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Grundtvig learning partnership project

Grundtvig learning partnership project „ EUROPEAN PERSPECTIVES ON RAISING SOCIAL COMPETENCIES OF OFFENDERS”. This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.

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Grundtvig learning partnership project

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  1. Grundtvig learning partnership project „EUROPEAN PERSPECTIVES ON RAISING SOCIAL COMPETENCIES OF OFFENDERS” This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

  2. ANTALYA(23-28 thSeptember 2013) Meeting Evaluation

  3. Questionnaire N°1 • Thisquestionnairewasgiven to all the 34 participants. Itfocused on threeaspects of the meeting: • The work before the meeting • The work during the meeting • Otherfactors

  4. Before the meeting YES | NO • Were the information given, before the meeting, exhaustive? 304 • Was the amount of work, done before the meeting, acceptable? 340 • Were you capable of completing the tasks you were assigned to, 313 before the meeting? The preparatory phase to the meeting was really good, for almost all the participants. Maybe the information should be more exhaustive and we should give more support to complete the tasks assigned.

  5. During the meeting Yes | No • Was the meeting formative? 304 • Wereyouable to giveyourcontribution to the discussion and the decisionmaking? 322 • Were the meeting goals achieved? 340 • Was there any unattained goal? 1321

  6. During the meeting results Positive • The meeting was formative for almostall the participants • The participantsfeelable to givetheircontribution • All the meeting goalswereachieved Negative • For 21 participants on 34 weshouldhaveachievedothergoals

  7. OtherFactors Yes | No • Was the working environment satisfactory? 340 • Was the interaction between the partners satisfactory (From a professional point of view)? 340 • Is my role clear and fair, in this project? 277 • Was an accurate and reasonable agenda scheduled for the next meeting? 22 12 • Was the accommodation satisfactory? 331

  8. Otherfactorsresults High satisfaction for: • Workingenvironment • Relationshipsbetweenpartners • Accommodation The only negative aspectis the factthat a fewparticipantsthinktheyhaven’t a clearrole in thisproject

  9. Your opinion • In the second part of the questionnaireweasked to giveyour opinion aboutcertainsaspects of the project. • Your answersweresimilar. Here is a list of the aspectsyoumentioned the most.

  10. 1) The strenghts of the project • The multiculturality • The strong connectivity • The professionality of the institutionsinvolved 2) The weakpoints • The occasionallack of communication • Poorcommunicationduring the meeting with the participantsresponsible for certainmeetings 3) Twoproblemsweshoulddiscussassoonaspossible • There are no intermerdiarydeadlines • More communication flow between the meetings for the participants

  11. 4) Suggestion to solve the problems • Schedule intermediarydeadlinesuntil the next meeting 5) Twoactivitiesyousuccesfulcarried out in thisproject • The interpretation of the documents • Integration of the materials made by the othergroups to organizeour work 6) Tworesultsyouaccomplished in thisproject • The improvement of my social skills, part of thisproject • Good feedback from the partners on our work


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