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A Search for Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay with NEMO-3

A Search for Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay with NEMO-3. Kiyotaka Yamazaki. 150 Nd. A source foil contains Nd 2 O 3 with 37.0±0.1g of 150 Nd (~90% of the foil) 150 Nd is a 2 νββ isotope with Q ββ =3367keV -Second highest of all 2 νββ isotopes (Q ββ ( 48 Ca)=4271kev)

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A Search for Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay with NEMO-3

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  1. A Search for Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay with NEMO-3 Kiyotaka Yamazaki

  2. 150Nd A source foil contains Nd2O3 with 37.0±0.1g of 150Nd (~90% of the foil) 150Nd is a 2νββ isotope with Qββ=3367keV -Second highest of all 2νββ isotopes (Qββ(48Ca)=4271kev) The highest phase factor in all 2νββ isotopes.

  3. Phase 1 and Phase 2 Radon diffusion through the joints of the sectors Radon-free facility was installed in September 2004 Phase1: A(Rn) = 37.7±0.1 mBq/m3 Phase1: A(Rn) = 6.46±0.02 mBq/m3 Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 606 (2009) 449–465

  4. Background analysis -1e1γ channel EC (e.g. 207Bi, 152Eu) -daughter nucleus de-excites by emission of photon and electron is ejected via internal conversion. β-decay to an excited states (e.g. 152Eu, 154Eu) -daughter nucleus de-excites by emission of photon β-decay and 2γ emission (e.g. 208Tl) -daughter nucleus de-excites by emission of 2 photons but it is possible that one of photon is not detected.

  5. Background analysis -1e1γ channel Phase 1 Phase 2 Energy Sum Energy of Electron

  6. But… 924.7days 1402.1days in Total A(208Tl)= 1.25±0.1 mBq Nasim FATEMI-GHOMI thesis 2009 A(208Tl)= 0.47±0.05 mBq

  7. 2e channel T1/2=(9.03±0.04)×1018 years

  8. Next year… • Main goal is to publish all the 150Nd results • Analysis of full-set of the data • Radon Problem • More background analysis - with 1e, 1e2γ channel • And 0νββ analysis…

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