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How do we know which qualifications are fit for progression to HE?

How do we know which qualifications are fit for progression to HE?. Richard Spencer UCAS Policy Executive. The changing profile of accepted applicants. Qualifications. Source: UCAS Statistics. Increasing applications to HE by qualification type, 2006 - 2009.

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How do we know which qualifications are fit for progression to HE?

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  1. How do we know which qualifications are fit for progression to HE? Richard Spencer UCAS Policy Executive

  2. The changing profile of accepted applicants • Qualifications Source: UCAS Statistics

  3. Increasing applications to HE by qualification type, 2006 - 2009

  4. Qualifications on the UCAS Tariff – by type - England, Wales and NI only On Tariff Not on Tariff

  5. Entry requirements

  6. Offers by Mission Group - 2010

  7. Comparison of non-placed applicants and all applicants by Tariff score (UK Domiciled, 2009)

  8. Ways in which the Tariff is used • Offer making conditions • Qualification evaluation • Qualification equivalence • Management information, for example benchmarking of offers across courses, institutions and competitors • Competitive positioning of courses or qualifications for marketing purposes • League tables and competitive positioning of HEIs • A mark of quality and credibility for qualifications • Curriculum management • A recruitment tool in the employment market

  9. Discussion points How do you know if qualifications are fit for progression to HE? • What kind of qualification information do you need? • How well does the UCAS Tariff meet these needs? • Where do you currently source information, advice and guidance on qualifications? • What would the ideal qualifications information/ evaluation service look like?

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