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Suspensions and Attendance Data – DRAFT and Internal Confidential

December 2013. Suspensions and Attendance Data – DRAFT and Internal Confidential. CPS Suspension Rates, SY12-13. OSS increasing amongst youngest students, decreasing in HS.

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Suspensions and Attendance Data – DRAFT and Internal Confidential

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  1. December 2013 Suspensions and Attendance Data – DRAFT and Internal Confidential DRAFT and Internal Confidential

  2. CPS Suspension Rates, SY12-13 DRAFT and Internal Confidential

  3. OSS increasing amongst youngest students, decreasing in HS • Sharpest increase in infractions and suspensions among the youngest student populations (48% increase in Pre-K/K OSS, 19% increase in 1st to 5th OSS) • Increase in infractions among all elementary grade levels • Decrease in infractions and suspensions among high school students See appendix for more information. DRAFT and Internal Confidential

  4. Suspension Trends – By High School Network DRAFT and Internal Confidential

  5. Suspension Trends – By Elementary Network DRAFT and Internal Confidential

  6. Suspension Trends – By GradePre-K & Kindergarten SY2012-13 Trends Length of Suspensions: 51% 1 day 43% 2-3 days 5.6% 4-5 days Repeat Suspensions 72.4% suspended once 18.6% suspended twice 4.9% suspended 3-4 times 4% suspended 5+ times OSS Demographics 86% Male 77% African American SCC does not allow the use of OSS or ISS in response to infractions at the Pre-K/K levels. DRAFT and Internal Confidential

  7. Suspension Trends – By Grade1st – 5th grades SY2012-13 Trends Length of Suspensions: 45% 1 day 46% 2-3 days 8% 4-5 days Repeat Suspensions 64% suspended once 18% suspended twice 12% suspended 3-4 times 5% suspended 5-9 times +37 students suspended 10-20 times OSS Demographics 74% Male 85% African American DRAFT and Internal Confidential

  8. Suspension Trends – By Grade6th-8th grades SY2012-13 Trends Length of Suspensions: 39% 1 day 44% 2-3 days 14% 4-5 days 3% 5+ days Repeat Suspensions 60% suspended once 20% suspended twice 14% suspended 3-4 times 7% suspended 5-9 times +70 students suspended 10-20 times OSS Demographics 81% Male 77% African American DRAFT and Internal Confidential

  9. Suspension Trends – By Grade9th-12th grades SY2012-13 Trends Length of Suspensions: 33% 1 day 45% 2-3 days 18% 4-5 days 5% 5+days Repeat Suspensions 54% suspended once 20% suspended twice 17% suspended 3-4 times 7% suspended 5-9 times +133 students suspended 10-20 times OSS Demographics 62% Male 71% African American DRAFT and Internal Confidential

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