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Chapter 3 The Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award and The Ritz-Carlton

Chapter 3 The Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award and The Ritz-Carlton. Leadership and Management in the Hospitality Industry Second Edition (304T or 304). Competencies for The Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award and The Ritz-Carlton.

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Chapter 3 The Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award and The Ritz-Carlton

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  1. Chapter 3The Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award and The Ritz-Carlton Leadership and Management in the Hospitality Industry Second Edition (304T or 304)

  2. Competencies for The Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award and The Ritz-Carlton • Summarize the history of the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award and the role it has played in the U.S. business community. • Describe the Baldrige Award's purpose and the core values and concepts that structure the award's criteria. • Summarize the Baldrige Award's "Leadership" criteria, and explain how Ritz-Carlton meets them. • Summarize the Baldrige Award's "Strategic Planning" criteria, and explain how Ritz-Carlton meets them. (continued)

  3. Competencies for The Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award and The Ritz-Carlton (continued) • Summarize the Baldrige Award's "Customer and Market Focus" criteria, and explain how Ritz-Carlton meets them. • Summarize the Baldrige Award's "Information and Analysis" criteria, and explain how Ritz-Carlton meets them. • Summarize the Baldrige Award's "Human Resource Focus" criteria, and explain how Ritz-Carlton meets them. (continued)

  4. Competencies for The Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award and The Ritz-Carlton (continued) • Summarize the Baldrige Award's "Process Management" criteria, and explain how Ritz-Carlton meets them. • Summarize the Baldrige Award's "Business Results" criteria, and explain how Ritz-Carlton meets them. • Explain Ritz-Carlton's leadership system.

  5. Baldrige Award Core Values and Concepts · Visionary leadership ·  Customer-driven excellence ·  Organizational and personal learning ·  Valuing employees and partners ·  Agility · Focus on the future · Managing for innovation (continued)

  6. Baldrige Award Core Values and Concepts (continued) · Management by fact ·  Public responsibility and citizenship ·  Focus on results and creating value ·  Systems perspective

  7. Baldrige Award Criteria • Leadership • · Organizational leadership • ·  Public responsibility and citizenship • Strategic Planning • · Strategy development • ·  Strategy deployment • Customer and Market Focus • · Customer and market knowledge • ·  Customer relationships and satisfaction (continued)

  8. Baldrige Award Criteria (continued) • Information and Analysis • · Measurement and analysis of organizational performance • ·  Information management • Human Resource Focus • · Work systems • ·  Employee education, training, and development • ·  Employee well-being and satisfaction (continued)

  9. Baldrige Award Criteria (continued) • Process Management • · Product and service processes • ·  Business processes • ·  Support processes • Business Results • · Customer-focused results • ·  Financial and market results • ·  Human resource results • ·  Organizational effectiveness results

  10. The Ritz-Carlton Leadership System Step 1: Stakeholder Requirements and Expectations Step 2: Set Direction Step 3: Organize, Plan and Align Step 4: Perform to Plan Step 5: Develop, Reward and Recognize Step 6: Learn and Improve

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