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The Ipad.

The Ipad. PowerPoint made by Hannah Lesley Grieve. Room 3 , 2013. The Ipad. Q. Who made the Ipad? A.Steve Jobs. Q. Where was he from? A. San Francisco, California, United States. Q. Why did Steve Jobs decide to invent the Ipad?

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The Ipad.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Ipad. PowerPoint made by Hannah Lesley Grieve. Room 3, 2013.

  2. The Ipad. Q. Who made the Ipad?A.Steve Jobs. Q. Where was he from? A. San Francisco, California, United States. Q. Why did Steve Jobs decide to invent the Ipad? A. Steve Jobs invented the Ipad to show one Microsoft Employee what size a tablet really can be, and to show off the awesome apps of the Ipad. Q. How has the invention of the Ipad changed peoples lives? A. Well, I think the Ipad has changed AND helped peoples lives with recipes, and research, or to watch sport, and of course we all love the games! (Apps.) I know some people wonder… Who made the Ipad? And… where was he or she from?You probably have more questions about the Ipad too. So I made a PowerPoint to show and tell YOU all about the… IPAD and answer ALL your questions! Well, hopefully most of them.

  3. Q. Has Steve jobs INVENTED ANY OTHER ELECTRICAL DEVICE? Answer:Yes, it is an iPhone.

  4. Here are some pictures of Electric Devices that have helped us out in many many ways.

  5. Other things about Steve. • What was Steve Job’s Job? Co-Founder, Chairman CEO. • Brand: Apple • When did he die? October 5th, 2011. (56 year old.) • Why did he die?Metastatic. (Cancer)

  6. Why Ipads are amazing to all ages. • Ipads help us with research of projects! (I got my research on the Ipad. ) • We ALL love to play APPS on the Ipad… • Google, and Google Images help us search up pictures or information. • To watch movies or any sort of sport!

  7. Here are some pictures of Steve Jobs.

  8. The first Link I used for page 2,3 and 5 was.. Wikipedia/ some links on Google. http://allaboutstevejobs.com/ The links I used to make this PowerPoint. The link we used for Page 7 was also a Google Images Link! https://www.google.com/search?site=&tbm=isch&source=hp&biw=1680&bih=916&q=electrical+devices&oq=electrical+devices&gs_l=img.3..0l10.5235.15842.0.16021. For page 4 I used Google images! https://www.google.com/search?site=&tbm=isch&source=hp&biw=1680&bih=916&q=electrical+devices&oq=electrical+devices&gs_l=img.3..0l10.5235.15842.0.16021. It’s a long link.

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