoting rhizobacteria for improving growth and yield of wheat. J. Appl. Microbiol., 96: 473-480.

  15. MICROBES ISOLATED IN LAB Free living Azotobacter Azospirillum Phosphorus Solubilizers Bacillus Pseudomonas Symbiotic Rhizobium (Nitrogen fixer)

  16. ISOLATION OF RHIZOBIUM Pink Healthy Nodules Washing Sterilization (95% Ehanol) Washing 0.1% HgCl2 Washing Crushing Streaking on YMA Petri Plate

  17. Fig: Isolation of Rhizobium on Yeast Minnitol Agar Media

  18. ISOLATION OF FREE LIVINGS Dilution Plate Technique

  19. Fig: Isolation of Azotobacter

  20. Fig: Isolation of Azospirillum

  21. Results

  22. SOIL ANALYSIS • Soil samples were analyzed for: • Phosphorus (Olsen and Sommers method) • Organic matter (walkley black method)

  23. ResultsTable: Determination of available Phosphorous from different soil sample

  24. ResultsTable: Determination of available organic matter from different soil sample

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