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The Murder of the King Ano

The Murder of the King Ano. Simon P. Ano. Suspects. Golda Digger (Ano’s wife) Ima Bimbeaux (Ano’s personal Nurse) Haff Note (Ano’s business partner) Techno G. Eek ( Baclofen pump technician ) Lyan D. Vios (Ano’s business partner). alibi. Haff Note (Ano’s business partner)

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The Murder of the King Ano

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Murder of the King Ano Simon P. Ano

  2. Suspects • Golda Digger(Ano’s wife) • Ima Bimbeaux (Ano’s personal Nurse) • Haff Note(Ano’s business partner) • Techno G. Eek(Baclofen pump technician ) • Lyan D. Vios(Ano’s business partner)

  3. alibi • Haff Note(Ano’s business partner) Mr. Note was in New York and provided contact information form people he meet. • Techno G. Eek(Baclofen pump technician ) Mr. Eek was in a conference in Washington DC. And provided the number of his roommate John Dougherty • Ima Bimbeaux (Ano’s personal Nurse) Not only she didn’t have any reason to kill Mr. Ano, but she would become unemployed after Mr. Ano’s death.

  4. Prime Suspects • Golda Digger(Ano’s wife) • Ima Bimbeaux (Ano’s personal Nurse) • Lyan D. Vios(Ano’s business partner)

  5. Group Findings This investigation, so far, is leading us to conclude that Mr. Vios convince Mrs. Digger to murder Mr. Ano. We have a strong feeling that the pills of wellbutrin were administered after the nurse went to sleep and both wanted to cash in from Mr. Ano death.

  6. Concluding Evidence We concluded that the pills were used because it was impossible to use 25 pills in a laps of 5 days. The prescription called for 1 per day. Thus we assume that the rest of the pills were used for the murder of Mr. Ano

  7. The END Group Members Francisco Alejo Leticia Mendez Paul Mendiola Rest in Peace Simon P. Ano

  8. Credits • http://myutbtsc.blackboard.com/webapps/portal/frameset.jsp?tab_tab_group_id=null&url=%2Fwebapps%2Fblackboard%2Fexecute%2Flauncher%3Ftype%3DCourse%26id%3D_192511_1%26url%3D • http://www.erowid.org/pharms/bupropion/ • http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_na2nLNAOvT0/SmfdmHVI9yI/AAAAAAAAAI4/x-SVNTBbQ8s/s1600-h/baclofen+pump • Royal Children’s Hospital Melbourne. http://www.rch.org.au/rch/index.cfm?doc_id=1495

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