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Differentiation and the Individual Learning Journey

Differentiation and the Individual Learning Journey . Aim of this session. To share and explore a process for planning differentiated learning. Aspiration. Inspire you to be even more interested in your professional practice. Teaching for a Social Purpose.

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Differentiation and the Individual Learning Journey

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  1. Differentiation and the Individual Learning Journey

  2. Aim of this session To share and explore a process for planning differentiated learning

  3. Aspiration Inspire you to be even more interested in your professional practice

  4. Teaching for a Social Purpose

  5. DEFINITIONS Differentiation vsPersonalisation • Differentiation – the art of teaching each unique individual in their stretch zone… (tutor’s responsibility = assessment) • Personalisation – ensuring that the student can be recognised as an individual throughout their whole learning experience (organisation’s responsibility = evaluation)

  6. DEFINITIONS Differentiation vs Inclusive Learning • Differentiation – the art of teaching each unique individual in their stretch zone… (tutor’s responsibility) • Inclusive Learning – what’s put into place to ensure that each student has the resources they need to succeed(organisation’s and tutor’s responsibility)

  7. The Zones • Comfort • Stretch • Panic Differentiation

  8. DEFINITIONS Differentiation • Differentiation – the art of teaching each individual in their stretch zone… …so that they are challenged and excited by the learning and not frightened of it.

  9. INITIAL ASSESSMENT Questions • What do you assess and how? • How do you avoid making assumptions about individuals?

  10. INITIAL ASSESSMENTReflexive Practice • Reflection = I did this, this happened, I’ll do this next. • Reflexion = I did this because (this is how my values played out), this happened, I’ll do this next.

  11. PLANNING Freedom needs Boundaries

  12. PLANNING Outcomes vs Activities • Outcomes must come first. • Activities flow from outcomes. TEACHING WITHOUT ASSESSMENT ISN’T TEACHING. (talk, game, presentation, performance)

  13. PLANNING Values and Practice Principles • Value = deeply held guiding belief, shaped by life’s experiences. • Practice Principle = how values play out in your practice as a teacher (or life in general). Choose one of today’s five values. How does this play out in a practice principle for you?

  14. PLANNING SMART Learning Outcomes • Aim = general statement of intent. • Learning Outcome = a measurable target of achievement, phrased thus: by the end of the session, the learner will be able to… DON’T BE A HOSTAGE TO FORTUNE! All students should be able to achieve all learning outcomes comfortably.

  15. PLANNING SMART Learning Outcomes • Specific • Measureable • Achievable • Relevant • Time Framed

  16. BREAK

  17. A Planned Learning Process: Check In 1 • Scheme of work written. • Selectionconfirmed. • Initial assessment carried out. • Session(s) planned.

  18. ‘The’ Teaching Cycle Differentiation (stretch)

  19. DIFFERENTIATIONIndividual Learning Goals • Students write their own (gain a valuable life skill and move along the spectrum of independence) OR • You produce a differentiation rubric for the course and support students to identify their own stretch

  20. DIFFERENTIATIONStudent Led • SMART (of course) • Congruent with the values of the student • Recorded in Individual Learning Plan This process is strongly ipsative and therefore in line with the College’s own values of empowerment and transformation.

  21. DIFFERENTIATIONTutor Led • SMART (of course) • Congruent with the values of the tutor • Recorded in Individual Learning Plan This process is weakly ipsativeand moves the student more gently along the spectrum of independence towards self-determination.



  24. Must – Should – Could Dangers… • Locus of control with teacher not student • About groups, not individuals (therefore not differentiation) • Danger of making assumptions • Missed opportunity to develop valuable life-skills USEFUL FOR THE TUTOR TO IDENTIFY EXTENSION ACTIVITIES

  25. DEFINITIONS Differentiation vs Extension • Extension refers to the activity. • Differentiation refers to the student. Extension is the vehicle for the student’s stretch

  26. RECORDINGEach Student’s Progress My Learning Space (MLS) or course-specific ILP • How well do students map their continuous progress against their goals? • How well do we?

  27. RECORDINGThe Tutor’s Intent Scheme of Work • Plan your teaching mindfully • Signpost observers to the evidence ‘NC Scheme of Work 2012’ available on NorthernEye

  28. RECORDINGThe Tutor’s Intent

  29. A Differentiated Learning Process Check-In 2 • Scheme of work written. • Selection confirmed. • Initial assessment carried out. • Session(s) planned. • Valueswork with students. • Studentto produce Individual Learning Goals/complete Differentiation Rubric • Check-in points to assess progress against goals. • Exit IAG completed and goals carried forward

  30. Over to you… • Create an action plan for improving differentiated learning in your own practice. • SMART goals please!

  31. What’s next? • Share good activities and ideas via the Good Practice Guide at www.northern.ac.uk/teachnorthern (NC staff only) • Reflect on your practice using the TeachNorthern blog http://teachnorthern.wordpress.com/(www)

  32. Finally… • Get differentiation right and you are automatically beginning to embed diversityin your practice. • Diversity of opinion • Resonating with those identities present • (Reflecting absent identities.) Every student is an unique human being.

  33. Interested? Embedding Diversity Conference at The Northern College 15th June 2012 Some free places for staff!

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