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Presentation 3

Presentation 3. Ebony, Sophie and Azzees. Role charts.

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  1. Presentation 3 Ebony, Sophie and Azzees

  2. Role charts • We allocated our roles according to who had the best skills for each area. For example, Ebony’s friend was going to act for us and so we decided to give her the responsibility of actors. Azzees knows the location very well and so is the best person to handle the location. Sophie has researched costume designs for Prodigy and similar bands of the same genre, and so has an idea of what the costumes should be like.

  3. Location Final destination is Stave Hill. • Whilst having a meeting and conjuring which location would capture the mood parallel to the action of the music. One team member suggested Stave hill. • “Stave Hill is in a 5.2 acre ecological park, adjacent to Russia Dock Woodland, in the area of Rotherhithe, London Borough of Southwark close to Canada Water.”Once reaching the top of this hill it there are panoramic views of London, picturing iconic buildings and places such as the ‘Gherkin’ ‘Canary Wharf’ ‘London eye’ and the Thames.

  4. Location • The long journey to the top of the hill could symbolise the demonic being taking over the protagonist fully, or it could be a place where the demon transcends out of the body. • This absent detail of the end will be finalised as soon as the remaining two members visit the location, so that the jaw- dropping scenery can create a mood in their minds as to what is the most fitting ending. • Metaphorically, having the protagonist reach the top of the hill to be swapped with images of large iconic buildings which are placed around him could denote the power of the demon. • Having the main location in London is convenient for commuting purposes however it also provides a useful location as the stereotype of London is busy and quite chaotic. • The fast action will merge well with the settings of the area and epitomes its stereotype however there will be the element of dark imagery that can create an ambivalent nature to London.

  5. Vital Locations • These other locations are an essential essence to the music video, allowing the abstract theme to depict a dark- almost gothic- like nature.

  6. Costumes • This is an interesting costume choice because the objects are clearly not real people. However, what i can take from this video is that Prodigy like to be out of the ordinary and not follow the conventions of a usual video. Also, they have a motif of ‘warriors’ in this video – we also have a theme which is a similarity between our two videos.

  7. This is a shot of the original ‘Firestarter’ video – the lead singer is wearing an American flag as a t-shirt. This represents his culture and country. It could also show that the Prodigy feels as though they have conquered America and lead the genre industry they are in.  In this video he is also wearing devil’s horns which make him look very powerful and demonic.

  8. In this picture, the small girl’s costume is innocent and girly which represents her character. If we have a child in our video, we will dress her similar to this to keep with the theme of innocence in a child.

  9. Costume Analysis • From this research i have done, i am going to take elements of the costume ideas from the band and change it to fit into our Firestarter video. • dark make up around the eyes on the actor with black eyeliner straight down the middle of the eye. • coloured hair – if a wig can be found, it needs to be subtle like the original band. • messy hair, that stands up • a plain top, preferably black that has either buttons or vertical stripes on it. • a black hoody – this is so that shots can be done where the hood is up which looks more scary. • plain black tracksuit bottoms. no detail is needed on them because much of the video is filmed of the actors face. When a full length shot is done, it will be in action and so not much attention will be paid to the style of trousers. • trainers • a necklace that is spiky or unusual • piercings such as nose and earring and eyebrow

  10. Actors • It was initially constructed that we will have one main actor to perform the role of out protagonist, which will be a male, as it is typically the convention that men can denote more of an evil essence and demonic nature. (controversial I no, but seeing as this is group is consisted of women, I believe this is an acceptable judgement) Lol. • Also within our group it was also discussed that there would be a few characters that are running to meet up in a fast sort of frenzy. • However, due the fact that our final idea developed a ‘demonic’ theme then it was decided that we would have one person who would be possessed which would be a man. • Also we felt that young children performing a in ‘thriller’ roles always successfully captures a very eerie feeling and as there is a repetition within the song for some lines ‘Hey. Hey. Hey’ • So we are going to source getting a young child or young looking child to represent this omnipresent character.

  11. Actors • We have previously asked someone to fulfil the role of our protagonist however due to complications and obligations they were unable to undergo this task. • So we are going to advertise the two roles within our school drama department. • Next will be our rough guide…

  12. Advertisement How would you like to have a Starring role in the Prodigy music video called FIRESTARTER? The remake of the this film is going to has a dark nature so we require: Tall Boy ( 5ft 8incs or taller) Young girl (5ft 3incs or shorter) This video will be shot over approximately 3 days in the latter month of January, please keep these dates available but if you are interested but have other obligations please still see us to explain circumstances and arrange alternatives Azzees, Sophie and Ebony

  13. Props Some initial ideas we have already come up with from storyboarding meetings are: • apple • doll • clock • magazines The video will be using a variety of different shot lengths and speed transitions. Therefore we are going to need several shots to fill up the length of time we have to film for. The ideas i have for some more shots are: • tattoos • traffic lights • the bible • crosses • jewellery • a toy spider • posters of people/bands

  14. Sourcing items I will get these props from charity shops (they are cost effective and often have a variety of objects in them). I will gain posters from magazines such as Kerrang or another popular music magazine. The spider is a motif in Prodigy videos and so to keep in with the theme, we are going to subtly place the spider in some shots. This keeps with the theme that Prodigy do not flaunt the spider motif constantly in their videos but they rather keep it subtle and almost hidden which we find very effective. This is the prodigy spider: • Prodigy spider • We may edit a picture of the spider into the video at the editing stage as incorporating a real spider into the video could create an unrealistic task to achieve effectively or simply hard for us to source and capture of video. • Therefore, we have also discussed the possibility of having objects that evoke a ‘spider theme’ rather than explicitly capturing the image.

  15. Risk Assessment • This is to make us think of the dangers of the area we are using and how we can prevent accidents occurring and try and stop the things that could go wrong. • There are 3 different areas to consider, the people, equipment and the set being used. • 1) Cast members may be ill or not turn up- this is quite unavoidable so we will make sure we have enough people on standby to cover all the parts and ensure we remind the cast of the meeting dates. • 2) Cast members aren't cooperating- we will make sure that everything is organised so that everyone knows what they are doing and when so there is little time wasting • 3) DV tapes not working- we will take spare ones! • 4) Tripod broken- due to the genre of the song we won't be using the tripod that often so the shots that may use a tripod could be adapted, but if needed we are able to take more than one.

  16. Risk Assessment cont… • 5) Camera isn't charged- send a message to make sure it is charged the day before and/ or take spare batteries. • 6) Camera doesn't work- we could take more than one to save wasting time and having to go back another time to shoot. • 7) Forgotten props- send a message out to remind all involved of what they need to bring and responsibilities. • 8) Lighting- we need to go at a time that it is light enough to see any dangers, especially as we are working in public areas. • 9) There may be too many people around in the parks etc that we are using- this is unavoidable but can be assessed. • 10) The weather! we need to try not to go in the snow or rain!

  17. Bibliography • http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=kew+gardens+london&sll=53.477792,-2.255495&sspn=0.005638,0.008175&ie=UTF8&t=h&layer=c&cbll=51.47983,-0.292375&panoid=aialyPX0AlmltI5IMKqhdw&cbp=12,174.41,,0,5&hq=Kew+Gardens&hnear=Kew+Gardens,+London,+UK&ll=51.479833,-0.292382&spn=0,359.94082&z=15&utm_campaign=en_GB&utm_medium=lp&utm_source=en_GB-lp-emea-gb-gns-svn&utm_term=%7Bkeyword%7D • http://images.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http://www.eurocaststone.com/Stair_treads/fk_Outside%2520stairway%2520with%2520mosaic%2520riser.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.eurocaststone.com/Stair_treads/stairs.htm&usg=__0rjs9iJQdrpLZnckwhfiJ1sHNSE=&h=900&w=675&sz=398&hl=en&start=3&um=1&tbnid=9MxppRmRHgub8M:&tbnh=146&tbnw=109&prev=/images%3Fq%3Doutside%2Bstairs%26hl%3Den%26um%3D1

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