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Jonathan Potts , Guillaume Bastille-Rousseau, Dennis Murray, James A. Schaefer, Mark Lewis.

Predicting local and non-local effects of resources on animal space use using a mechanistic step-selection model. Jonathan Potts , Guillaume Bastille-Rousseau, Dennis Murray, James A. Schaefer, Mark Lewis. ESA2013, Minneapolis, 5 August 2013. . From process to pattern.

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Jonathan Potts , Guillaume Bastille-Rousseau, Dennis Murray, James A. Schaefer, Mark Lewis.

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  1. Predicting local and non-local effects of resources on animal space use using a mechanistic step-selection model Jonathan Potts, Guillaume Bastille-Rousseau, Dennis Murray, James A. Schaefer, Mark Lewis. ESA2013, Minneapolis, 5 August 2013.

  2. From process to pattern

  3. From process to pattern Leave this out for today!

  4. Classical resource selection analysis Space use: Availability: Resource quality:

  5. Accounting for movement: the story so far • Moorcroft and Barnett (2008) Ecology, 89(4), 1112–1119

  6. Accounting for movement: the story so far • Moorcroft and Barnett (2008) Ecology, 89(4), 1112–1119 • Idea: Use the resource selection function for the movement kernel

  7. Accounting for movement: the story so far • Moorcroft and Barnett (2008) Ecology, 89(4), 1112–1119 • Idea: Use the movement distribution for the availability function • More precisely,

  8. Accounting for movement: the story so far • Moorcroft and Barnett (2008) Ecology, 89(4), 1112–1119 • Idea:Use the movement distribution for the availability function • More precisely, • = displacement distance distribution • = the selective value of habitat at

  9. Accounting for movement: the story so far • Moorcroft and Barnett (2008) Ecology, 89(4), 1112–1119 • Idea:Use the movement distribution for the availability function • More precisely, • = displacement distance distribution • = the selective value of habitat at • Gives a master equation for the animal probability density • Can use this to derive PDE of space use

  10. Accounting for movement: the story so far • Result: • i.e. the animal’s position distribution at a point is a function of the resource quality at that point

  11. Classical resource selection analysis Space use: Availability: Resource quality:

  12. Accounting for movement: the story so far • Result: • i.e. the animal’s position distribution at a point is a function of the resource quality at that point

  13. Problem: no effect of patch size and isolation Red = better resources Blue = worse resources

  14. Our model: weight based on start and end of step • Potts JR, Bastille-Rousseau G, Murray DL, Schaefer JA, Lewis MA. Predicting local and non-local effects of resources on animal space use using a mechanistic step-selection model. Methods in Ecology and Evolution(in review)

  15. Our model: weight based on start and end of step Step length and turning angle distributions • Potts JR, Bastille-Rousseau G, Murray DL, Schaefer JA, Lewis MA. Predicting local and non-local effects of resources on animal space use using a mechanistic step-selection model. Methods in Ecology and Evolution(in review)

  16. Our model: weight based on start and end of step Step length and turning angle distributions Relative quality of resources at x compared to those at y • Potts JR, Bastille-Rousseau G, Murray DL, Schaefer JA, Lewis MA. Predicting local and non-local effects of resources on animal space use using a mechanistic step-selection model. Methods in Ecology and Evolution(in review)

  17. Our model: weight based on start and end of step Step length and turning angle distributions Relative quality of resources at x compared to those at y • Potts JR, Bastille-Rousseau G, Murray DL, Schaefer JA, Lewis MA. Predicting local and non-local effects of resources on animal space use using a mechanistic step-selection model. Methods in Ecology and Evolution(in review)

  18. Our model: weight based on start and end of step Step length and turning angle distributions Relative quality of resources at x compared to those at y where is the intersection of with the half-line starting at and continuing on a bearing of .

  19. Parameterise the model using Caribou data from Newfoundland

  20. Weighting function W[H(x),H(y)] • According to this: Wetland > Barren > Coniferous open > Coniferous dense > Other

  21. Results: space use in artificial landscape Resources: Red = Wetland; Blue = Coniferous dense Animal space use distribution, assuming step lengths and turning angle distributions are the same for both habitats

  22. Results: patch size and isolation

  23. Acknowledgements Mark Lewis (University of Alberta) Guillaume Bastille-Rousseau (Trent University) Dennis Murray (Trent) James Schaefer (Trent) Members of the Lewis Lab (Alberta)

  24. Conclusions • Our simple change to the step selection function causes dramatic changes in the space use distribution • Predicts aspects of space use that standard resource selection methods do not

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