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Mission in the deanery

Mission in the deanery. ‘I am asking each Deanery to provide a Deanery Mission plan that provides a vision for the future that is imaginative, realistic and sustainable. Deaneries are encouraged to think outside the box, ‘that is not just to plan to keep the

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Mission in the deanery

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  1. Mission in the deanery

  2. ‘I am asking each Deanery to provide a Deanery Mission plan that provides a vision for the future that is imaginative, realistic and sustainable. Deaneries are encouraged to think outside the box, ‘that is not just to plan to keep the show on the road but to consider new ways of being the church.’ Bishop of Monmouth

  3. ‘Pastoral planning that is not rooted in mission is re-arranging the deck chairs, a simple response to numbers or quota.’ Guildford Diocese.

  4. ‘I have no doubt of the importance and potential of deaneries in the mission and ministry of the church at this present time. Larger than the parish or benefice, but smaller than the vast expanse of a Diocese..’ Bishop of Exeter.

  5. ‘Perhaps it should be part of the job description of every rural dean to encourage the churches of the deanery to take and see through fresh mission initiatives.’ Bob Jackson p94

  6. ‘the strategic role of deaneries. Deaneries have the potential to bring together a range of human and financial resources, to consider mission beyond parish boundaries, and to share prayer and encouragement……. Once the need of a network approach is recognised, the deanery becomes an essential unit for mission…’ Mission shaped church report p136.

  7. a missionary deanery • is focused on God the Trinity • is relational • is incarnational • makes disciples • is transformational. • Mission Shaped Church Report p81-2

  8. What are your major mission opportunities in your deanery? What is your major mission blockage ?

  9. Changing culture ‘What is taking place is not merely the continued decline of organised Christianity but the death of the culture which formerly conferred Christian identity upon the British people as a whole.’ Callum Browne Death of Christian Britain

  10. Going out Coming In. Christendom Spirituality Authority Authenticity Conforming Choosing Community Self reference Sunday Time Chaos Organisations Networks

  11. Church attendance segmentation in 2006 Leaving aside the minority who are of other faiths, the UK adult population segments fairly evenly between the Non-churched, De-churched & churchgoers. Regular (at least monthly)churchgoers 15% Other religions 6% Unassigned 2% Closednon-churched 32% Fringe churchgoers(at least 6x yr. ) 3% Occasionalchurchgoers(at least annually) 7% Open de-churched 5% Opennon-churched 1% Closedde-churched 28% Base: UK All adults (unw. 7069 w. 7000) at TAM Wave 2

  12. “ this research helps us to understand that the further people are from church, (in terms of churchgoing) the less likely they are to attend in the future. Mission opportunities are very different when to step over the church threshold is an unknown experience…..”

  13. “ this majority (66%) presents a major challenge to churches. Most of them are unreceptive and closed to attending church; churchgoing is simply not on their agenda.”

  14. Mission shapes the church

  15. ‘The reality is that mainstream culture no longer brings people to the church door. We can no longer assume that we can automatically reproduce ourselves, because the pool of people who regard church as relevant or important is decreasing with every generation’ Mission shaped church report p11

  16. YOU CAN’T PREDICT THE OUTCOME • DETAILED PLANNING WILL BE LESS EFFECTIVE • MORE A MATTER OF DISCERNMENT • SEE WHAT GOD GROWS • New members? • A cell? • A project? • A church? ‘Seeing what God is doing and joining in.’

  17. TOGETHER TO GOD’S FUTURE • ‘…do not try to call them back to where they were, and do not try to call them to where you are, beautiful as that place may seem to you. You must have the courage to go with them to a place that neither you nor they have been before.’ • Vincent Donovan

  18. What does it mean to be a mission shaped deanery for your deanery ? Who is taking the lead in developing mission in the deanery ?

  19. Listening

  20. Growth Goal 200,000 Methodists grow 10% 5 years 20,000 members Mission Goal 90,000,000 Mexicans serve 10% 5 years 9,000,000 Methodist Church in Mexico

  21. Prayer and Support Loving Service Forming Community Evangelism and Disciple- Making Evolving Worship Listening and Following God’s call Connection

  22. If you could do one new thing, in terms of mission in your deanery what would it be ?

  23. Permission Imagination AngliCans

  24. themixed economy deanery midweek all-age after school services a Sunday Evening Deanery Youth congregation a network of book clubs a monthly ecological group Parish Services A network of midweek cells assembling monthly Small communities in new housing areas

  25. What forms of partnership will make us more effective in mission? What patterns of deanery meetings will best support our mission?

  26. What will we do differently? What must we stop doing? What do we need? What can we learn together?

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