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THE GOLDEN COMPASS is a dedication to all those outsiders and freethinkers who have sought truth.

THE GOLDEN COMPASS is a dedication to all those outsiders and freethinkers who have sought truth. A DEDICATION & MEDITATION . A DEDICATION TO CHILD-LIKE INQUIRY Children always want to know “why?” and “how come?” The great teacher once said, “And a child shall lead them.”.

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THE GOLDEN COMPASS is a dedication to all those outsiders and freethinkers who have sought truth.

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  1. THE GOLDEN COMPASS is a dedication to all those outsiders and freethinkers who have sought truth. A DEDICATION& MEDITATION

  2. A DEDICATION TO CHILD-LIKE INQUIRYChildren always want to know “why?” and “how come?” The great teacher once said, “And a child shall lead them.”

  3. A DEDICATION TO RELATIONSHIPS THAT SHOULD HAVE BEEN!The love affair between science and faith should never suffer divorce. Partners they must be. Honest inquiry with a sense of awe needs to sought and celebrated.

  4. A DEDICATION TO OPPRESSED CHILDRENTo children everywhere who, through no choice of their own, have been forced into servitude. Putting mill stones on the necks of children is so wrong.

  5. A DEDICATION TO ALL IN SEARCH OF THEIR HERITAGEThe search for lost fathersand mothers (spiritual and natural) is an important quest. A driving force of the daughters of Eve (Lyla).

  6. A MEDITATION ON THE LESSONS OF HISTORYMay we never forget: “Absolute power corrupts absolutely” and especially in the hands of religious institutions and states.

  7. A MEDITATION ON THE “YES PEOPLE”.You are the most difficult people to understand. Knowing the truth, you continue to support the falsehoods of the establishment. Is it that you believe you can make a difference from within? Have you lost you will? Is it the power, glamour, status, or money? Remember: “The truth can set you free.”

  8. A DEDICATION TO ALL THE UNFORTUNATE WARRIORSThose who have been called into service by some prevailing religious-state and gave their lives for causes they never fully understood. So much needless carnage in the name of some ‘god’.

  9. A DEDICATION TO WITCHESTo all the wonderful women accused by being witches, persecuted and burned at the stake by the established hierarchal male dominated ‘church’. You are loved! Forgive us for cutting your lives so short. May we repent of our continuing assaults.

  10. A DEDICATION TO THE GALILEOS OF HISTORYGalileo was put under arrest by the ‘church’ for saying the earth orbited the sun. History is filled with such attempts at silencing truth. May we repent of such behavior. May we always respect and consider those who think differently!

  11. A DEDICATION TO MAVERICKSTo all the wonderful people labeled outlaws and renegades by the establishment. They often are the true heroes and shakers of history. You are very Jesus-like!

  12. A DEDICATION TO GYPSIES, FREE-THINKERS AND OUTSIDERSWhere would we be without our Bob Dylans, Martin Luther Kings, John Lennons and other revolutionaries? May God bless all of you. This world needs you! We celebrate you!

  13. A MEDITATION ON DUST IN THE WINDA Tribute to what we all are --dust. From dust we came to dust we return. We are all connected. And this is the bottom-line of this wonderful tale.

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